Moe's Mushkode Manual - Rules of Code. Beginning Commands.
MUSHCode for Moe's Mushkode Manual - Rules of Code. Beginning Commands.
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| \/ |oe's | \/ |ushkode | \/ |anual
Mushcode is seen by many as complete gibberish, utter lunacy of
syntax, and a headache just waiting to happen. And there are a whole
/other/ set of people that don't know how to code in it. In an endeavour
to bridge the gap between the savvy and the non-initiated, I want to offer
a short and simple tutorial, and include a few nearly-inalienable rules of
coding on a MUSH, in the hopes that this will help people who are having
As a quick disclaimer, short and simple will mean: I'll try not to
belabour any points, it'll come in managable installments, and I'll leave
it up to you to explore the things I talk about in depth.
When I say rules, I mean rules. These are things that if you
follow them, you will lead a happy and prosperous life as a coder. And if
you break them, there will be punishments, usually in the form of
unexpected results from your coding. These are guidelines, sure. But, they
are rules. Things that will give you comfort if you take them to heart.
1) Mushcode is primarily a list-manipulation language. As such, it is
possible to look at everything on a mush as a list. If everything is a list,
then every list has a separator. A separator is the one-character symbol
used to divide a list into its component parts. This is also called a
delimiter. This sentence is a space-separated list of words.
This|is|a|list|too. There@are@many@ways@to@write@a@list.
2) There are two broad categories of mushcode. Commands and Functions.
Commands produce data. Functions don't. Functions manipulate data.
Commands don't. Commands are things like: @describe, move, look, get, WHO,
@pemit, @switch, and @dolist. Functions are things likes: iter(),
pmatch(), lwho(), xget(), and add(). Think of commands as the big pot you
put over a fire, and functions and data all go into them, get mixed up,
converted, and come out a thick rich stew.
Functions must be evaluated. This means that you must tell the game
that it needs to operate the function on the stuff inside the parentheses.
In order for a function to be evaluated, it .-=MUST=-. be within a
command. You cannot evaluate a function without it being in a command.
Again, the distinction should be emphasized. Commands produce data,
functions manipulate data. There cannot be data for a function to
manipulate, unless a command has produced it. Or, more specifically, all
of the manipulation of data in the world isn't going to matter if it's
never seen.
3) Mushcode functions work from the inside, out. Their syntax is nested,
meaning one structure, or function, is within another, within another.
This is the primary problem with reading mushcode. The nesting occurs with
parentheses, square brackets( [ ] ), and curly braces( { } ). With
practice, you will learn to decipher the nesting of functions.
Mushcode commands work from left to right, making them much easier to
read. It is possible to group sets of commands to occur together with
curly braces( { } ). This will be explained later.
4) Square brackets are ONLY needed to separate functions to be evaluated,
from plain text that PRECEDES them, within a command or function. This is
the cardinal sin of mushcoding, and the greatest contributor to making
code utterly and completely unreadable. Quite often, it's the greatest
contributor to making it not work, as well. If you include extra square
brackets, you run the risk of not matching a pair of them. They must all
match if you want your code to work. Square brackets tell the MUSH: Hey!
Evaluate what's inside here, because it's different from what just came
before it!
5) Curly braces are ONLY needed to a) group commands together to run at
the same time OR b) go around a block of text to preserve the commas
inside of it. There is no other use for curly braces, other than ascii
In this example, I'm going to introduce you to the process of
writing your own code. All of the functions I will use here will work on
either PennMUSH, TinyMUSH(2.x or 3.0), and TinyMUX. What we will do is
make our own +who command, which will list all of the people connected,
and some other relevant information about each player. And, while we're
doing this, I'll show you how the above rules are your friends, rather
than your foes.
Another common misconception for a lot of players is that commands
like +finger, +where, and +who are standard, and come with the MUSH.
They're not. They are what are called 'softcoded' commands. There are two
types of code on a MUSH, hardcode and softcode. Hardcode is things like
look, @describe, WHO, and @dig. These are commands that are built into the
mush. Commands like +finger, +where, and +who are called 'softcoded'
commands because they are coded in using mushcode. You can modify their
appearance, their functionality, or eliminate them altogether.
Softcoded commands are stored in attributes on an object. All
mushcode is stored in attributes, on an object. The attributes can be
named anything you would like, though I do suggest adopting a standard
system, or convention, for your naming. It helps you later, when you want
to go back and edit an attribute, if the purpose of the code is easy to
deduce based on the name of the attribute in which it is stored. For
example, if an attribute is going to hold a +pay command, you could(and
likely should) name that attribute CMD_PAY. You would set that attribute
on an object by typing: &CMD_PAY Object=<text>. If you were storing some
data, for example the names of all of the current players in a card game,
you could name that attribute DATA_PLAYERS.
Let's look at the anatomy of a very simple command.
&cmd_hello #1234=$hello:@pemit %#=Hello, world!
Yes, that's a command. What it does is when the player types
'hello', it will send that player the message 'Hello, world!' back.
