Parity's Code Class 202
MUSHCode for Parity's Code Class 202
©2000 Parity@OGR. You may copy and redistribute this document provided that it remains
complete, with credits intact, and is used only for non-profit purposes.
Parity calls class to order and starts the log. "Speak now if you want
to be edited out before posting."
Parity says, "Hercules, no matter how quiet you're going to be, you'll want
to create an object, with:
@create <My Object>
@set <My Object>=visual
@set <My Object>=commands
@lock/uselock <My Object>=me
Where <My Object> is a name of your choice."
Parity is a big believer in learning by experimenting, and you can't
follow the excercises without an object.
Hercules says, "Done.:)"
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "Whenever I say 'MyObj' I mean, of course, your object,
whatever you named it, so don't take that literally, but everyone has
a differently named object."
Parity says, "Hopefully. :)"
Hercules nods.
Moth chuckles
Parity says, "We're going to start with a little bit of a basic exercise
here, and write a simple remember/reminder command pair."
Parity says, "&remember-cmd myobj=$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
Moth says, "Okie..."
Parity says, "&reminder-cmd myobj=$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to
remember: [v(memory-string)]"
Parity says, "Now, try typing '.remember The secret number is 7' and then
> Ok.
> You asked me to remember: The secret number is 7
Moth has to get off the wiz channel.... just a mo
Parity okees.
Moth tries that again
Parity says, "Now, the point of this basic little exercise is, well,
multifold. To remind everyone how to write a command, how to use [] to
force evaluation of a function (in this case, the 'v()' function,
which is essentially the same as 'get(me/whatever)') and to set the
stage for more advanced examples."
Parity says, "Does anyone, even those of you that think you're just
lurking, have any question about this example?"
Moth ugs... works on this a moment....
Parity says, "If everyone drops their object, I can examine it and give
Roswind doesn't think, she knows ;)
Roswind pats the dragon's shoulder and moves away from it.
Moth sets Prospero down.
The big inflated dragon starts drifting across the room.
Prospero wiggles his way off of Moth and across the floor in search of raisins.
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [v(&memory-string me=%0 ;
@pemit %#=Ok.)]
Parity says, "Moth, your 'v' command should just be 'v(memory-string)'"
Hercules dropped Bubba.
Parity says, "Err."
Parity says, "I should say, your v -function-."
Moth nods, thought I misunderstood that... will do it
Hercules' Bubba:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember [v(memory-string)]
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7
Parity says, "Both Bubba and the Dragon have it right if you need to look at it.
Good job, Herc, Ros. ;)"
Moth nods, just thought I was supposed to "fill that bit in"...
Parity will use ... or <> for 'fill this in'
Moth says, "Oh good... thanks..."
Parity says, "To review briefly, a function is a special string that the
MUSH evaluates and replaces with some other string."
Hercules says, "Do these strings also work in MUX?"
Parity says, "A function can appear as the first thing in a string that the
mush is evaluating, as in 'say time()' or can be appear later in that
string wrapped in square brackets [] to say 'evaluate this specially!'
like 'say The time is [time()]'"
Parity says, "Yes."
Parity says, "Everything I teach you works in TinyMUSH, TinyMUX and PennMUSH."
Parity says, "When we come across discrepancies I'll try to point out the
cross-platform differences."
Hercules says, "Cool!"
Parity says, "So far, the only difference we'd see doing this elsewhere is
that, on pennmush, we'd have to say, '@set MyObj=!no_command' instead
of '@set MyObj=commands'"
Parity says, "But I wasn't really teaching flags, just getting you an
object to work with, so. :)"
Moth chuckles
Hercules nods.;)
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [v(memory-string)]
Moth says, "Oh woo..."
Parity says, "Okay. So. You can put functions inside of any string
evaluated by MUSH. You cannot, however, put -commands- in the middle
of strings. THey have to go in very particular places. Basicalyl, at
the beginning of a line, at the beginning of a $-command, and as the
arguments to @force, @dolist, and @wait. I don't think there's
anywhere else."
Parity says, "You can string commands together only by separating them with
';', not by embedding them inside each other, and not inside of
Parity says, "In other words, commands and functions are very
different. Don't mix them up."
Parity looks aroudn, "Any questions?"
Moth says, "In this memory string.... you can continue to add "things
to remember"... Like: .remember Raisins are tasty and Parity has a lot
of them."
Moth says, "?"
Moth says, "Is there a limit or how does it handle multiple things to
Parity mmmms, "Not in this example."
Parity says, "Let's look at the code."
Parity says, "&remember-cmd myobj=$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
Moth nods
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "Parsing this string out, it says, 'This is a command, stored
in the attribute 'remember-cmd' which is matched by '.remember '
followed by anything at all; when invoked, do '&memory-string
me=<whatever followed the '.remember '> ' and then do '@pemit <whoever
called the command>=Ok.'"
Parity says, "does that make sense?"
Moth nods
Parity says, "So, knowing that the '&<attribute name> <obj>=<value>' type
syntax sets an attribute, we can see whatever you type is going to
replace anything that might have been in 'memory-string' before."
Moth ahs
Parity says, "Now, if we want to remember multiple things we can. ;)"
Moth lets you get to that as you will ;)
Parity says, "Everyone type 'help cat()'"
> help cat
Function: cat(<string>[,<stringN>])
cat returns a string made up of the contents of string1 through stringN,
with each string separated from its neighbors by a space.
> say cat(this is, a test)
You say "this is a test"
> say cat(This is,another,test of the,CAT function)
You say "This is another test of the CAT function"
Parity says, "cat is a nice useful function."
Parity says, "It's short for 'concatenate' and means 'stick these strings together'"
Parity says, "Try, 'say cat(first string,second string,third string)'"
Moth ahhhs
Moth says, "raisins are tasty and plentiful"
Parity muses, "Not that we really need cat here, but it lets us
introduce another function. :)"
Parity says, "Anyway."
Moth says, "Cool..."
Hercules says, "car(first string,second string,third string)"
Hercules says, "first string second string third string"
Hercules blushes...
Parity says, "If we replace the %0 with 'cat(v(memory-string),%0)' then
instead of storing '<what the invoker typed>' we'll store '<what I
remember>' plus '<what the invoker typed>' ..."
Parity says, "Anyway. Try that. ;)"
Parity grins at Hercules, "Unfortunately, car is not a function in MUSH."
Hercules says, "So I noticed.:)"
Hercules curses his big, blunt fingers.
Parity says, "ACtually maybe it's not so very unfortunate. first() and
rest() in MUSH do what (car) and (cdr) do in lisp."
Parity personally things first and rest are more intuitive names. :)
Parity says, "thinks, even."
Hercule's Bubba:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember [v(memory-string)]
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7
Hercules says, "So, we replace the %0 in the .reminder command with cat(v(memory-string),)?"
