- +Finger
- +Time
- +Typo
- @Decompiler
- ~finger command
- 121-Game
- 4x4 Puzzle
- 6-Sided Die
- Acronym Game
- Alternate Time Functions for Keran's Weather and Time Package
- Ambiance
- Amulet of Memory
- An introduction to MUSH security
- Andromeda's Bulletin Board
- Annalyn's Bulletin Board
- Antique Slot Machine
- Array Tool
- Astrogator
- BASIC Interpreter
- Big Banner
- Blackjack Table
- Boggle
- Brandy Mail 1.4 +filter patch
- Brandy Mail 1.4 +review patch
- Brandy Mailer 1.4
- Brandy Mailer Functions for 1.3 or 1.4
- Bridge Table
- Bushwhacking
- Card Table with Cards
- Character Data System for ThunderCombat
- CharGen
- Chess
- Chess Board
- Chess/Checkers Board
- Color Object
- Conference Table 1.11
- Connect Five
- Coyote Calendar
- Coyote Clock
- Craps Table
- Dahan's D6 Skills
- Dahan's Skill System
- Dark Destiny Card Table
- Darkenelf's Editor
- Dart Board
- Datekeeper Calendar
- David Functions
- Day Describer II
- DBSave
- Dice Attack Roller
- Didi's Improved Chargen: Mark II
- Dungeons and Dragons Virtual TableTop aid
- Dynamic Space 2.8
- Dynamic Space Map Module (For Dynamic Space Version 2.8+)
- Etch-a-sketch
- Exalted Dice
- FANSI globals (+palette and +c)
- Fixes for Keran's Weather System
- Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tests
- FlipBlend
- Forth Interpreter
- Fortiva's Luggage Case
- Fortune Wheel
- Frame Buffer to MUSHii File Converter
- Freud's Bulletin Board
- Friendstone
- Full Circle MUX Globals
- Function Snippet Machine
- General Car
- Generic Deck of Cards
- Generic Horses
- Global Places And Mutter (PennMUSH 1.6.10)
- Global Watch Object
- Golden Ducat Casino
- Graphic Bar Function
- Graphing Calculator
- Graphing Paper
- Gwen's +aura code, Mark I
- Gwen's Changeling Globals object
- Gwen's Mage Globals Object
- Gwen's Sabbat Viniculum Global Object
- Gwen's Vampire Globals Object
- Hangover's Bulletin Board
- Hotel Vender Code v2
- Ian's Big Guide to Securing your MUX/MUSH
- Idle Player Tracker
- Jars Puzzle
- Keno
- Keran's Time/Weather Snippets Patch
- Keran's Weather System And Time Code 4.0 (PennMUSH)
- Keran's Weather System And Time Code 4.0 (TinyMUSH 2.2)
- Keran's Weather System And Time Code 4.0 (TinyMUX 1.6, TinyMUSH 3.0)
- l337-speak Function
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (First Session)
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (Second Session)
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (Third Session)
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 201 Class (First Session)
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 201 Class (Second Session)
- Lukthil's Efficiency Coding Workshop
- Lyle's Dartboard
- Mancala
- Mandelbrot Set Viewer
- Mantle Clock
- Marble Game
- Mastermind
- Mega Calc
- Modal space
- Moe's +wear class
- Moe's Mushkode Manual - Finishing the mywho command.
- Moe's Mushkode Manual - Rules of Code. Beginning Commands.
- Money System, v1.4
- Mountain Cauldren World of Darkness Chargen
- MultiDescer for MUX
- MUSH Manual - Introduction and Table of Contents
- MUSH Manual - Section II: Building and an Introduction to Programming
- MUSH Manual - Section III: Programming Applications
- MUSH Manual - Section V: The Art of Psychocoding
- Myrddin's BBS v4.0.6
- Myrddin's MushCron 1.0.0
- Nammyung's Chalkboard 2.1 beta
- NarniaMUSH Weather System
- Natalia's Card Table
- Once Upon a Time Card Game
- One Man's Trash
- OOC Friend Tracker
- Organization Globals
- Othello Game
- OtherSpace RP Voting System 2.00
- Parity's "Coding for the Coderless" Class
- Parity's Code Class 101
- PennMUSH Function Library 1.0
- Places Desc Parent
- Poker Machine
- Polling Object
- Pool Table
- Raevnos's Calculator
- Raevnos's Chess
- Random Global Object
- Rebroadcaster
- rollz() and statz() functions
- Roulette
- Sanctions
- Scrabble
- Self-sufficient Room Digger
- ShadowHawke's Bulletin Board
- Shakespearian Insulter
- Shuttle System
- Simple Calculator
- Singing Fool
- Skee-Ball Machine (v2.2)
- Sketch's where
- Slot Machine
- SongKeg
- SpaceMap
- SQL Wrapper
- sTiLe's Yahtzee
- sTiLe's Yahtzee patch
- Stripper
- Susan's Bulletin Board
- Taisch's Simple Bulletin Board
- Tamborine Monkey
- Tarot Deck
- Task Managing Clock
- TBmE4P (T's Brandymail Emulator 4 PennMUSH, aka TMAIL)
- Teal's MU* Trivia Bot
- The Doing Machine
- The Guardians MUSH Online Bulletin System
- Theros' Pool Table
- ThunderCombat V2.1
- Timekeeper
- TinyFugue Doing Machine
- TinyTIM Coding Workshop - Class 2 - Attribute Aliases and Functions
- ToDo Pad v1.3m
- ToolKit 4.0.4
- Trispis' Fireworks
- Troll Dice
- Universal Functions
- Uno Game
- Valin +Help System
- Video Poker Machine
- Voting Booth
- Wandering Unicorns
- World Daylight Map
- XP tracker
- ziggystar's Code Class
- Zilch Game