'Hello, world' is the first message produced when learning almost any
coding language, so here is the mushcode version of it. Let's examine
parts of this command. & is the symbol that tells the mush that we are
setting an attribute on an object. cmd_hello is the name of this
attribute. The name was chosen to show that this attribute has a command
in it, and that command is hello. #1234 is the dbref(database reference)
number of the object on which we are storing this attribute. The = sign
says to the mush 'here is what I want to store'.
The $ symbol designates the beginning of what the user has to type
in to make the command work. Everything between the $ and the : is the
command, and everything after the : is the code that will be run when the
command is typed. In this case, the user has to type 'hello' in order to
make the code run. If this command were the +where command, it would look
like: $+where:
The next part of our command is the actual code itself. @pemit is
a command that is hardcoded into the mush which sends the specified
message to just one object. Pemit = Private emit. The next symbol is one
of, if not the most commonly used substitution in mushcode. Mushcode
allows you to substitute simple symbols for things, such as your location,
the name of an object, and in this case, the dbref of the object that used
the command. If a player Mungo with the dbref #99 typed 'hello', %# would
be the same as #99. There are a number of substitutions in mushcode, and I
invite you to type 'help substitutions' on your mush of choice for more
information on them. So, we are going to send a private emit, or pemit, to
the object that used the command. We specify the message to be sent with
the equals sign. In this case, our message is 'Hello, world!'.
Now, we have examined all of the elements of a command. In short:
&<attribute name> <object>=$<command text>:<code>. Yes, that is all there
is to making your own commands on a mush. A brief sidenote here, is that
mushes require that you have a specific configuration of flags so that the
game knows that the object on which you are storing your commands should
be checked whenever a player types in a command. On PennMUSH, this is @set
<object>=!no_command. That clears the no_command flag, letting the object
have user-defined commands on it. On TinyMUSH, you must @set
<object>=commands, which /puts/ a flag on the object telling the mush to
check it for commands.
Now on to making our own command. @create an object for this, or
use one that you already have handy. Make sure the flags on it are
appropriate, as noted above. We are going to call our command +mywho, so
as not to conflict with the possibility of your mush already having a +who
command installed. In the spirit of consistency, we should store this
command in an attribute named cmd_mywho. For the rest of this lesson, I'll
use the abbreviation 'obj' to reference the object on which our code is
Like our hello command, we want something that will return our
output to just one player, the one that typed the command. So, our mywho
command is going to start off just the same, with @pemit %#=. Even the
great +finger, +where, and +who commands are structured this way. They
return their output just to the player who typed the command.
Here you will learn your first function. Again on your mush of
choice, type: help lwho(). The lwho() function, as you will read, returns
the list of dbrefs for all connected players. We'll start with this, as
this is the basis of our mywho. This tells us who is connected, albeit
with only their dbrefs.
&cmd_mywho obj=$+mywho:@pemit %#=lwho()
Type it out. Don't cut and paste it. Learn what it's like to type
those % signs and parentheses. You'll be doing a lot of it, and you might
as well get used to it, because when you're writing your own code, there
won't be anything from which to cut and paste. Once you have this typed
in, and you're sure the flags are set properly on your object, type:
You should have gotten at least one dbref(yours) in return. If you
didn't, examine your object and make sure that your code matches what is
displayed above, exactly. If it doesn't, redo the attribute. Once you have
it working, give yourself a pat on the back. You just coded your first
However, it's not overly useful. Typing WHO tells you more than
this command does, so we need to make it better. Now, here is where I go
back to the rules that I talked about at the beginning. Rule #1 says:
Everything is a list. Mushcode is a list-manipulation language. So, let's
learn how to manipulate our list of dbrefs so that we can get some more
information out of our command.
On your mush of choice, type: help iter(). Read it, and try not to
cry. iter() is a very powerful function, and as such, the developers of
mushes the world around have the difficult job of describing a great deal
of functionality in a small amount of space. I will attempt to provide a
layman's description of what iter() does, without confusing you further.
The abbreviation 'iter' stands for 'iterate', which is a computer term
for: Do the same thing to every member of a list. The dictionary says:
iterate(v.) - to say or do again. This is precisely true. When you iterate
through a list, you do the same thing again, to each member of the list.
So, we have a list, lwho(), and we have a tool, iter(), to process
that list. Let's start putting them together. The first thing we want to
do is get a name for each of those dbrefs. There is a function for that,
as well, and not surprisingly it is called name(). You can read the
helpfile for the name() function, and it will tell you that the syntax for
it is: name(<dbref>). Here is how we would combine lwho(), name(), and
iter() to get what we want: iter(lwho(),name(##))
I reference Rule #3 from above now. Mushcode works from the
inside, out. As you read in the help file, iter() takes the form of:
iter(<list>,<actions>,[<delimiter>],[<output separator>]). The last two
are optional parts of the iter(). iter() will assume that your list is
separated with spaces, so you don't have to specify a delimiter(fancy word
for the character that separates a list). iter() also outputs a
space-separated list by default, so you don't have to specify a new output
separator, unless you want something /other/ than a space.