Parity says, "YEs, you've got it right Hercules, except when speaking you
have to escape all your %-substitutions. :)"
Moth says, "oops..."
Moth says, "Oh, cool... not oops..."
Parity says, "Your code is correct. Try '.remember and the secret word is
please' or whatever you want to add to Bubba's 'memory'."
Hercules says, "Yeah, I forgot to add an extra '%' in the cat string."
Hercules says, "Cool!"
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok.
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [v(memory-string)]
Parity peers at Prospero, "Looks good, Moth!"
Moth offers Prospero a raisin.
Moth grins
Parity says, "Are we all clear on setting attributes and using v() now?"
Moth nods, thinks so
Moth says, "For me, that is"
Parity says, "Cool. ;)"
Parity says, "Okay, now we'll actually get to to-days topic, which is u(). :)"
Parity says, "u() is like v() except that it evaluates the string it
retrieves. In this case, we could put u() in the place of v() and
nothing would change except that we'd use up more computer-cycles
running our command. (Well, and some security risks, but lets not get
too sidetracked.)"
Parity says, "Any-way, u() may not sound very interesting with that
description, but what that magic 'evaluation' means is that where v()
acts as 'get-a-variable' u() acts as 'run-a-user-defined-function'."
Parity says, "So, let's do an example here. ;)"
Parity says, "&memory-fn myobj=[repeat(-,78)]%r[v(memory-string)]%r[repeat(-,78)]"
Parity says, "Once you've entered that function, replace 'v(memory-string)'
in your '.remember' command with 'u(memory-fn)'"
Parity says, "err."
Hercules says, "Do we leave the %0 in there?"
Parity says, "I mean '.reminder' ..."
Parity says, "D'oh."
Parity says, "&reminder-cmd myobj=$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember:
Hercules says, "Okie.:)"
Parity says, "The remember command should remain, or be reset to: &remember-cmd
myobj=$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok"
Hercules kisses 'Alt+Up'.
Parity reminds itself to use less confusing command names next time.
Moth says, "If only my new client wouldn't pop back down when folks talk. Laf"
Parity says, "Sorry. ;o"
Parity recommends tf for linux and simplemu* for windows.
Moth is on a Cube
Parity says, "G4Cube?"
Moth says, "Yep...."
Parity assumes not a NExtCube.
Hercules is on MUSHclient.
Moth says, "Nope, it's the G4Cube"
Parity doesn't know Mac stuff, "But when you upgrade to OS X, you
should be able to use tf like the rest of the Unix world. ;)"
Moth says, "Build a mu*client for me Parity! ;) // Anyway...."
Moth nods to Parity...
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok.
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [u(memory-fn)]
Hercules' Bubba:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember [u(memory-fn)]
Parity says, "Okay, looks good!"
Parity says, "Uhm. Hmm."
Parity says, "Oh, except maybe there should be a %r after the 'remember' or it'll look
funny. :o"
Moth says, "In which bit?"
Parity says, "In the reminder-cmd."
Moth examines prospero
Parity says, "Or... hm."
Parity peers.
Parity says, "Maybe it's not needed."
Parity says, "Oh. Yes it is. ;)"
Parity's client is wrapping things so they look nice, but that %r
really should be there.
Moth says, "So we should put the %r after remember:"
Parity says, "yes. :)"
Moth says, "In the reminder string ..."
Moth says, "Okie"
Parity says, "Has everybody typed '.reminder' and seen how the reminder looks now?"
> .reminder
You asked me to remember:
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Hercules says, "So, &reminder-cmd #1284=$.reminder:@pemit #1147=You
asked me to remember
Parity eeps.
Moth says, "Oh, that looks nice"
Hercules says, "Oooh!"
Parity says, "Uhm. No spaces between the %r and the []."
Parity says, "Or else you'll indent your borders by 1."
Parity says, "Anyway."
Parity says, "To explain what we've done here."
Moth has two strings in my memory bits, but I get the point;)
Parity says, "Instead of pemitting the value of 'memory-string', we're
pemitting the result of evaluating 'memory-fn'."
Parity writes on the blackboard, '&memory-fn
Parity says, "Okay. The repeat function simply repeats the first argument
however many times the second argument says to repeat it."
Parity says, "You can play with that if you want, with 'say
repeat(hello,3)' or whatever."
Parity says, "You should all be familiar with %r by this time, I hope?"
Parity says, "And then, the v(memory-string) is exactly the same as it
always was."
Moth says, "hellohellohello"
Moth grins!
Parity says, "So, when we evaluate u(memory-fn), we evaluate, 'repeat
dashes/newline/get memory string/newline/repeat dashes' and, ta-da, a
beautifully formatted memory string appears."
Parity says, "Does that make sense to everyone?"
Parity says, "As a mnemonic to help you remember, btw, v() retrieves a
-V-ariable, and u() evaluates a -U-ser defined function."
Moth believes so, for my part...
Moth nods, thanks for that bit:)
Parity nods, "Mnemonics are important, especially with
one-letter-functions like u() and v(). :)"
Moth nods, especially for me... laf
Parity says, "Okay. Now this is a kind of a silly function. There's no good
reason not to just put the whole string of stuff in memory-fn into the
reminder-cmd and skip the whole u() thing."
Parity says, "So, let's move forward to an example that -is- useful. ;)"
Moth grins
Hercules nods.:)
Parity says, "&borders-fn myobj=[center(%b%0%b,78,-)]%r%1%r[repeat(-,78)]"
Parity says, "&border-test-cmd myobj=$.btest:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Header,Text)"
Parity says, "put those in, and try the '.btest' command, and then we'll
discuss it."
Parity says, "Let me know when you're ready."
Moth ahhhs, as some things learned by rote years ago make sense. laf
Parity grins.
Moth woos
Hercules woohoos!
Parity grins, "I take it that means things are working."
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "Now, this is where u-functions start to be -really- different
from v."
Parity says, "You'll notice that, similar to the way the value filling in
the '*' in our commands gets stuffed into '%0', the arguments to our
ufun are getting stuffed into %0 and %1."
Parity says, "You can change your btest command, and replace 'Header' with
'My Poem' and 'Text' with 'I don't have time to find a rhyme' ... or
Parity says, "center(), if it isn't obvious, centers something. Take a look at help
center() and try saying things like 'center(test,10,.)'"
> help center
Function: center(<string>,<width>[,<fill>])
This function will center a string in a string <width> characters wide,
using <fil> characters for padding on either end of the string for
centering. If no fill character is specified then a space is used.
If <string> is longer than <width> characters, the string is returned
> say center(a,5,-)
You say "--a--"
> say center(*BAMF*,15)
You say " *BAMF* "
Moth says, "..tequila."
Parity says, "And yes, it -is- annoying that repeat() and center() take
arguments in a different order."
