Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (Second Session)

The second class of three teaching the fundamentals of MUSHCoding, discussing @switch, @listen, and other topics.

Author: Luigi@8BitMUSH
Category: Softcode
Compatibility: TinyBit.

MUSHCode for Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (Second Session)

CLASS: MUSHCoding 101
DATE: 11/12/2002 TIME: 6 PM
DESCRIPTION: The first class of MUSHCoding 101 PART 2 ever held. Most of
it has been left in its original state, though some parts of the log were
edited to remove spam or correct a speaker's typo. A '*' has been placed in
front of the speaker's name.

(Faizah, Rhayden, and Kronus pay class fees.)
* Luigi says, "Thank you for coming."
Wayne has arrived.
Link has arrived.
Kronus says, "My payment"
* Luigi says, "Thank you."
Kronus says, "I'll be back quick as I can..."
* Luigi says, "Last week we talked about the Fundamentals of MUSHCoding."
Laci has arrived.
Illmuri has arrived.
* Luigi says, "We talked about Commands, and Functions."
* Luigi says, "Commands as you remember, are things such as 'say', 'pose', and
Illmuri switches clients
Illmuri has disconnected.
Illmuri has connected.
* Luigi says, "Functions look like this, functionName(), and have a variety of uses
depending on which function they are. If you completed your homework you used add(),
sub(), div(), and mul(), and perhaps one or more others."
* Luigi says, "Lastly, we talked about user defined commands, or $-commands. We made
our own commands, and your calculators had their own commands on them."
* Luigi says, "Any questions or troubles you had with homework, before we begin on
today's lesson?"
Faizah shakes head.
Laci says, "does not doing it count?"
Illmuri says, "neg"
Rhayden raises his hand. "You got my homework, yes?"
* Luigi nods.
Rhayden says, "Nifty."
Link says, "My polour bear ate it."
Rhayden pokes Link and chuckles.
* Luigi says, "Alright, let's dive right in. First we'll just talk about a few more
basic commands you should be familiar with."
* Luigi says, "First off, you remember we set attributes like so:
&<attribute name> <object>=<what the attribute contains>"
* Luigi says, "You should be aware that if you ever wish to remove an attribute, you
can type: &<attribute name> <object>"
Laci says, "Can you give us an example?"
* Luigi says, "Sure"
* Luigi says, "Everybody type this:"
* Luigi types --> &zorg me=hi
* Luigi types --> ex me/zorg
* Luigi types --> &zorg me
* Luigi types --> ex me/zorg
* Luigi says, "Understand?"
Laci says, "yup"
Rhayden nods.
* Luigi says, "There is also a @wipe command, which does the same thing, and can be
used like this: @wipe <object>/<attribute>"
Faizah nods.
* Luigi says, "Which you use is up to you."
Rhayden has had problems with @wipe before.
* Luigi says, "Next, do you all remember @create?"
Faizah nods.
* Luigi says, "It creates an object, like the calculator in the homework."
Rhayden nods again.
Laci nods
* Luigi says, "Well, if you ever wish to get rid of such a creation. @destroy <object
* Luigi says, "If you feel like @creating something and then @destroying it, feel
* Luigi types --> @create zorg zorg
* Luigi types --> @destroy zorg zorg
* Luigi types --> @destroy zorg zorg
Rhayden says, "How to you spare an object from destruction?"
Illmuri says, "twice to instantly remove it, once will take 10 minutes"
Illmuri says, "incase you want to keep it"
* Luigi nods to Illmuri.
Rhayden says, "*do"
* Luigi says, "Well, if you type @destroy once, and then change your mind, you can
@undestroy <object>."
* Luigi says, "It's probably smarted to do it once and wait, but I always do it twice
because I want results now. :)"
Faizah says, "Ah! I wondered why @destroy/instant didn't work."
Link says, "Once I had an object, but then it was @nuked."
* Luigi says, "Now I want to introduce a couple of new functions."
Rhayden says, "Does @undestroy work here?"
* Luigi says, "Yep."
Rhayden recalls having to use something else.
* Luigi says, "On some MU*s you have to do: @set <object>=!going, but that's not here.
I think maybe MUX does it like that."
* Luigi says, "The first function we shall discuss is rand()."
* Luigi says, "This is a fun little function which returns a random number."