Now, what is ##? ## is another substitution. The iter() function
requires some way to signify the current member of the list, on which it
is performing the actions. For each member of the list, iter() does its
actions to that member. If our lwho() returned the list: #1 #4 #10, and we
did the iter() from above, it would do the following: name(#1), then
name(#4), and finally, name(#10). Each time, ## represents the current
member of the list.
Let's apply this newfound knowledge to our +mywho.
&cmd_mywho obj=$+mywho:@pemit %#=iter(lwho(),name(##))
Again, type it out. Learn how the functions feel under your
fingers. Make sure you get all the parentheses. Once you have it typed in,
type: +mywho. You should get at least one name(yours) back. If you didn't,
examine your object and make sure that your code matches what is above,
exactly. Assuming it worked, be proud of yourself. You just used three
functions, at once. You now have a command at your disposal which will
output the names of all of the connected players on the mush.
Not enough, you say? Oh, alright. Let's do some more with this
list. First, let's arrange our list so that the names are in a column,
rather than a row. This entails putting a carriage return between the
names. There are two ways to do this, and I will show you both of them and
let you choose which method you want to adopt, for your own. Fortunately,
they are both done using iter(), so are simple to demonstrate.
iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R) OR iter(lwho(),%R[name(##)])
I'll explain them in order. The first one takes advantage of the
syntax of iter(). It uses what is called an output separator, which is a
one-character symbol that separates the outputted list. One-character?
There's two there! %R! %R is a substitution for a carriage return, and is
treated as a single character by the MUSH. So, it's valid.
The second one is a bit more intuitive, but still useful. iter()
by default outputs a space-separated list. And if we wanted to put a
carriage return in between the members of that list, we could either put
the %R at the beginning or end of our action list. There's a reason for
putting it at the beginning, though, and I'll show you what that is. If
you consider this list: Alpha Beta Gamma, and the code: iter(Alpha Beta
Gamma,##%R). From your now vast experience with iter(), you should be able
to make a fair guess at how this will come out. Here is what it would
Accurate, but not what we want. iter() is putting the %R precisely
where you told it to, which is right after each member of the list. iter()
puts a space between each member, so we wind up with the list I showed you
above. If we move the %R to the front of the action list, we will get the
following output.
Which looks much better, because the space that exists is at the
end of each item, and therefore not seen. The carriage return comes before
each element, which brings it down to a new line, left-justified very
Going back to our +mywho command, you should be able to see why we
would do: iter(lwho(),%R[name(##)]). This is the same output you would get
if you used: iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R). However, there is a difference in
this version, because this is our first usage of the square brackets.
I'll refer you to Rule #4 from above. Square brackets separate
functions to be evaluated from the plain text that precedes them. The %R
is a substitution, that produces a carriage return. But, it comes before
the name() function. If we tried to leave out the square brackets around
the name() function, we would get the following from our list of #1 #4
It's interesting, but it's not what we want. We have to tell the
mush to evaluate our name() function. So, since we have a %R before the
function, we have to enclose it in square brackets. For the rest of this
tutorial, I am going to work with the iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R) version of
the code. If you choose to use the other one, the modifications will be
simple to make, between the two. Now, our +mywho should look like:
&cmd_mywho obj=$+mywho:@pemit %#=iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R)
Which is going to give us the list of connected players, in a
left-justified column on our screen. Not enough, you say? Great. I agree.
We want to know what makes this list of players stand out. For example,
perhaps we would like to know which players have their @sex set to Male,
and which have their @sex set to Female. Other options include
highlighting those players who have a particularly large idle time. There
are many things you can do. We'll start with the gender test, as that
allows us to introduce the functions that fetch information.
On your mush of choice, read help xget(). If you are on
TinyMUSH2.2, you won't have the xget() function, but you will have get().
xget() is faster, and becoming more widely accepted as the
information-fetching function of choice. In this case, we are going to use
the xget() function to retrieve the value of the player's SEX attribute,
which they set with the @sex me=<Male|Female> command. The xget() function
takes the syntax of: xget(<dbref>,<attribute>).
Just to give you a hint of how this function works, let's issue
the following command, which looks startlingly like our mywho command:
say iter(lwho(),xget(##,sex),,%R)
You should get a list of the genders of the people currently
connected on the mush. It's possible some of these people don't have their
@sex attribute set. However, for the most part, this should have returned
a column of text that looked something similar, but not exactly like:
What this has done is iterated(there's that word again) its way
through the list of connected players, and retrieved the value of their
sex attribute. Pretty simple. Now, how are we going to make this work for
our mywho? Pretty simply, now that we have a grasp of xget().
We're going to learn another function, and along with iter(), one
of the two most-used functions in all of mushcode. switch() lets you test
one piece of information against many other cases, and if it matches,
perform an action list, or if none match, you can perform a 'default'
action. This is similar in function to the @switch command, though there
are some small differences.