Hercules says, "...test..."
Parity says, "And yes, you -will-, even after -years- of coding, have to
type 'help center()' and 'help repeat()' to remind yourself which goes
in which order. ;o"
Moth grins
Parity says, "Though as a mnemonic, it is like, 'repeat <string> <number>
of times' and 'center <text> in a <number> wide field of <character>'"
Parity says, "If that helps."
Moth nods, has familiarity with center... but will still mix them
up. It is The Way Of Things (tm) ;)
Parity says, "Yes."
Parity says, "OKay."
Moth says, "At least now the 'help' makes sense. Laf"
Parity says, "The %b's are just to keep the dashes from getting right up
against our header, 'cause that looks ugly. :)"
Moth noddles
Parity says, "And I think that pretty well dissects the function into its
component parts. Clear?"
Moth nods, is
Hercules says, "Yep.:)"
Parity says, "Yay. :)"
Parity says, "Okay."
Hercules thinks Parity is spiffy keen as a code guru.
Moth grins, is waiting for the day when It says: When you can take
this pebble from my hand....
Hercules laughs.
Parity says, "Now, you should be able to take what we've learned, and
change our '.reminder' command to use our borders function to put a
header of 'Memory' onto a text of the memory-string. Everyone try
changing your .reminder command to do that."
Parity smiles, and thanks everyone for the compliments, even the silly ones. ;)
Moth is a silly creature
Parity says, "That would explain why you're always circling light bulbs. ;)"
Moth says, "You'd think I'd at least clue in enough to buy a good helmet...."
Moth says, "Goggles..."
Hercules says, "How would we set the .reminder command to do that?"
Parity hehs.
Moth examines the ferret again
Parity says, "It's an exercise. :)"
Parity says, "You should know enough to do it, I hope."
Parity says, "If not, try asking specific questions. OR just try something and I'll
explain what's wrong."
Moth presses 'enter'... waits for mu* to explode....
Moth covers ears...
Hercules says, "How's that?"
Parity grins.
Hercules' Bubba:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember%r[u(borders-fn,Memory,the
secret number is 7 and the secret word is please)]
Moth says, "Okay, I messed up..."
Moth got half of it right
Parity says, "Bubba, you don't really need the 'you asked me to remember'
now that you've got a pretty header, and you've got a literal string
in your call to borders-fn instead of a v()."
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to
remember:%r[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,(memory-fn))]
Parity says, "Ah. You have a similiar mistake Moth."
Parity says, "Remember, you get your 'memory-string' out with 'v(memory-string)'"
Moth says, "Oh yeah"
Hercules says, "Is that better?:)"
Parity says, "You -could- put u(memory-fn) in there, but then you'd get borders-
inside-of-borders and it would look really weird. :)"
Hercules' Bubba:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Memory,the secret
number is 7 and the secret word is please)
Parity says, "Hercules, you still have a literal string instead of
retrieving memory-string from your object."
Moth says, "Woo!"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember:%r[u(borders-fn,Things To
Hercules says, "Hmm. Ok. How do I fix that?"
> .reminder
You asked me to remember:
----------------------------- Things To Remember -----------------------------
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Parity nods to Moth, though similarly, the 'You asked me to remember:'
is redundant at this point, but the essence of it is correct.
Parity says, "Hercules, you want to use v(memory-string) rather than having
literal text in your u() call."
Moth says, "Oh yeah"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:%r[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,v(memory-string))]
Hercules says, "How about now?:)"
Parity says, "Uhmmm, Moth, you don't need that leading %r, but you -do-
need to keep an @pemit command in there."
Moth got it :)
Hercules' Bubba:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Memory,v(memory-string))
Moth fixed it;)
> .reminder
----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Moth is annoyed that I don't have a repose feature. Laf. gahs
Parity nods to Hercules, "Good!"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=%r[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,v(memory-string))]
> .reminder
----------------------------- Things To Remember -----------------------------
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Parity nods to Moth, "That works, but be aware that you're putting a
leading blank-line at the top because of that leading %r."
Moth noddles
Parity says, "You can both exa bubba/reminder-cmd and exa
prospero/reminder-cmd to see the difference between the two
Moth okies
Parity says, "That's why we have our objects set visual. :)"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,v(memory-string))]
Parity says, "Though Moth took away the leading %r. ;)"
Moth grins, sorry
Moth says, "I did... just then"
Moth says, "Is there a reason you wouldn't want that in there... ?"
Parity says, "Moth, once the leading %r is gone, you don't need the
enveloping square brackets [] anymore, because your u() is the first
thing that the MUSH sees."
Moth says, "Oh okay"
Moth takes it out ;)
Moth has used an attribute code bit instead of a +wear code and I now
understand it. Laf. This is good ;)
Parity mmms, "Generally, you don't want to lead off the output of a
command with a blank line. Sometimes you do, if you want to offset the
output from the text around it, to make it more noticeable, but
generally, it's just making people's screens scroll more to have extra
blank lines.
Moth nods re: that
Parity says, "Notice also that I had you make your lines 78 characters wide."
Moth nods
Parity says, "That's not an arbitrary choice."
Moth has seen 76 before
Parity says, "You can make it shorter, but not longer."
Moth nods
Parity says, "80 characters is as standard width screen, but because of the
way some terminals and terminal emulators handle things, going past 78
might cause extra line feeds."
Moth nods
Parity says, "Then, you'd -think- people were seeing:
Parity says, "But they'd actually see:
Moth ahhhhs, okie
Parity says, "Or maybe even worse mutilations, but, let's just leave it as
'it's bad to use more than 78 characters in a line.'"
Moth noddles
Parity says, "If in doubt about what things look like, try using a standard
telnet screen to look at stuff; telnet on a unix console or in a
default-size xterm, windows telnet in its default 24x80 screen size,
or ncsa telnet on mac in its default size."
Moth nods
Parity says, "okee. ;)"
Parity says, "So I think we all understand u() now?"
Moth feels good about it
Moth has warm and fuzzy regard for u()
Moth chuckles
Parity grins.
Parity is going to amend the class. "We're -not- going to cover setq()
today, because it's just as complicated as u() and we'd be going
another two hours."
Parity says, "WHat we will do, is expand our remember/reminder commands,
though, and use our borders-fn some more."
Moth says, "Oh groovy..."
Parity says, "Only we're going to create new commands, .write and .read."
Hercules says, "Okie."
Moth will be creating the world's first literate ferret...
Parity says, "&write-cmd myobj=$.write *=*:&memory-%0-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
Hercules says, "My connection keeps getting so lagged this weekend."
Parity says, "And for your .read command, start with '&read-cmd
myobj=$.read *:' and use v(memory-%0-string) to get back the
particular string you want to read."
