Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.
MUSHCode for Chess
@create Chess Board: PARENT
@link Chess Board: PARENT=[owner(me)]
@set Chess Board: PARENT=LINK_OK
@set Chess Board: PARENT=VISUAL
@set Chess Board: PARENT=SAFE
@set Chess Board: PARENT=NO_COMMAND
@DESCRIBE Chess Board: PARENT=A small chess board, folded on itself. (-help board)
&OPENED-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=[ufun(o-desc)] (-help board)%r%b%bA%b%bB%b%bC%b%bD%b%bE%b%bF%b%bG%b%bH%r[iter(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8,%r## [ufun(iit,##)])]%r%rLast move- [extract(ufun(mvd),2,1)][extract(ufun(mvd),3,1)] to [extract(ufun(mvd),4,1)][extract(ufun(mvd),5,1)], by [name(extract(ufun(mvd),1,1))]
&CLOSED-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=[ufun(c-desc)] (-help board)
&CLOSE Chess Board: PARENT=$close board:@emit %N puts the chess pieces away and folds it.;@dolist a b c d e f g h = &line## me = -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --;@desc me = [ufun(closed-desc)]
&OPEN Chess Board: PARENT=$open board:@emit %N opens up the chess set, taking out the pieces.;@desc me = [get(me/opened-desc)];&mvd board = 0 0 0 0 0
&LINEA Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEB Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEC Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINED Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEE Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEF Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEG Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEH Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&RESET Chess Board: PARENT=$reset board:@emit %N sets up the chess board.;&mvd me = 0 0 0 0 0;@dolist a b c d e f g h = &line## me = [ufun(bline##)]
&NAMEWR Chess Board: PARENT=white rook
&NAMEWN Chess Board: PARENT=white knight
&NAMEWB Chess Board: PARENT=white bishop
&NAMEWQ Chess Board: PARENT=white queen
&NAMEWP Chess Board: PARENT=white pawn
&NAMEBR Chess Board: PARENT=black rook
&NAMEBN Chess Board: PARENT=black knight
&NAMEBB Chess Board: PARENT=black bishop
&NAMEBQ Chess Board: PARENT=black queen
&NAMEWK Chess Board: PARENT=white king
&NAMEBK Chess Board: PARENT=black king
&NAMEBP Chess Board: PARENT=black pawn
&ALPHAS Chess Board: PARENT=a b c d e f g h
&BLINEA Chess Board: PARENT=bR bP -- -- -- -- wP wR
&BLINEB Chess Board: PARENT=bN bP -- -- -- -- wP wN
&BLINEC Chess Board: PARENT=bB bP -- -- -- -- wP wB
&BLINED Chess Board: PARENT=bQ bP -- -- -- -- wP wQ
&BLINEE Chess Board: PARENT=bK bP -- -- -- -- wP wK
&BLINEF Chess Board: PARENT=bB bP -- -- -- -- wP wB
&BLINEG Chess Board: PARENT=bN bP -- -- -- -- wP wN
&BLINEH Chess Board: PARENT=bR bP -- -- -- -- wP wR
@FAILURE Chess Board: PARENT=Nope.
@OSUCCESS Chess Board: PARENT=picks up a chess board.
@ODROP Chess Board: PARENT=sets down a chess board.
&HELP Chess Board: PARENT=$-help board:@pemit %#=`reset board' sets up the pieces properly. `mv letter number letter number' moves a piece from the first pair to the second pair. `place type letter number' adds a piece of that type (as it appears on the board) at that location. `open board' opens it for play, `close board' closes it for travel.
&PIECES Chess Board: PARENT=wR wN wB wQ wK wP bR bN bB bQ bK bP
&PLACE Chess Board: PARENT=$place * * *:@switch [match(ufun(pieces),%0)]=0,{@pemit %# = That is not a valid piece.},{@emit %N places a [ufun(name%0)] at %1%2.;&line%1 me = [replace(ufun(line%1),%2,%0)]}
&MMV Chess Board: PARENT=$mv * * * *:@switch [match(ufun(pieces),extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1))] = 0,{@pemit %# = You can't move from there.},{@switch [match(extract(ufun(line%2),%3,1),--)] = 0,{@emit %N moves from %0%1 to %2%3, taking the [ufun(name[extract(ufun(line%2),%3,1)])] with a [ufun(name[extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1)])].},{@emit %N moves %p [ufun(name[extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1)])] from %0%1 to %2%3.};@wait 3 = {&line%2 me = [replace(ufun(line%2),%3,extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1))];&line%0 me = [replace(ufun(line%0),%1,--)];&mvd me=%# %0 %1 %2 %3}}
&IIT Chess Board: PARENT=[iter(a b c d e f g h,[switch(extract(ufun(line##),%0,1),--,[switch(mod(add(%0,[switch(##,a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4,e,5,f,6,g,7,h,8)]),2),0,--,1,++)],[extract(ufun(line##),%0,1)])])]
&MVD Chess Board: PARENT=0 0 0 0 0
&O-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=A small chess board, with small wooden pieces.
&C-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=A small chess board, folded on itself.
@USE Chess Board: PARENT=Set the o-desc to what the board should basically look when open, and c-desc when closed. (O-desc should be short, since the board appears below it). Enjoy!