@switch will test against all the cases you specify, unless you
use @switch/first. (See 'help @switch' for the gory details). switch()
will always stop after the -first- match it gets. So, here's the syntax of
switch(), for you to know and love, forever'n ever:
Here's how it works. Switch() takes the test data, and compares it
to case1. If it matches, it does what is specified in actions1. If it
doesn't, it compares it to case2. If -that- matches, it does what is in
actions2. It keeps going until it either matches a case, or runs out of
cases, in which case it will do the default set of actions, if some have
been specified.
It sounds like a lot, and yet not much, all at the same time.
Trust me, you'll come to love and treasure switch(). Here's how we're
going to apply it to our mywho command. We're going to capitalize the
names of all the people who have their sex set to female.
Looking at our syntax for switch() above, we need something that
is test data. This is what we are going to compare to each of our cases.
Our cases, as they are, consist of female, and everything else. We're only
testing to see if their gender is set to female, and then we will put
their name in all upper case. What are we going to test to see if it's
female? The sex attribute of each connected player. We know this will be
done inside of our iter(), so each connected player will be referenced as
##. Therefore, our test data becomes: xget(##,sex)
So, now we can build our switch this far:
Now, if it does match at being female, we need to put the name of
the character in all upper case. Mush provides us with a very simple way
to do this, through the use of the ucstr() function. Yes, that means:
upper case string. Give yourself a cookie if you realized that at first
glance. We already know from our existing command that the name of the
character can be retrieved using the name() function, and since we know
from rule #3 above that mushcode works inside out, we can then construct:
ucstr(name(##)) for our action list. Now our switch looks like:
Not too confusing, right? If it was, do yourself the favour of
going back in this document and re-reading any sections that confused you.
Trust me, it's better for you to understand everything we've done up to
this point than just nodding your head and smiling.
Foraging onwards, we will now take advantage of switch()'s ability
to take a default actions list, if none of the cases matched. Since we are
only testing against female, anything else would be a default. Everyone
who isn't female will just have their name returned. And our switch() will
be done, so now it looks like this:
Now we want to put this into our mywho command.
&cmd_mywho obj=$mywho:@pemit
Yeah, it's growing, I know. It's only going to get worse, or
better, depending on your viewpoint. Once you've got this typed in(yes,
type it out. Don't just cut and paste. You're not going to be able to cut
and paste original code later, so get used to typing it on your own now.),
run your mywho command again. You should get a column of names, ideally
with some that are presented in all upper-case.
WILDCARDS (No, not jokers or one-eyed jacks, but close)
Now, there may be the instance that there are some names on that
list that are female characters, but aren't in all-caps. Why is this? It's
likely that these characters have set their @sex to something other than
just 'female'. It may be f, fem, or Female. You have just encountered one
of the oldest problems of being a programmer. The user never types in what
you want them to. Quite often, we have to go to great lengths to make sure
that whatever the user types in will work for us. This is called 'robust
programming'. It's also called 'How to get grey hair'.
Let's level the playing field here. Let's learn about wildcards.
Wildcards are symbols in mushcode that work identically to a wild card in
a card game such as poker(hence their name: wildcards). As a one-eyed jack
can be used to match any card in the deck, wildcard symbols are things
that can be used to match against any one or many characters. There are
two wildcards in mushcode, ? and *. ? matches against one character, and *
matches against any number. Here's a brief example of how they work. d?g
would match against 'dig', 'dog', and 'dug', but not 'drag'. d*g would
match against 'dig', 'dog', 'dug', 'drag', and 'didn't have a dime so went
switch() will be case sensitive, so in order for us to hopefully
match against any variation of the word 'female', we will have to make
sure that our test data is the same case of letters as our individual
cases in switch(). Lots of 'case' in there, I apologize. Just as there is
a ucstr(), there is a lcstr() as well, and it's quite handy for this
particular situation. I offer the following as an alternative to our
previous attempt at mywho:
&cmd_mywho obj=$mywho:@pemit
Not much bigger, is it? We added one function, lcstr(), to put
whatever their sex attribute is in all lower case. Then, we changed our
switch() case to f*, in order to trap anything that starts with the letter
'f'. Without going into detail, this obviously can cause some other
problems, if players choose to set their @sex to something
rather...obscene. I'll leave that to you to figure out how to avoid.
Now, let's exploit switch() a bit more. Let's upper case the names
of the female players, and put a tab before the names of the male players.
Anyone set to anything other than male or female, including Neuter, will
have no change whatsoever. This is simple to accomplish, as it only
involves adding a case to our switch().
&cmd_mywho obj=$mywho:@pemit
Not too bad, right? Now, run the command, by typing: mywho. You
should get a list of characters, some upper-cased, some with a tab in
front of their name, and some with no change at all. You've just written a
relatively useful mushcode command, from start to finish. You've
incorporated functions, attributes, commands, substitutions,
wildcards...and you've made it all work.
Take a moment to congratulate yourself. Then, ask yourself if you
want to go on and learn some of the more interesting things you can do
with mushcode. If you do, go on to lesson #2 in Moe's Mushcode Manual.