Parity says, "For this first iteration, use only -one- word for your
Parity says, "Like, .write test=This is a test ; things like .write My
Test=THis is a test will not work."
Parity wonders if anyone understands and can explain why '.write My
Test=This is a test' would not work?
Hercules says, "Is the .read cmd on Bubba Ok?"
Moth says, "Well... I thought generally for commands and attributes
(including +views) you have to use either _ or - to separate the words
or it doesn't recognize them. It's not treated as text..."
Hercules' Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:v(memory-%0-string)
Parity says, "v() is a function; when the mush tries to execute the part
after the : in Bubba's read-cmd, it will try to do 'v()' as if it were
a command, which won't do much of anything but get a 'huh?'."
Hercules says, "Yeah. That's what I got."
Parity nods to Moth, "For attributes.... commands depend on how
they're written, but yes, attributes can't have a space in them."
Parity adds to Hercules, "You need the first thing after your : to be
a command."
Hercules says, "Ok."
Hercules says, "Like .write, for example?"
Parity says, "Well, .write -is- a command, but I was thinking more like,
@pemit. You wouldn't want your .read command to call .write,
Parity says, "'help command list' to get an idea of what commands are
> help command list
Help available for MUSH Commands:
drop enter examine get give goto
help inventory kill leave LOGOUT look
take throw use version whisper WHO
" : ; & # \\
@@ @chown @clone @create @decompile @destroy
@dig @doing @dolist @drain @edit @emit
@entrances @eval @femit @find @force @fpose
@fsay @halt @last @link @list @listmotd
@lock @mvattr @name @notify @oemit @open
@parent @password @pemit @program @ps @quitprog
@quota @robot @search @set @stats @sweep
@switch @teleport @trigger @unlink @unlock @verb
@wait @wipe
{ 'help commands2' for more }
Hercules says, "Ok. I think I'm a little lost. I get the @pemit, but
what do I want it to emit?"
Moth hmmms... messed something up along the way
Moth's Prospero:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=v(memory-%0-string)
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-%0-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok.
Parity peers at Moth's code, "That looks almost right... "
Moth tried .write Poem and gets a huh?
Moth thought that's where the one-word thing would come in;)
Parity says, "Ahhh. Look at your .write command. '.write *=*'"
Parity says, "So it would be '.write poem=Was there ever a ferret as lovely
as a tree' not 'write Poem' by itself."
Moth says, "Oooh;)...laf"
Hercules thinks he has it now.:)
Hercules' Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=v(memory-%0-string)
Hercules says, "Hmm. I still get a 'Huh?'"
Parity hmmms?
Moth says, "Oh, okay... I got it"
Parity says, "Herc, try '.write test=this is a test' and '.read test'"
Parity says, "It should work."
Moth says, "Can you insert %r to make little stanzas?"
Parity copied the code onto its 'myobj' and it worked.
Hercules says, "Nope. Still get 'Huh?'"
Parity blinks?
Hercules says, "Is my .read command alright?"
Parity nods...
Parity says, "Hold on."
Parity hrmmmms.
Parity says, "Herc, are you typing 'read' or '.read' ?"
Hercules says, ".read"
Parity says, "And '.read test' doesn't work for you?"
Hercules says, "Ohh! I was just typing '.read'. Sorry.:)"
Parity ahhhs.
Hercules----> Having yet another blonde day.
Parity notes the pattern for .read is '.read *' ... in command
patterns, spaces -are- significant, so '.read' doesn't match '.read '
followed by anything because there's no space there.
Parity says, "You can, and people often do, make a command like
'$read-what-cmd myobj=$.read:@pemit #384=Read what?'"
Parity says, "That will match '.read' by itself and remind you to give
.read an argument. :)"
Moth ahhhhhhs
Parity says, "Err."
Parity says, "With a %#, not with my dbref. ;o"
Moth grins
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "SO we have a .read that kinda works, but what we really want
is to use our borders-fn, with our %0 argument for the header and our
retrieved text inside the lines."
Parity says, "So, try changing your .read commands to do that."
Hercule's Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=v(memory-%0-string)
Moth's Prospero:
Missing Space is Between @pemit and %#
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit%#=u(borders-fn,Sonnet to The Ferretess Gwendolyn,v(memory-%0-string))
Moth says, "Okie..."
Parity says, "You're missing a space, Moth, and your header is going to be
a fixed string, so when you '.read test' it'll have the same header as
when you '.read poem'."
Moth caught the space thing... how's it look now?
Parity says, "Halfway there. ;)"
Moth hmmmmms
Parity says, "But, try, for example, '.write phonenum=123-4567' and '.read phonenum' ..."
> .read phonenum
---------------------- Sonnet to The Ferretess Gwendolyn ---------------------
Moth says, "Oh...."
Parity says, "You might want to have %0 instead of a fixed string for your
title. ;)"
Moth nods
Parity checks on Hercules, "Still with us?"
Moth thinks I got it.
Moth's Prospero:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-%0-string))
> .read test
------------------------------------ test ------------------------------------
This is a test.
> .read phonenum
---------------------------------- phonenum ----------------------------------
Parity says, "Looks good, moth!"
Parity says, "Now, to make it a bit more useful, try this:"
Hercules says, "Yep.:)"
Hercules says, "Just had to run AFK for a sec."
Parity says, "&space2tilde-fn myobj=edit(%0,%b,~)"
Parity says, "And,"
Parity says, "&tilde2space-fn myobj=edit(%0,~,%b)"
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-%0-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok.
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-%0-string))
Parity says, "Then change 'memory-%0-string' in write-cmd to 'memory-
Hercules is catching up. How's my .read with the borders?
Parity says, "And similarly in read-cmd."
Hercule's Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Notes,v(memory-%0-string))
> .read test
------------------------------------ Notes -----------------------------------
This is a test.
Parity nods to Hercules, "It works, but you might want to replace
'Notes' with '%0' to have a title appropriate to each note."
Hercules says, "Okie.:)"
Moth says, "It replaces the same portion of string in the .read as it
did in the .write? Or everything from u( on"
Parity peers quizically at moth.
Parity says, "Sorry?"
Moth's Prospero:
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok!
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-%0-string))
Parity notes that the write-cmd on prospero looks correct.
Hercules thinks he's caught up now.
Parity says, "But the read-cmd needs to be modified, replacing
'memory-%0-string' with 'memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string'"
Hercules' Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string))
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok
Moth was lost on how much it replaced ...
Parity nods to Hercules, "That -looks- right... try a command like
'.write a multi word title=some text goes here' and then '.read a
multi word title' ... and see if it works, or blows up. :)
Moth says, "How does the ferret look/"
Moth's Prospero:
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok!
Parity says, "Uhmmmmm, you seem to have lost your borders-fn, Moth."
Moth's Prospero:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string))
Parity says, "Oh, wait."
Parity was looking at the wrong command.
