- +qwho
- +who how-to
- ~finger command
- Archer's Globals Object
- Astrogator
- ChampionsMUSH Globals
- Custom Who and Where
- Dahan's D6 Skills
- Dahan's Skill System
- Dungeons and Dragons Virtual TableTop aid
- Eithelnar's +FINGER v1.1
- Global Connection Watch
- Idle Player Tracker
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 201 Class (First Session)
- Moe's Mushkode Manual - Finishing the mywho command.
- Raevnos's Chess
- Rebroadcaster
- Sanctions
- Scrabble
- Status +Check
- TBmE4P (T's Brandymail Emulator 4 PennMUSH, aka TMAIL)
- ThunderCombat V2.1
- ToolKit 4.0.4
- Who and Where
- WHO Machine V2.0