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| \/ |oe's | \/ |ushkode | \/ |anual
Mushcode is seen by many as complete gibberish, utter lunacy of
syntax, and a headache just waiting to happen. And there are a whole
/other/ set of people that don't know how to code in it. In an endeavour
to bridge the gap between the savvy and the non-initiated, I want to offer
a short and simple tutorial, and include a few nearly-inalienable rules of
coding on a MUSH, in the hopes that this will help people who are having
As a quick disclaimer, short and simple will mean: I'll try not to
belabour any points, it'll come in managable installments, and I'll leave
it up to you to explore the things I talk about in depth.
When I say rules, I mean rules. These are things that if you
follow them, you will lead a happy and prosperous life as a coder. And if
you break them, there will be punishments, usually in the form of
unexpected results from your coding. These are guidelines, sure. But, they
are rules. Things that will give you comfort if you take them to heart.
1) Mushcode is primarily a list-manipulation language. As such, it is
possible to look at everything on a mush as a list. If everything is a list,
then every list has a separator. A separator is the one-character symbol
used to divide a list into its component parts. This is also called a
delimiter. This sentence is a space-separated list of words.
This|is|a|list|too. There@are@many@ways@to@write@a@list.
2) There are two broad categories of mushcode. Commands and Functions.
Commands produce data. Functions don't. Functions manipulate data.
Commands don't. Commands are things like: @describe, move, look, get, WHO,
@pemit, @switch, and @dolist. Functions are things likes: iter(),
pmatch(), lwho(), xget(), and add(). Think of commands as the big pot you
put over a fire, and functions and data all go into them, get mixed up,
converted, and come out a thick rich stew.
Functions must be evaluated. This means that you must tell the game
that it needs to operate the function on the stuff inside the parentheses.
In order for a function to be evaluated, it .-=MUST=-. be within a
command. You cannot evaluate a function without it being in a command.
Again, the distinction should be emphasized. Commands produce data,
functions manipulate data. There cannot be data for a function to
manipulate, unless a command has produced it. Or, more specifically, all
of the manipulation of data in the world isn't going to matter if it's
never seen.
3) Mushcode functions work from the inside, out. Their syntax is nested,
meaning one structure, or function, is within another, within another.
This is the primary problem with reading mushcode. The nesting occurs with
parentheses, square brackets( [ ] ), and curly braces( { } ). With
practice, you will learn to decipher the nesting of functions.
Mushcode commands work from left to right, making them much easier to
read. It is possible to group sets of commands to occur together with
curly braces( { } ). This will be explained later.
4) Square brackets are ONLY needed to separate functions to be evaluated,
from plain text that PRECEDES them, within a command or function. This is
the cardinal sin of mushcoding, and the greatest contributor to making
code utterly and completely unreadable. Quite often, it's the greatest
contributor to making it not work, as well. If you include extra square
brackets, you run the risk of not matching a pair of them. They must all
match if you want your code to work. Square brackets tell the MUSH: Hey!
Evaluate what's inside here, because it's different from what just came
before it!
5) Curly braces are ONLY needed to a) group commands together to run at
the same time OR b) go around a block of text to preserve the commas
inside of it. There is no other use for curly braces, other than ascii
In this example, I'm going to introduce you to the process of
writing your own code. All of the functions I will use here will work on
either PennMUSH, TinyMUSH(2.x or 3.0), and TinyMUX. What we will do is
make our own +who command, which will list all of the people connected,
and some other relevant information about each player. And, while we're
doing this, I'll show you how the above rules are your friends, rather
than your foes.
Another common misconception for a lot of players is that commands
like +finger, +where, and +who are standard, and come with the MUSH.
They're not. They are what are called 'softcoded' commands. There are two
types of code on a MUSH, hardcode and softcode. Hardcode is things like
look, @describe, WHO, and @dig. These are commands that are built into the
mush. Commands like +finger, +where, and +who are called 'softcoded'
commands because they are coded in using mushcode. You can modify their
appearance, their functionality, or eliminate them altogether.
Softcoded commands are stored in attributes on an object. All
mushcode is stored in attributes, on an object. The attributes can be
named anything you would like, though I do suggest adopting a standard
system, or convention, for your naming. It helps you later, when you want
to go back and edit an attribute, if the purpose of the code is easy to
deduce based on the name of the attribute in which it is stored. For
example, if an attribute is going to hold a +pay command, you could(and
likely should) name that attribute CMD_PAY. You would set that attribute
on an object by typing: &CMD_PAY Object=<text>. If you were storing some
data, for example the names of all of the current players in a card game,
you could name that attribute DATA_PLAYERS.
Let's look at the anatomy of a very simple command.
&cmd_hello #1234=$hello:@pemit %#=Hello, world!
Yes, that's a command. What it does is when the player types
'hello', it will send that player the message 'Hello, world!' back.