Parity says, "I know the difference between read and write. :)"
Parity says, "I think Prospero looks good."
Parity says, "Try a .write and a .read with a multi-word title."
Moth woos!
Moth's Prospero:
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7 Raisins are tasty and Parity has a lot of them.
MEMORY-POEM-STRING:I love you like a raisin.
MEMORY-POEM~TO~GWENDOLYN-STRING:I love you like a raisin
You are so plump and sweet.
I love your many whiskers
and your tiny little feet.
Parity laughs, "I see... ;)"
Moth says, "Now... if I could only figure out how to get him to ~recite~ them...."
Parity smiles, "You should have the know-how. Just use say or @emit instead of @pemit... "
Parity wonders if we lost Hercules?
Moth nods, was thinking that'd be it ;)
Parity says, "Any-way. You can read the help on edit() and do 'exa
myobj/*-string' to see how we're replacing spaces with tildes so that
a multi-word string turns into a one-word string."
Moth ahhhhhs
Moth says, "Very cool :)"
Parity says, "And yes, we could've just put edit() inside the square
brackets [] in our .read and .write commands instead of making a
space2tilde and tilde2space function."
Moth nods, is that the preferable way generally speaking?
Parity says, "However, there are a number of pieces of softcode out on the
archives that use a 'space2tilde/tilde2space' type system, so this
lets you see it ahead of time, as it were."
Moth ahs cool
Parity says, "I generally use edit() because using u-fun to replace one
function with another seems a little silly to me."
Moth nods
Parity says, "I usually only use ufuns to replace a whole mess of functions
with one ufun."
Moth nods
Parity says, "Like our borders-fn. That's about the simplest thing I would
make into a ufun, but of course, the other consideration with
borders-fn is that you can use it in many different places."
Hercules says, "It works.:)"
Hercules' Bubba:
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7 and the secret word is please
MEMORY-POEM-STRING:There once was a man from Nantucket...
MEMORY-MULTI-TITLED~TEST-STRING:This is to see if the command will work.
Parity says, "Cool. ;)"
Moth has seen news files written with that type of bordering and what-not...
Parity says, "That's about that for class then. Question-and-answer time! :)"
Moth grins
Parity says, "Now's the time to speak if anything is still unclear."
Hercules will need to go through the logs of the previous two classes
and get caught up fully. I'm liking this.:)
Moth says, "I think it's pretty clear... you would want to keep the
ufuns down to a dull roar, I imagine? // Yeah, I'll need to read the
log again to come up with anything more ... incisive question-wise,
but this was good. It made the 'u#-1 FUNCTION () NOT FOUND' bit I've
used for years make sense."
Moth oops... laf
Parity notes, btw, that with a little work, some understanding of
lattr() and the use of tilde2space-fn and edit() you can write an
index function for your memory-*-strings, and you can tweak your read
and write functions as you like until you've got a full-fledged
notebook going.
Moth never could type that damn code out
Parity grins.
Moth says, "It's a desc attribute... anyhoo, it makes sense now..."
Parity says, "Use ufuns as much or as little as you like. I tend to be
conservative with them, because they do take extra cycles, -but- they
also tend to make code more readable."
Moth nods...
Moth says, "Cool!"
Hercules can now break through the wet paper bag.
Parity says, "Generally, if your commands are getting to be ten lines long
a ufun might be in order, and also, if you have any code that is
getting used repeatedly, a ufun is good so you don't have to keep
typing it over and over."
Moth says, "This was great, Parity. Thanks:) Another wonderful code
outing...// Ah yes, that would cut down on typo probs"
Parity nods. :)
Hercules thoroughly enjoyed learning this. Thank-you very much,
Parity says, "You're welcome!"
Prospero dropped Ball.
Houston, we have lift-off. The ferret launches the ball across the room.
Parity chuckles.
Ball has left.
The ferret gets the ball. Clever Prospero!
Prospero dribbles it up the middle like Julius Erving!
Parity says, "Any more questions?"
Moth says, "No, not as of yet..."
Moth says, "Next installment ?"
Moth says, "setq?"
Parity says, "Two weeks, I think, and we'll do setq(), yes. ;)"
Moth says, "Let me know what you want to do and when and I'll post it :0"
Hercules says, "Cool. I'll be out of town next weekend."
Moth says, "Every other week seems to work out alright"
Parity nods, "Every week would be too much for me. ;o"
Moth says, "My brain would explode"
Parity grins.
Moth says, "Just like that guy in Scanners."
Parity says, "Okay, thank you all for coming! I'll be stopping the log now."
Moth says, "Thanks!"
Moth says, "Mucho appreciado..."
complete, with credits intact, and is used only for non-profit purposes.
Parity calls class to order and starts the log. "Speak now if you want
to be edited out before posting."
Parity says, "Hercules, no matter how quiet you're going to be, you'll want
to create an object, with:
@create <My Object>
@set <My Object>=visual
@set <My Object>=commands
@lock/uselock <My Object>=me
Where <My Object> is a name of your choice."
Parity is a big believer in learning by experimenting, and you can't
follow the excercises without an object.
Hercules says, "Done.:)"
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "Whenever I say 'MyObj' I mean, of course, your object,
whatever you named it, so don't take that literally, but everyone has
a differently named object."
Parity says, "Hopefully. :)"
Hercules nods.
Moth chuckles
Parity says, "We're going to start with a little bit of a basic exercise
here, and write a simple remember/reminder command pair."
Parity says, "&remember-cmd myobj=$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
Moth says, "Okie..."
Parity says, "&reminder-cmd myobj=$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to
remember: [v(memory-string)]"
Parity says, "Now, try typing '.remember The secret number is 7' and then
> Ok.
> You asked me to remember: The secret number is 7
Moth has to get off the wiz channel.... just a mo
Parity okees.
Moth tries that again
Parity says, "Now, the point of this basic little exercise is, well,
multifold. To remind everyone how to write a command, how to use [] to
force evaluation of a function (in this case, the 'v()' function,
which is essentially the same as 'get(me/whatever)') and to set the
stage for more advanced examples."
Parity says, "Does anyone, even those of you that think you're just
lurking, have any question about this example?"
Moth ugs... works on this a moment....
Parity says, "If everyone drops their object, I can examine it and give
Roswind doesn't think, she knows ;)
Roswind pats the dragon's shoulder and moves away from it.
Moth sets Prospero down.
The big inflated dragon starts drifting across the room.
Prospero wiggles his way off of Moth and across the floor in search of raisins.
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [v(&memory-string me=%0 ;
@pemit %#=Ok.)]
Parity says, "Moth, your 'v' command should just be 'v(memory-string)'"
Hercules dropped Bubba.
Parity says, "Err."
Parity says, "I should say, your v -function-."