* Luigi types --> say rand(15)
* Luigi says, "12"
* Luigi types --> say rand(15)
* Luigi says, "3"
Rhayden says, "400"
* Luigi says, "The number it returns is from 0 to the number given it minus one."
Faizah says, "7"
Faizah says, "1"
Faizah says, "4"
* Luigi says, "If you'll remember our discussion on square braces last week.."
* Luigi types --> say [rand(50)] [rand(50)] [rand(50)] [rand(50)] [rand(50)]
* Luigi says, "13 15 19 45 8"
Laci says, "there should be something that lets you say "pigscanfly""
* Luigi types --> say [rand(50)] [rand(50)] [rand(50)] [rand(50)] [rand(50)]
* Luigi says, "37 29 44 35 13"
Faizah says, "39 4 26 18 26"
Faizah says, "8 2 18 15 7"
Rhayden says, "2 5 45 8 38"
Laci says, "26 #-1 FUNCTION () NOT FOUND"
Laci says, "oops."
* Luigi says, "Next we have get()."
Laci says, "you could use that to create die, right?"
* Luigi nods to Laci.
* Luigi says, "Or, the DIE() function. :)"
* Luigi types --> say die(1,6)
* Luigi says, "3"
Rhayden says, "Except there's already a lovely... yeah, what Luigi said."
* Luigi types --> say die(1,6)
* Luigi says, "4"
* Luigi says, "Get() allows you to get an attribute from something and use it in code."
* Luigi says, "Try this:"
* Luigi types --> &corndogs me=i like corn dogs
* Luigi types --> say [get(me/corndogs)]
* Luigi says, "i like corn dogs"
Faizah says, "i like corn dogs"
Laci says, "i like corn dogs"
Rhayden says, "I like corn doggies"
* Luigi says, "In code, you could set an attribute to something via a $-command, and
later get() its contents."
Laci says, "are $-commands like my parrots?"
Faizah says, "Hmm..."
* Luigi says, "$-commands are the things we did last week, which look like this:"
* Luigi types --> &<attribute> <object>=$<command>:<code to run when someone types
the command>
Ale Maid has arrived.
* Luigi says, "Do you remember?"
Laci says, "yup, that's my parrot!"
Laci says, "g2g"
* Luigi says, "Get() and Rand() come in handy with one of the most useful @commands
ever: @switch."
Laci goes home.
Laci has left.
Ale Maid has left.
Faizah takes Ale Maid.
* Luigi says, "@Switch, if you know any other programming languages, is like the
SELECT CASE in VB/Qbasic/C++/Java... If you don't know any other programming languages,
ignore this comment. :)"
* Luigi says, "Let me show you an example rather than try to explain it with
Faizah nods.
* Luigi types --> @switch 5=1,{say one!},2,{say two!},3,{say three!},{say four or five!}
* Luigi says, "four or five!"
* Luigi types --> @switch 4=1,{say one!},2,{say two!},3,{say three!},{say four or five!}
* Luigi says, "four or five!"
* Luigi types --> @switch 3=1,{say one!},2,{say two!},3,{say three!},{say four or five!}
* Luigi says, "three!"
* Luigi types --> @switch 2=1,{say one!},2,{say two!},3,{say three!},{say four or five!}
* Luigi says, "two!"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=1,{say one!},2,{say two!},3,{say three!},{say four or five!}
* Luigi says, "one!"
Illmuri says, "thats like... case select in basic?"
* Luigi says, "Might look a bit confusing if you've never seen one before."
* Luigi nods to Illmuri.
Illmuri says, "ok"
* Luigi says, "@Switch takes something, and like the name implies, reacts differently
depending on what that something is."
* Luigi says, "A more basic @switch.."
* Luigi types --> @switch yes=no,{say no!},yes,{say yes!}
* Luigi says, "yes!"
* Luigi types --> @switch no=no,{say no!},yes,{say yes!}
* Luigi says, "no!"
* Luigi says, "The format is as follows:"
* Luigi types --> @switch <what to switch on>=<if>,<then>,<else if this>,<then>,
<else if this>,<then>
Faizah nods. Makes sense..
Illmuri has disconnected.
Kronus nods...
* Luigi says, "@Switch accepts wildcards as well, similar to the $-command wildcards."
* Luigi types --> @Switch Corndogs=*dogs,{say Had dogs in it!}
* Luigi says, "Had dogs in it!"