'Hello, world' is the first message produced when learning almost any
coding language, so here is the mushcode version of it. Let's examine
parts of this command. & is the symbol that tells the mush that we are
setting an attribute on an object. cmd_hello is the name of this
attribute. The name was chosen to show that this attribute has a command
in it, and that command is hello. #1234 is the dbref(database reference)
number of the object on which we are storing this attribute. The = sign
says to the mush 'here is what I want to store'.
The $ symbol designates the beginning of what the user has to type
in to make the command work. Everything between the $ and the : is the
command, and everything after the : is the code that will be run when the
command is typed. In this case, the user has to type 'hello' in order to
make the code run. If this command were the +where command, it would look
like: $+where:
The next part of our command is the actual code itself. @pemit is
a command that is hardcoded into the mush which sends the specified
message to just one object. Pemit = Private emit. The next symbol is one
of, if not the most commonly used substitution in mushcode. Mushcode
allows you to substitute simple symbols for things, such as your location,
the name of an object, and in this case, the dbref of the object that used
the command. If a player Mungo with the dbref #99 typed 'hello', %# would
be the same as #99. There are a number of substitutions in mushcode, and I
invite you to type 'help substitutions' on your mush of choice for more
information on them. So, we are going to send a private emit, or pemit, to
the object that used the command. We specify the message to be sent with
the equals sign. In this case, our message is 'Hello, world!'.
Now, we have examined all of the elements of a command. In short:
&<attribute name> <object>=$<command text>:<code>. Yes, that is all there
is to making your own commands on a mush. A brief sidenote here, is that
mushes require that you have a specific configuration of flags so that the
game knows that the object on which you are storing your commands should
be checked whenever a player types in a command. On PennMUSH, this is @set
<object>=!no_command. That clears the no_command flag, letting the object
have user-defined commands on it. On TinyMUSH, you must @set
<object>=commands, which /puts/ a flag on the object telling the mush to
check it for commands.
Now on to making our own command. @create an object for this, or
use one that you already have handy. Make sure the flags on it are
appropriate, as noted above. We are going to call our command +mywho, so
as not to conflict with the possibility of your mush already having a +who
command installed. In the spirit of consistency, we should store this
command in an attribute named cmd_mywho. For the rest of this lesson, I'll
use the abbreviation 'obj' to reference the object on which our code is
Like our hello command, we want something that will return our
output to just one player, the one that typed the command. So, our mywho
command is going to start off just the same, with @pemit %#=. Even the
great +finger, +where, and +who commands are structured this way. They
return their output just to the player who typed the command.
Here you will learn your first function. Again on your mush of
choice, type: help lwho(). The lwho() function, as you will read, returns
the list of dbrefs for all connected players. We'll start with this, as
this is the basis of our mywho. This tells us who is connected, albeit
with only their dbrefs.
&cmd_mywho obj=$+mywho:@pemit %#=lwho()
Type it out. Don't cut and paste it. Learn what it's like to type
those % signs and parentheses. You'll be doing a lot of it, and you might
as well get used to it, because when you're writing your own code, there
won't be anything from which to cut and paste. Once you have this typed
in, and you're sure the flags are set properly on your object, type:
You should have gotten at least one dbref(yours) in return. If you
didn't, examine your object and make sure that your code matches what is
displayed above, exactly. If it doesn't, redo the attribute. Once you have
it working, give yourself a pat on the back. You just coded your first
However, it's not overly useful. Typing WHO tells you more than
this command does, so we need to make it better. Now, here is where I go
back to the rules that I talked about at the beginning. Rule #1 says:
Everything is a list. Mushcode is a list-manipulation language. So, let's
learn how to manipulate our list of dbrefs so that we can get some more
information out of our command.
On your mush of choice, type: help iter(). Read it, and try not to
cry. iter() is a very powerful function, and as such, the developers of
mushes the world around have the difficult job of describing a great deal
of functionality in a small amount of space. I will attempt to provide a
layman's description of what iter() does, without confusing you further.
The abbreviation 'iter' stands for 'iterate', which is a computer term
for: Do the same thing to every member of a list. The dictionary says:
iterate(v.) - to say or do again. This is precisely true. When you iterate
through a list, you do the same thing again, to each member of the list.
So, we have a list, lwho(), and we have a tool, iter(), to process
that list. Let's start putting them together. The first thing we want to
do is get a name for each of those dbrefs. There is a function for that,
as well, and not surprisingly it is called name(). You can read the
helpfile for the name() function, and it will tell you that the syntax for
it is: name(<dbref>). Here is how we would combine lwho(), name(), and
iter() to get what we want: iter(lwho(),name(##))
I reference Rule #3 from above now. Mushcode works from the
inside, out. As you read in the help file, iter() takes the form of:
iter(<list>,<actions>,[<delimiter>],[<output separator>]). The last two
are optional parts of the iter(). iter() will assume that your list is
separated with spaces, so you don't have to specify a delimiter(fancy word
for the character that separates a list). iter() also outputs a
space-separated list by default, so you don't have to specify a new output
separator, unless you want something /other/ than a space.