Moth nods, thought I misunderstood that... will do it
Hercules' Bubba:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember [v(memory-string)]
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7
Parity says, "Both Bubba and the Dragon have it right if you need to look at it.
Good job, Herc, Ros. ;)"
Moth nods, just thought I was supposed to "fill that bit in"...
Parity will use ... or <> for 'fill this in'
Moth says, "Oh good... thanks..."
Parity says, "To review briefly, a function is a special string that the
MUSH evaluates and replaces with some other string."
Hercules says, "Do these strings also work in MUX?"
Parity says, "A function can appear as the first thing in a string that the
mush is evaluating, as in 'say time()' or can be appear later in that
string wrapped in square brackets [] to say 'evaluate this specially!'
like 'say The time is [time()]'"
Parity says, "Yes."
Parity says, "Everything I teach you works in TinyMUSH, TinyMUX and PennMUSH."
Parity says, "When we come across discrepancies I'll try to point out the
cross-platform differences."
Hercules says, "Cool!"
Parity says, "So far, the only difference we'd see doing this elsewhere is
that, on pennmush, we'd have to say, '@set MyObj=!no_command' instead
of '@set MyObj=commands'"
Parity says, "But I wasn't really teaching flags, just getting you an
object to work with, so. :)"
Moth chuckles
Hercules nods.;)
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [v(memory-string)]
Moth says, "Oh woo..."
Parity says, "Okay. So. You can put functions inside of any string
evaluated by MUSH. You cannot, however, put -commands- in the middle
of strings. THey have to go in very particular places. Basicalyl, at
the beginning of a line, at the beginning of a $-command, and as the
arguments to @force, @dolist, and @wait. I don't think there's
anywhere else."
Parity says, "You can string commands together only by separating them with
';', not by embedding them inside each other, and not inside of
Parity says, "In other words, commands and functions are very
different. Don't mix them up."
Parity looks aroudn, "Any questions?"
Moth says, "In this memory string.... you can continue to add "things
to remember"... Like: .remember Raisins are tasty and Parity has a lot
of them."
Moth says, "?"
Moth says, "Is there a limit or how does it handle multiple things to
Parity mmmms, "Not in this example."
Parity says, "Let's look at the code."
Parity says, "&remember-cmd myobj=$.remember *:&memory-string me=%0 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
Moth nods
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "Parsing this string out, it says, 'This is a command, stored
in the attribute 'remember-cmd' which is matched by '.remember '
followed by anything at all; when invoked, do '&memory-string
me=<whatever followed the '.remember '> ' and then do '@pemit <whoever
called the command>=Ok.'"
Parity says, "does that make sense?"
Moth nods
Parity says, "So, knowing that the '&<attribute name> <obj>=<value>' type
syntax sets an attribute, we can see whatever you type is going to
replace anything that might have been in 'memory-string' before."
Moth ahs
Parity says, "Now, if we want to remember multiple things we can. ;)"
Moth lets you get to that as you will ;)
Parity says, "Everyone type 'help cat()'"
> help cat
Function: cat(<string>[,<stringN>])
cat returns a string made up of the contents of string1 through stringN,
with each string separated from its neighbors by a space.
> say cat(this is, a test)
You say "this is a test"
> say cat(This is,another,test of the,CAT function)
You say "This is another test of the CAT function"
Parity says, "cat is a nice useful function."
Parity says, "It's short for 'concatenate' and means 'stick these strings together'"
Parity says, "Try, 'say cat(first string,second string,third string)'"
Moth ahhhs
Moth says, "raisins are tasty and plentiful"
Parity muses, "Not that we really need cat here, but it lets us
introduce another function. :)"
Parity says, "Anyway."
Moth says, "Cool..."
Hercules says, "car(first string,second string,third string)"
Hercules says, "first string second string third string"
Hercules blushes...
Parity says, "If we replace the %0 with 'cat(v(memory-string),%0)' then
instead of storing '<what the invoker typed>' we'll store '<what I
remember>' plus '<what the invoker typed>' ..."
Parity says, "Anyway. Try that. ;)"
Parity grins at Hercules, "Unfortunately, car is not a function in MUSH."
Hercules says, "So I noticed.:)"
Hercules curses his big, blunt fingers.
Parity says, "ACtually maybe it's not so very unfortunate. first() and
rest() in MUSH do what (car) and (cdr) do in lisp."
Parity personally things first and rest are more intuitive names. :)
Parity says, "thinks, even."
Hercule's Bubba:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember [v(memory-string)]
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7
Hercules says, "So, we replace the %0 in the .reminder command with cat(v(memory-string),)?"
Parity says, "YEs, you've got it right Hercules, except when speaking you
have to escape all your %-substitutions. :)"
Moth says, "oops..."
Moth says, "Oh, cool... not oops..."
Parity says, "Your code is correct. Try '.remember and the secret word is
please' or whatever you want to add to Bubba's 'memory'."
Hercules says, "Yeah, I forgot to add an extra '%' in the cat string."
Hercules says, "Cool!"
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok.
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [v(memory-string)]
Parity peers at Prospero, "Looks good, Moth!"
Moth offers Prospero a raisin.
Moth grins
Parity says, "Are we all clear on setting attributes and using v() now?"
Moth nods, thinks so
Moth says, "For me, that is"
Parity says, "Cool. ;)"
Parity says, "Okay, now we'll actually get to to-days topic, which is u(). :)"
Parity says, "u() is like v() except that it evaluates the string it
retrieves. In this case, we could put u() in the place of v() and
nothing would change except that we'd use up more computer-cycles
running our command. (Well, and some security risks, but lets not get
too sidetracked.)"
Parity says, "Any-way, u() may not sound very interesting with that
description, but what that magic 'evaluation' means is that where v()
acts as 'get-a-variable' u() acts as 'run-a-user-defined-function'."
Parity says, "So, let's do an example here. ;)"
Parity says, "&memory-fn myobj=[repeat(-,78)]%r[v(memory-string)]%r[repeat(-,78)]"
Parity says, "Once you've entered that function, replace 'v(memory-string)'
in your '.remember' command with 'u(memory-fn)'"
Parity says, "err."
Hercules says, "Do we leave the %0 in there?"
Parity says, "I mean '.reminder' ..."
Parity says, "D'oh."
Parity says, "&reminder-cmd myobj=$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember:
Hercules says, "Okie.:)"
Parity says, "The remember command should remain, or be reset to: &remember-cmd
myobj=$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok"
Hercules kisses 'Alt+Up'.
Parity reminds itself to use less confusing command names next time.
Moth says, "If only my new client wouldn't pop back down when folks talk. Laf"
Parity says, "Sorry. ;o"
Parity recommends tf for linux and simplemu* for windows.
Moth is on a Cube
Parity says, "G4Cube?"
Moth says, "Yep...."
Parity assumes not a NExtCube.
Hercules is on MUSHclient.
