- @Parent Organizer
- Apples to Apples
- Basic Vendor
- Cards against Humanity
- d12 Core
- Dahan's D6 Skills
- Dahan's Skill System
- Dave the Bartender
- Golden Ducat Casino
- Luigi's MUSHCoding 201 Class (Last Session)
- Moe's +wear class
- MUSH Manual - Section V: The Art of Psychocoding
- Once Upon a Time Card Game
- Organization Globals
- Quest Tracker
- Rebroadcaster
- SpaceMap
- TBmE4P (T's Brandymail Emulator 4 PennMUSH, aka TMAIL)
- Teal's MU* Trivia Bot
- ThunderCombat V2.1
- ToolKit 4.0.4
- Walker's Pathfinder