Now, what is ##? ## is another substitution. The iter() function
requires some way to signify the current member of the list, on which it
is performing the actions. For each member of the list, iter() does its
actions to that member. If our lwho() returned the list: #1 #4 #10, and we
did the iter() from above, it would do the following: name(#1), then
name(#4), and finally, name(#10). Each time, ## represents the current
member of the list.
Let's apply this newfound knowledge to our +mywho.
&cmd_mywho obj=$+mywho:@pemit %#=iter(lwho(),name(##))
Again, type it out. Learn how the functions feel under your
fingers. Make sure you get all the parentheses. Once you have it typed in,
type: +mywho. You should get at least one name(yours) back. If you didn't,
examine your object and make sure that your code matches what is above,
exactly. Assuming it worked, be proud of yourself. You just used three
functions, at once. You now have a command at your disposal which will
output the names of all of the connected players on the mush.
Not enough, you say? Oh, alright. Let's do some more with this
list. First, let's arrange our list so that the names are in a column,
rather than a row. This entails putting a carriage return between the
names. There are two ways to do this, and I will show you both of them and
let you choose which method you want to adopt, for your own. Fortunately,
they are both done using iter(), so are simple to demonstrate.
iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R) OR iter(lwho(),%R[name(##)])
I'll explain them in order. The first one takes advantage of the
syntax of iter(). It uses what is called an output separator, which is a
one-character symbol that separates the outputted list. One-character?
There's two there! %R! %R is a substitution for a carriage return, and is
treated as a single character by the MUSH. So, it's valid.
The second one is a bit more intuitive, but still useful. iter()
by default outputs a space-separated list. And if we wanted to put a
carriage return in between the members of that list, we could either put
the %R at the beginning or end of our action list. There's a reason for
putting it at the beginning, though, and I'll show you what that is. If
you consider this list: Alpha Beta Gamma, and the code: iter(Alpha Beta
Gamma,##%R). From your now vast experience with iter(), you should be able
to make a fair guess at how this will come out. Here is what it would
Accurate, but not what we want. iter() is putting the %R precisely
where you told it to, which is right after each member of the list. iter()
puts a space between each member, so we wind up with the list I showed you
above. If we move the %R to the front of the action list, we will get the
following output.
Which looks much better, because the space that exists is at the
end of each item, and therefore not seen. The carriage return comes before
each element, which brings it down to a new line, left-justified very
Going back to our +mywho command, you should be able to see why we
would do: iter(lwho(),%R[name(##)]). This is the same output you would get
if you used: iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R). However, there is a difference in
this version, because this is our first usage of the square brackets.
I'll refer you to Rule #4 from above. Square brackets separate
functions to be evaluated from the plain text that precedes them. The %R
is a substitution, that produces a carriage return. But, it comes before
the name() function. If we tried to leave out the square brackets around
the name() function, we would get the following from our list of #1 #4
It's interesting, but it's not what we want. We have to tell the
mush to evaluate our name() function. So, since we have a %R before the
function, we have to enclose it in square brackets. For the rest of this
tutorial, I am going to work with the iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R) version of
the code. If you choose to use the other one, the modifications will be
simple to make, between the two. Now, our +mywho should look like:
&cmd_mywho obj=$+mywho:@pemit %#=iter(lwho(),name(##),,%R)
Which is going to give us the list of connected players, in a
left-justified column on our screen. Not enough, you say? Great. I agree.
We want to know what makes this list of players stand out. For example,
perhaps we would like to know which players have their @sex set to Male,
and which have their @sex set to Female. Other options include
highlighting those players who have a particularly large idle time. There
are many things you can do. We'll start with the gender test, as that
allows us to introduce the functions that fetch information.
On your mush of choice, read help xget(). If you are on
TinyMUSH2.2, you won't have the xget() function, but you will have get().
xget() is faster, and becoming more widely accepted as the
information-fetching function of choice. In this case, we are going to use
the xget() function to retrieve the value of the player's SEX attribute,
which they set with the @sex me=<Male|Female> command. The xget() function
takes the syntax of: xget(<dbref>,<attribute>).
Just to give you a hint of how this function works, let's issue
the following command, which looks startlingly like our mywho command:
say iter(lwho(),xget(##,sex),,%R)
You should get a list of the genders of the people currently
connected on the mush. It's possible some of these people don't have their
@sex attribute set. However, for the most part, this should have returned
a column of text that looked something similar, but not exactly like:
What this has done is iterated(there's that word again) its way
through the list of connected players, and retrieved the value of their
sex attribute. Pretty simple. Now, how are we going to make this work for
our mywho? Pretty simply, now that we have a grasp of xget().
We're going to learn another function, and along with iter(), one
of the two most-used functions in all of mushcode. switch() lets you test
one piece of information against many other cases, and if it matches,
perform an action list, or if none match, you can perform a 'default'
action. This is similar in function to the @switch command, though there
are some small differences.