* Luigi types --> @Switch Cornbeef=*dogs,{say Had dogs in it!}
* Luigi says, "Now, @switch matches all occurances, and doesn't stop after the first.
Rhayden says, "Nice. :)"
Rhayden says, "It doesn't?"
* Luigi types --> @Switch Corndogs=*dogs,{say Had dogs in it!},corn*,{say Had corn in
* Luigi says, "Had dogs in it!"
* Luigi says, "Had corn in it!"
* Luigi says, "But if you don't want it to do this, use @Switch/First (abbreviated
* Luigi types --> @Switch/first Corndogs=*dogs,{say Had dogs in it!},corn*,{say Had
corn in it!}
* Luigi says, "Had dogs in it!"
* Luigi types --> @Switch Corndogs=*dogs,{say Had dogs in it!},corn*,{say Had corn in
* Luigi says, "Had dogs in it!"
* Luigi says, "Had corn in it!"
* Luigi says, "Any questions?"
Kronus ah hah's....
Kronus niffty...
Rhayden says, "Doesn't using @switch/first imply that you're being a lazy coder?"
* Luigi says, "Perhaps, but I use it 90% of the time."
Kronus grins...
Rhayden says, "I mean, if you're coding properly you shouldn't have to worry about
multiple options being run."
* Luigi says, "Negative, Rhayden. In my opinion."
Rhayden says, "I guess that's up to coding style."
* Luigi says, "It's easy to make mistakes. Why should I, as the programmer, want to
worry about what order my @switch options are in? I don't. I use @swi/first and get
done 2.5 seconds sooner because I never thought about the order. :)"
* Luigi says, "But it's all your choice. People have different styles, as you say.:)"
* Luigi says, "A reminder that in between the { }'s you can place more than one
command if you wish, using Command Stacking (the semi-colon)."
* Luigi types --> @Switch Corndogs=*Corndogs*,{say Wow!;say Had corn AND dogs in it!}
* Luigi says, "Wow!"
* Luigi says, "Had corn AND dogs in it!"
* Luigi types --> @Switch Corndogs=*corn*,{say C;say O;say R;say N}
* Luigi says, "C"
* Luigi says, "O"
* Luigi says, "R"
* Luigi says, "N"
Faizah idles for coffee. Ignore me, I'm logging.
* Luigi says, "Everyone understand?"
Rhayden nods.
* Luigi says, "One more feature of @switch (though there are a few more we shall
discuss next class).."
* Luigi says, "The default. Just like in the Qb/VB/Java/C++ select statements.. you
can have a default."
* Luigi says, "A CASE ELSE, so to speak."
* Luigi types --> @switch corndogs=shrimp,{say mm, Shrimp!},steak,{say Alright, steak!},
{say Something else.}
* Luigi says, "Something else."
* Luigi types --> @switch shrimp=shrimp,{say mm, Shrimp!},steak,{say Alright, steak!},
{say Something else.}
* Luigi says, "mm, Shrimp!"
* Luigi types --> @switch candy=shrimp,{say mm, Shrimp!},steak,{say Alright, steak!},
{say Something else.}
* Luigi says, "Something else."
* Luigi says, "The default is the last {} in the switch."
Rhayden says, "Useful that one is."
Kronus nods
Faizah says, "Back."
* Luigi says, "So after all of your pairs (if this, then this), you place one last {}
and that will be what happens when none of the others match."
Faizah says, "Hmm. I have a question on switches.."
Rhayden says, "Good place for error messages."
* Luigi types --> @swi A=A,{say A},B,{say B},{say Anything else.}
* Luigi says, "A"
* Luigi types --> @swi B=A,{say A},B,{say B},{say Anything else.}
* Luigi says, "B"
* Luigi types --> @swi C=A,{say A},B,{say B},{say Anything else.}
* Luigi says, "Anything else."
* Luigi says, "Shoot, Faizah. Ask away."
Faizah says, "Is it possible to have a switch that does different things according to
what it 'hears'? Like, if someone says "Hello" it does one thing, if they say "Bye" it
does another?"
* Luigi says, "Sure. We have some time, so I'll teach you that now if nobody objects."
Kronus says, "I do..... not object..."
Rhayden says, "Go for it"
Faizah nods. Cool. I'll drag out my Designated Test Object.
* Luigi says, "Though there is another way, the simplest way to do listens is with the
@listen command."
* Luigi says, "Everybody create an object."