Moth says, "Nope, it's the G4Cube"
Parity doesn't know Mac stuff, "But when you upgrade to OS X, you
should be able to use tf like the rest of the Unix world. ;)"
Moth says, "Build a mu*client for me Parity! ;) // Anyway...."
Moth nods to Parity...
Moth's Prospero:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok.
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember: [u(memory-fn)]
Hercules' Bubba:
REMEMBER-CMD:$.remember *:&memory-string me=cat(v(memory-string),%0) ; @pemit %#=Ok
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember [u(memory-fn)]
Parity says, "Okay, looks good!"
Parity says, "Uhm. Hmm."
Parity says, "Oh, except maybe there should be a %r after the 'remember' or it'll look
funny. :o"
Moth says, "In which bit?"
Parity says, "In the reminder-cmd."
Moth examines prospero
Parity says, "Or... hm."
Parity peers.
Parity says, "Maybe it's not needed."
Parity says, "Oh. Yes it is. ;)"
Parity's client is wrapping things so they look nice, but that %r
really should be there.
Moth says, "So we should put the %r after remember:"
Parity says, "yes. :)"
Moth says, "In the reminder string ..."
Moth says, "Okie"
Parity says, "Has everybody typed '.reminder' and seen how the reminder looks now?"
> .reminder
You asked me to remember:
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Hercules says, "So, &reminder-cmd #1284=$.reminder:@pemit #1147=You
asked me to remember
Parity eeps.
Moth says, "Oh, that looks nice"
Hercules says, "Oooh!"
Parity says, "Uhm. No spaces between the %r and the []."
Parity says, "Or else you'll indent your borders by 1."
Parity says, "Anyway."
Parity says, "To explain what we've done here."
Moth has two strings in my memory bits, but I get the point;)
Parity says, "Instead of pemitting the value of 'memory-string', we're
pemitting the result of evaluating 'memory-fn'."
Parity writes on the blackboard, '&memory-fn
Parity says, "Okay. The repeat function simply repeats the first argument
however many times the second argument says to repeat it."
Parity says, "You can play with that if you want, with 'say
repeat(hello,3)' or whatever."
Parity says, "You should all be familiar with %r by this time, I hope?"
Parity says, "And then, the v(memory-string) is exactly the same as it
always was."
Moth says, "hellohellohello"
Moth grins!
Parity says, "So, when we evaluate u(memory-fn), we evaluate, 'repeat
dashes/newline/get memory string/newline/repeat dashes' and, ta-da, a
beautifully formatted memory string appears."
Parity says, "Does that make sense to everyone?"
Parity says, "As a mnemonic to help you remember, btw, v() retrieves a
-V-ariable, and u() evaluates a -U-ser defined function."
Moth believes so, for my part...
Moth nods, thanks for that bit:)
Parity nods, "Mnemonics are important, especially with
one-letter-functions like u() and v(). :)"
Moth nods, especially for me... laf
Parity says, "Okay. Now this is a kind of a silly function. There's no good
reason not to just put the whole string of stuff in memory-fn into the
reminder-cmd and skip the whole u() thing."
Parity says, "So, let's move forward to an example that -is- useful. ;)"
Moth grins
Hercules nods.:)
Parity says, "&borders-fn myobj=[center(%b%0%b,78,-)]%r%1%r[repeat(-,78)]"
Parity says, "&border-test-cmd myobj=$.btest:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Header,Text)"
Parity says, "put those in, and try the '.btest' command, and then we'll
discuss it."
Parity says, "Let me know when you're ready."
Moth ahhhs, as some things learned by rote years ago make sense. laf
Parity grins.
Moth woos
Hercules woohoos!
Parity grins, "I take it that means things are working."
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "Now, this is where u-functions start to be -really- different
from v."
Parity says, "You'll notice that, similar to the way the value filling in
the '*' in our commands gets stuffed into '%0', the arguments to our
ufun are getting stuffed into %0 and %1."
Parity says, "You can change your btest command, and replace 'Header' with
'My Poem' and 'Text' with 'I don't have time to find a rhyme' ... or
Parity says, "center(), if it isn't obvious, centers something. Take a look at help
center() and try saying things like 'center(test,10,.)'"
> help center
Function: center(<string>,<width>[,<fill>])
This function will center a string in a string <width> characters wide,
using <fil> characters for padding on either end of the string for
centering. If no fill character is specified then a space is used.
If <string> is longer than <width> characters, the string is returned
> say center(a,5,-)
You say "--a--"
> say center(*BAMF*,15)
You say " *BAMF* "
Moth says, "..tequila."
Parity says, "And yes, it -is- annoying that repeat() and center() take
arguments in a different order."
Hercules says, "...test..."
Parity says, "And yes, you -will-, even after -years- of coding, have to
type 'help center()' and 'help repeat()' to remind yourself which goes
in which order. ;o"
Moth grins
Parity says, "Though as a mnemonic, it is like, 'repeat <string> <number>
of times' and 'center <text> in a <number> wide field of <character>'"
Parity says, "If that helps."
Moth nods, has familiarity with center... but will still mix them
up. It is The Way Of Things (tm) ;)
Parity says, "Yes."
Parity says, "OKay."
Moth says, "At least now the 'help' makes sense. Laf"
Parity says, "The %b's are just to keep the dashes from getting right up
against our header, 'cause that looks ugly. :)"
Moth noddles
Parity says, "And I think that pretty well dissects the function into its
component parts. Clear?"
Moth nods, is
Hercules says, "Yep.:)"
Parity says, "Yay. :)"
Parity says, "Okay."
Hercules thinks Parity is spiffy keen as a code guru.
Moth grins, is waiting for the day when It says: When you can take
this pebble from my hand....
Hercules laughs.
Parity says, "Now, you should be able to take what we've learned, and
change our '.reminder' command to use our borders function to put a
header of 'Memory' onto a text of the memory-string. Everyone try
changing your .reminder command to do that."
Parity smiles, and thanks everyone for the compliments, even the silly ones. ;)
Moth is a silly creature
Parity says, "That would explain why you're always circling light bulbs. ;)"
Moth says, "You'd think I'd at least clue in enough to buy a good helmet...."
Moth says, "Goggles..."
Hercules says, "How would we set the .reminder command to do that?"
Parity hehs.
Moth examines the ferret again
Parity says, "It's an exercise. :)"
Parity says, "You should know enough to do it, I hope."
Parity says, "If not, try asking specific questions. OR just try something and I'll
explain what's wrong."
Moth presses 'enter'... waits for mu* to explode....
Moth covers ears...
Hercules says, "How's that?"
Parity grins.
Hercules' Bubba:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember%r[u(borders-fn,Memory,the
secret number is 7 and the secret word is please)]
Moth says, "Okay, I messed up..."
