- +CRON System
- ~finger command
- Blackjack Table
- Brandy Mail 1.4 +filter patch
- Brandy Mailer 1.4
- Character Data System for ThunderCombat
- CharGen
- Cheetah's Room Parent
- Chess Board
- Coding Pets
- Craps Table
- Dahan's D6 Skills
- Dahan's Skill System
- Dungeons and Dragons Virtual TableTop aid
- Friends System
- Full Circle MUX Globals
- Function Snippet Machine
- Hotel Vender Code v2
- Ian's Big Guide to Securing your MUX/MUSH
- Keno
- Master Book Object
- MultiDescer for MUX
- Myrddin's BBS v4.0.6
- Organization Globals
- Othello Game
- Parity's "Coding for the Coderless" Class
- Party Game Console
- Poker Machine
- Quest Tracker
- Raevnos' Demo Combat System
- Raevnos's @Mail-Compatable BB Sys
- Raevnos's Chess
- Random Global Object
- Roulette
- Security Camera
- Shuttle System
- Simple Globals
- Singing Fool
- Slot Machine
- TBmE4P (T's Brandymail Emulator 4 PennMUSH, aka TMAIL)
- ThunderCombat V2.1
- TinyFugue 'ed', V2.0
- ToolKit 4.0.4
- Translator Earpiece
- Translocator
- Variable Exit DS Code
- Voting Booth