@switch will test against all the cases you specify, unless you
use @switch/first. (See 'help @switch' for the gory details). switch()
will always stop after the -first- match it gets. So, here's the syntax of
switch(), for you to know and love, forever'n ever:
Here's how it works. Switch() takes the test data, and compares it
to case1. If it matches, it does what is specified in actions1. If it
doesn't, it compares it to case2. If -that- matches, it does what is in
actions2. It keeps going until it either matches a case, or runs out of
cases, in which case it will do the default set of actions, if some have
been specified.
It sounds like a lot, and yet not much, all at the same time.
Trust me, you'll come to love and treasure switch(). Here's how we're
going to apply it to our mywho command. We're going to capitalize the
names of all the people who have their sex set to female.
Looking at our syntax for switch() above, we need something that
is test data. This is what we are going to compare to each of our cases.
Our cases, as they are, consist of female, and everything else. We're only
testing to see if their gender is set to female, and then we will put
their name in all upper case. What are we going to test to see if it's
female? The sex attribute of each connected player. We know this will be
done inside of our iter(), so each connected player will be referenced as
##. Therefore, our test data becomes: xget(##,sex)
So, now we can build our switch this far:
Now, if it does match at being female, we need to put the name of
the character in all upper case. Mush provides us with a very simple way
to do this, through the use of the ucstr() function. Yes, that means:
upper case string. Give yourself a cookie if you realized that at first
glance. We already know from our existing command that the name of the
character can be retrieved using the name() function, and since we know
from rule #3 above that mushcode works inside out, we can then construct:
ucstr(name(##)) for our action list. Now our switch looks like:
Not too confusing, right? If it was, do yourself the favour of
going back in this document and re-reading any sections that confused you.
Trust me, it's better for you to understand everything we've done up to
this point than just nodding your head and smiling.
Foraging onwards, we will now take advantage of switch()'s ability
to take a default actions list, if none of the cases matched. Since we are
only testing against female, anything else would be a default. Everyone
who isn't female will just have their name returned. And our switch() will
be done, so now it looks like this:
Now we want to put this into our mywho command.
&cmd_mywho obj=$mywho:@pemit
Yeah, it's growing, I know. It's only going to get worse, or
better, depending on your viewpoint. Once you've got this typed in(yes,
type it out. Don't just cut and paste. You're not going to be able to cut
and paste original code later, so get used to typing it on your own now.),
run your mywho command again. You should get a column of names, ideally
with some that are presented in all upper-case.
WILDCARDS (No, not jokers or one-eyed jacks, but close)
Now, there may be the instance that there are some names on that
list that are female characters, but aren't in all-caps. Why is this? It's
likely that these characters have set their @sex to something other than
just 'female'. It may be f, fem, or Female. You have just encountered one
of the oldest problems of being a programmer. The user never types in what
you want them to. Quite often, we have to go to great lengths to make sure
that whatever the user types in will work for us. This is called 'robust
programming'. It's also called 'How to get grey hair'.
Let's level the playing field here. Let's learn about wildcards.
Wildcards are symbols in mushcode that work identically to a wild card in
a card game such as poker(hence their name: wildcards). As a one-eyed jack
can be used to match any card in the deck, wildcard symbols are things
that can be used to match against any one or many characters. There are
two wildcards in mushcode, ? and *. ? matches against one character, and *
matches against any number. Here's a brief example of how they work. d?g
would match against 'dig', 'dog', and 'dug', but not 'drag'. d*g would
match against 'dig', 'dog', 'dug', 'drag', and 'didn't have a dime so went
switch() will be case sensitive, so in order for us to hopefully
match against any variation of the word 'female', we will have to make
sure that our test data is the same case of letters as our individual
cases in switch(). Lots of 'case' in there, I apologize. Just as there is
a ucstr(), there is a lcstr() as well, and it's quite handy for this
particular situation. I offer the following as an alternative to our
previous attempt at mywho:
&cmd_mywho obj=$mywho:@pemit
Not much bigger, is it? We added one function, lcstr(), to put
whatever their sex attribute is in all lower case. Then, we changed our
switch() case to f*, in order to trap anything that starts with the letter
'f'. Without going into detail, this obviously can cause some other
problems, if players choose to set their @sex to something
rather...obscene. I'll leave that to you to figure out how to avoid.
Now, let's exploit switch() a bit more. Let's upper case the names
of the female players, and put a tab before the names of the male players.
Anyone set to anything other than male or female, including Neuter, will
have no change whatsoever. This is simple to accomplish, as it only
involves adding a case to our switch().
&cmd_mywho obj=$mywho:@pemit
Not too bad, right? Now, run the command, by typing: mywho. You
should get a list of characters, some upper-cased, some with a tab in
front of their name, and some with no change at all. You've just written a
relatively useful mushcode command, from start to finish. You've
incorporated functions, attributes, commands, substitutions,
wildcards...and you've made it all work.
Take a moment to congratulate yourself. Then, ask yourself if you
want to go on and learn some of the more interesting things you can do
with mushcode. If you do, go on to lesson #2 in Moe's Mushcode Manual.