- +Check
- +CRON System
- +Finger
- +Pairs
- @Decompiler
- ~finger command
- Amulet of Memory
- Archer's Globals Object
- Ariel's Standard Room Parent
- Brandy Mailer 1.4
- Configurable +Who
- Full Circle MUX Globals
- Global Grep
- House OOC Fluff Device
- Ian's Big Guide to Securing your MUX/MUSH
- Living Fiction's Globals
- More Code Stuff
- MUSH Manual - Section II: Building and an Introduction to Programming
- MUSH Manual - Section III: Programming Applications
- OOC Friend Tracker
- Places Desc Parent
- Sanctions
- Simple Globals
- Standard Room Parent
- Talek's Paren Checker
- TinyTIM Coding Workshop - Class 4 - Flags
- ToolKit 4.0.4
- Universal Functions