* Luigi says, "After you've created it, type:"
* Luigi types --> @listen <that object>=* says, "*"
* Luigi says, "The @Listen tells the MUSH that, whenever this object hears whatever
pattern is in it, to do something."
* Luigi says, "What it does, is trigger the @Ahear attribute (along with about 2 other
attributes we won't discuss right away)."
* Luigi types --> @ahear <that object>=say %0 said %1
* Luigi says, "Do that, then drop your object and say something."
Sumthin has arrived.
Rhayden drops Sumthin.
Rhayden says, "Hi"
Sumthin says, "Rhayden said Hi"
FizBum has arrived.
Faizah drops FizBum.
Faizah says, "Testing"
FizBum says, "Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Faizah
said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said Faizah
said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum
said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin
said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin
said FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum
said Sumthin said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum says, "Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum
said Sumthin said FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin
said FizBum said Sumthin said Faizah said Testing"
FizBum has left.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Sumthin says, "FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Sumthin
said FizBum said Sumthin said FizBum said Faizah said Testing"
* Luigi says, "HEH"
Sumthin says, "Luigi said HEH"
* Luigi says, "Pick them up!"
Sumthin says, "Luigi said Pick them up!"
* Luigi grins.
ex sum
Type: Thing Flags:
Owner: Rhayden Zone: *NOTHING* Coins: 1
Parent: *NOTHING*
Basic Lock: Rhayden(#12460PIOQweACMcs)
Warnings checked: none
Created: Tue Nov 12 18:40:33 2002
Last Modification: Tue Nov 12 18:42:38 2002
AHEAR [#12460$]: say %0 said %1
LISTEN [#12460$]: * says, "*"
QUEUE [#1icw]:
Home: Rhayden's Igloo :: Main Area(#12103RHnN)
Location: Luigi's Classroom(#7358RHn)
Faizah laughs!
Kronus says, "That was horrible"
Sumthin says, "Kronus said That was horrible"
* Luigi says, "Now, we are going to take the %0 and %1, and @Switch on them in the
Sumthin says, "Luigi said Now, we are going to take the %0 and %1, and @Switch on them
in the @Ahear."
Faizah has tears streaming down her face.. Oh, heh, I needed that. *grin*
* Luigi types --> @Ahear <that object>=@switch/first %1=*bye*,{say Bye bye},*hi*,{say
Sumthin has left.
Rhayden takes Sumthin.
* Luigi says, "You might all want to type '@lock/listen <that object>=me' to prevent
it from triggering on anyone but you. We won't talk about what @lock does in today's
Faizah says, "locked. and ahear set"
Sumthin has arrived.
Rhayden drops Sumthin.
FizBum has arrived.
Faizah drops FizBum.
Faizah says, "Hi"
FizBum says, "Hello!"
Sumthin says, "Hello!"
Rhayden says, "Bye"
Sumthin says, "Bye-bye!"
Faizah says, "Bye"
FizBum says, "Bye bye"
Sumthin says, "Bye-bye!"
GAME: Genvieve created.
GAME: Genvieve has connected.
Sumthin says, "Bye-bye!"
Butler has arrived.
Kronus drops Butler.
Kronus says, "buy"
Kronus says, "Bye"
Butler says, "Bye bye"
Sumthin says, "Bye-bye!"
Sumthin says, "Bye-bye!"
Kronus says, "Hi"
Butler says, "Hello!"
Sumthin says, "Hello!"
Rhayden says, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Sumthin says, "Hello!"
* Luigi says, "@Switch is very useful. Let's try a $-Command with it."
Sumthin has left.
Rhayden takes Sumthin.
Butler has left.
Kronus takes Butler.
Faizah says, "Fizzy only listens to me now. Heh."
* Luigi types --> &password <your object>=$password *:@switch/first %0=corndogs,{say
Password correct!},{say That is not the password!}
* Luigi says, "Then drop your object, and type 'password corndogs'."
FizBum says, "Password correct!"
FizBum says, "That is not the password!"
password fdgd
FizBum says, "That is not the password!"
Sumthin has arrived.
Rhayden drops Sumthin.
Sumthin says, "Password correct!"
Sumthin says, "Password correct!"
FizBum says, "Password correct!"
FizBum says, "That is not the password!"
Sumthin says, "I'm sorry, that's not the password."
Kronus says, "this is interesting..."
* Luigi says, "Lastly, let's set an attribute and get() it in a $-command."