@link Chess Board: PARENT=[owner(me)]
@set Chess Board: PARENT=LINK_OK
@set Chess Board: PARENT=VISUAL
@set Chess Board: PARENT=SAFE
@set Chess Board: PARENT=NO_COMMAND
@DESCRIBE Chess Board: PARENT=A small chess board, folded on itself. (-help board)
&OPENED-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=[ufun(o-desc)] (-help board)%r%b%bA%b%bB%b%bC%b%bD%b%bE%b%bF%b%bG%b%bH%r[iter(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8,%r## [ufun(iit,##)])]%r%rLast move- [extract(ufun(mvd),2,1)][extract(ufun(mvd),3,1)] to [extract(ufun(mvd),4,1)][extract(ufun(mvd),5,1)], by [name(extract(ufun(mvd),1,1))]
&CLOSED-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=[ufun(c-desc)] (-help board)
&CLOSE Chess Board: PARENT=$close board:@emit %N puts the chess pieces away and folds it.;@dolist a b c d e f g h = &line## me = -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --;@desc me = [ufun(closed-desc)]
&OPEN Chess Board: PARENT=$open board:@emit %N opens up the chess set, taking out the pieces.;@desc me = [get(me/opened-desc)];&mvd board = 0 0 0 0 0
&LINEA Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEB Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEC Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINED Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEE Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEF Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEG Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&LINEH Chess Board: PARENT=-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
&RESET Chess Board: PARENT=$reset board:@emit %N sets up the chess board.;&mvd me = 0 0 0 0 0;@dolist a b c d e f g h = &line## me = [ufun(bline##)]
&NAMEWR Chess Board: PARENT=white rook
&NAMEWN Chess Board: PARENT=white knight
&NAMEWB Chess Board: PARENT=white bishop
&NAMEWQ Chess Board: PARENT=white queen
&NAMEWP Chess Board: PARENT=white pawn
&NAMEBR Chess Board: PARENT=black rook
&NAMEBN Chess Board: PARENT=black knight
&NAMEBB Chess Board: PARENT=black bishop
&NAMEBQ Chess Board: PARENT=black queen
&NAMEWK Chess Board: PARENT=white king
&NAMEBK Chess Board: PARENT=black king
&NAMEBP Chess Board: PARENT=black pawn
&ALPHAS Chess Board: PARENT=a b c d e f g h
&BLINEA Chess Board: PARENT=bR bP -- -- -- -- wP wR
&BLINEB Chess Board: PARENT=bN bP -- -- -- -- wP wN
&BLINEC Chess Board: PARENT=bB bP -- -- -- -- wP wB
&BLINED Chess Board: PARENT=bQ bP -- -- -- -- wP wQ
&BLINEE Chess Board: PARENT=bK bP -- -- -- -- wP wK
&BLINEF Chess Board: PARENT=bB bP -- -- -- -- wP wB
&BLINEG Chess Board: PARENT=bN bP -- -- -- -- wP wN
&BLINEH Chess Board: PARENT=bR bP -- -- -- -- wP wR
@FAILURE Chess Board: PARENT=Nope.
@OSUCCESS Chess Board: PARENT=picks up a chess board.
@ODROP Chess Board: PARENT=sets down a chess board.
&HELP Chess Board: PARENT=$-help board:@pemit %#=`reset board' sets up the pieces properly. `mv letter number letter number' moves a piece from the first pair to the second pair. `place type letter number' adds a piece of that type (as it appears on the board) at that location. `open board' opens it for play, `close board' closes it for travel.
&PIECES Chess Board: PARENT=wR wN wB wQ wK wP bR bN bB bQ bK bP
&PLACE Chess Board: PARENT=$place * * *:@switch [match(ufun(pieces),%0)]=0,{@pemit %# = That is not a valid piece.},{@emit %N places a [ufun(name%0)] at %1%2.;&line%1 me = [replace(ufun(line%1),%2,%0)]}
&MMV Chess Board: PARENT=$mv * * * *:@switch [match(ufun(pieces),extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1))] = 0,{@pemit %# = You can't move from there.},{@switch [match(extract(ufun(line%2),%3,1),--)] = 0,{@emit %N moves from %0%1 to %2%3, taking the [ufun(name[extract(ufun(line%2),%3,1)])] with a [ufun(name[extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1)])].},{@emit %N moves %p [ufun(name[extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1)])] from %0%1 to %2%3.};@wait 3 = {&line%2 me = [replace(ufun(line%2),%3,extract(ufun(line%0),%1,1))];&line%0 me = [replace(ufun(line%0),%1,--)];&mvd me=%# %0 %1 %2 %3}}
&IIT Chess Board: PARENT=[iter(a b c d e f g h,[switch(extract(ufun(line##),%0,1),--,[switch(mod(add(%0,[switch(##,a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4,e,5,f,6,g,7,h,8)]),2),0,--,1,++)],[extract(ufun(line##),%0,1)])])]
&MVD Chess Board: PARENT=0 0 0 0 0
&O-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=A small chess board, with small wooden pieces.
&C-DESC Chess Board: PARENT=A small chess board, folded on itself.
@USE Chess Board: PARENT=Set the o-desc to what the board should basically look when open, and c-desc when closed. (O-desc should be short, since the board appears below it). Enjoy!