Kronus says, "Yay! This is what I need to learn"
Faizah says, "Okie dokie"
* Luigi types --> &setpassword <your object>=$setpassword *:&password me=%0
* Luigi types --> &checkpassword <your object>=$password *:@switch/first
%0=[get(me/password)],{say Password correct!},{say That is not the password!}
* Luigi says, "Set those two. One of them is a new version of PASSWORD."
* Luigi says, "While the object is in your inventory, type 'setpassword <any password
you want>'"
* Luigi says, "Then drop the object, and type 'password <that password>'."
FizBum has left.
Faizah takes FizBum.
(Some of log removed where Luigi made a codind-oversight and had to fix it. Typo fixed
in this log.)
FizBum has arrived.
Faizah drops FizBum.
FizBum says, "That is not the password!"
Kronus says, "Hrmmm"
Link has disconnected.
Kronus says, "hi"
* Luigi says, "There. It needs the updated code, which uses [get(me/password)] as one
of the switch options."
FizBum says, "Password correct!"
Kronus says, "There we go"
Sumthin says, "That is not the password!"
Sumthin says, "Password correct!"
Faizah says, "I'm in a silly mood today. This is cool."
FizBum says, "Hello!"
* Luigi smiles.
Faizah pokes Fizzy.
* Luigi says, "Do we all understand?"
Faizah nods.
Kronus says, "Not completely..."
* Luigi says, "Alright. Where are you confused, Kronus?"
Kronus says, "Looking... hold just a sec"
Faizah says, "hihihihihi""
FizBum says, "Hello!"
Kronus says, "I think I got it..."
Faizah says, "HiBye"
FizBum says, "Bye bye"
Faizah says, "HiByehi"
FizBum says, "Bye bye"
* Luigi says, "Alright. Just to clarify, I put a function inside the switch like so.."
Faizah says, "HiByehibye"
FizBum says, "Bye bye"
FizBum has left.
Faizah takes FizBum.
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "not equal"
* Luigi types --> @switch 1=[rand(5)],{say Rand 5 was equal to 1},{say not equal}
* Luigi says, "Rand 5 was equal to 1"
Faizah nods.
* Luigi says, "And the format for get was [get(<object>/<attribute>)]"
Kronus says, "Ok I think I got that..."
* Luigi says, "Alright. That's all for tonight. Now let's talk about homework for next
Sumthin has left.
Rhayden takes Sumthin.
Faizah says, "Homework? My dog ate it. ;)"
Kronus nods
* Luigi says, "I want you to create a House Plant which changes description according
to how many times someone types 'water plant'."
Faizah says, "Heh. I tried that. I'll try a less complex one this time."
* Luigi says, "You will want to use a @Switch in the 'water plant' command, which sets
the @description like so: @desc me=<some description>. Or, you may look up Switch() and
put that directly into the @description."
Faizah says, "Always the perfectionist."
* Luigi says, "You may use ANSI/FANSI in the description for extra credit. See HELP
ANSI(), HELP COLOR() for information on these."
* Luigi says, "Help C() and HELP MUSHII may also help."
Rhayden nods.
Faizah says, "Ahh. Extra credit in an area I'm great at. ;)"
* Luigi says, "But you don't need ANSI. Just a house plant that changes description
implying it has grown, when you water it."
* Luigi says, "Thank you very much for showing up. Next week we can continue our
studies. You know quite a bit more than the average MUSHer now, believe it or not.
@Switch is very useful."
Faizah nodnods. I think I know more about coding than I did when I first attempted it.
Kronus bows...
* Luigi says, "Thank you, and please give me 1 coin if you haven't already. :)"
Kronus says, "Thanks teacher"
Kronus already did...
* Luigi goes to find HIkenin to do the raffle, talk to you guys later, gotta go soon.
* Luigi will grade your homework by next class..
Faizah says, "I prefer switch() but that's me. Are there any differences between
switch() and @switrch?"
Rhayden says, "Yep"
Rhayden says, "You can't use @switch inside a function."
Rhayden says, "For a (bad) example... [ansi(@switch blah)] wouldn't work"
Rhayden says, "You would use [ansi([switch()])] instead."
Faizah heh. There's a few reasons that wouldn't work.
Rhayden nods.
Rhayden says, "But you get my point?"
Faizah nods.
Rhayden says, "Nifty. :)"