Moth got half of it right
Parity says, "Bubba, you don't really need the 'you asked me to remember'
now that you've got a pretty header, and you've got a literal string
in your call to borders-fn instead of a v()."
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to
remember:%r[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,(memory-fn))]
Parity says, "Ah. You have a similiar mistake Moth."
Parity says, "Remember, you get your 'memory-string' out with 'v(memory-string)'"
Moth says, "Oh yeah"
Hercules says, "Is that better?:)"
Parity says, "You -could- put u(memory-fn) in there, but then you'd get borders-
inside-of-borders and it would look really weird. :)"
Hercules' Bubba:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Memory,the secret
number is 7 and the secret word is please)
Parity says, "Hercules, you still have a literal string instead of
retrieving memory-string from your object."
Moth says, "Woo!"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=You asked me to remember:%r[u(borders-fn,Things To
Hercules says, "Hmm. Ok. How do I fix that?"
> .reminder
You asked me to remember:
----------------------------- Things To Remember -----------------------------
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Parity nods to Moth, though similarly, the 'You asked me to remember:'
is redundant at this point, but the essence of it is correct.
Parity says, "Hercules, you want to use v(memory-string) rather than having
literal text in your u() call."
Moth says, "Oh yeah"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:%r[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,v(memory-string))]
Hercules says, "How about now?:)"
Parity says, "Uhmmm, Moth, you don't need that leading %r, but you -do-
need to keep an @pemit command in there."
Moth got it :)
Hercules' Bubba:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Memory,v(memory-string))
Moth fixed it;)
> .reminder
----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Moth is annoyed that I don't have a repose feature. Laf. gahs
Parity nods to Hercules, "Good!"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=%r[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,v(memory-string))]
> .reminder
----------------------------- Things To Remember -----------------------------
the secret number is 7 and the secret word is foobar
Parity nods to Moth, "That works, but be aware that you're putting a
leading blank-line at the top because of that leading %r."
Moth noddles
Parity says, "You can both exa bubba/reminder-cmd and exa
prospero/reminder-cmd to see the difference between the two
Moth okies
Parity says, "That's why we have our objects set visual. :)"
Moth's Prospero:
REMINDER-CMD:$.reminder:@pemit %#=[u(borders-fn,Things To Remember,v(memory-string))]
Parity says, "Though Moth took away the leading %r. ;)"
Moth grins, sorry
Moth says, "I did... just then"
Moth says, "Is there a reason you wouldn't want that in there... ?"
Parity says, "Moth, once the leading %r is gone, you don't need the
enveloping square brackets [] anymore, because your u() is the first
thing that the MUSH sees."
Moth says, "Oh okay"
Moth takes it out ;)
Moth has used an attribute code bit instead of a +wear code and I now
understand it. Laf. This is good ;)
Parity mmms, "Generally, you don't want to lead off the output of a
command with a blank line. Sometimes you do, if you want to offset the
output from the text around it, to make it more noticeable, but
generally, it's just making people's screens scroll more to have extra
blank lines.
Moth nods re: that
Parity says, "Notice also that I had you make your lines 78 characters wide."
Moth nods
Parity says, "That's not an arbitrary choice."
Moth has seen 76 before
Parity says, "You can make it shorter, but not longer."
Moth nods
Parity says, "80 characters is as standard width screen, but because of the
way some terminals and terminal emulators handle things, going past 78
might cause extra line feeds."
Moth nods
Parity says, "Then, you'd -think- people were seeing:
Parity says, "But they'd actually see:
Moth ahhhhs, okie
Parity says, "Or maybe even worse mutilations, but, let's just leave it as
'it's bad to use more than 78 characters in a line.'"
Moth noddles
Parity says, "If in doubt about what things look like, try using a standard
telnet screen to look at stuff; telnet on a unix console or in a
default-size xterm, windows telnet in its default 24x80 screen size,
or ncsa telnet on mac in its default size."
Moth nods
Parity says, "okee. ;)"
Parity says, "So I think we all understand u() now?"
Moth feels good about it
Moth has warm and fuzzy regard for u()
Moth chuckles
Parity grins.
Parity is going to amend the class. "We're -not- going to cover setq()
today, because it's just as complicated as u() and we'd be going
another two hours."
Parity says, "WHat we will do, is expand our remember/reminder commands,
though, and use our borders-fn some more."
Moth says, "Oh groovy..."
Parity says, "Only we're going to create new commands, .write and .read."
Hercules says, "Okie."
Moth will be creating the world's first literate ferret...
Parity says, "&write-cmd myobj=$.write *=*:&memory-%0-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok."
Hercules says, "My connection keeps getting so lagged this weekend."
Parity says, "And for your .read command, start with '&read-cmd
myobj=$.read *:' and use v(memory-%0-string) to get back the
particular string you want to read."
Parity says, "For this first iteration, use only -one- word for your
Parity says, "Like, .write test=This is a test ; things like .write My
Test=THis is a test will not work."
Parity wonders if anyone understands and can explain why '.write My
Test=This is a test' would not work?
Hercules says, "Is the .read cmd on Bubba Ok?"
Moth says, "Well... I thought generally for commands and attributes
(including +views) you have to use either _ or - to separate the words
or it doesn't recognize them. It's not treated as text..."
Hercules' Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:v(memory-%0-string)
Parity says, "v() is a function; when the mush tries to execute the part
after the : in Bubba's read-cmd, it will try to do 'v()' as if it were
a command, which won't do much of anything but get a 'huh?'."
Hercules says, "Yeah. That's what I got."
Parity nods to Moth, "For attributes.... commands depend on how
they're written, but yes, attributes can't have a space in them."
Parity adds to Hercules, "You need the first thing after your : to be
a command."
Hercules says, "Ok."
Hercules says, "Like .write, for example?"
Parity says, "Well, .write -is- a command, but I was thinking more like,
@pemit. You wouldn't want your .read command to call .write,
Parity says, "'help command list' to get an idea of what commands are
> help command list
Help available for MUSH Commands:
drop enter examine get give goto
help inventory kill leave LOGOUT look
take throw use version whisper WHO
" : ; & # \\
@@ @chown @clone @create @decompile @destroy
@dig @doing @dolist @drain @edit @emit
@entrances @eval @femit @find @force @fpose
@fsay @halt @last @link @list @listmotd
@lock @mvattr @name @notify @oemit @open
@parent @password @pemit @program @ps @quitprog
@quota @robot @search @set @stats @sweep
@switch @teleport @trigger @unlink @unlock @verb
@wait @wipe
{ 'help commands2' for more }
Hercules says, "Ok. I think I'm a little lost. I get the @pemit, but
what do I want it to emit?"
Moth hmmms... messed something up along the way
Moth's Prospero:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=v(memory-%0-string)
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-%0-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok.
Parity peers at Moth's code, "That looks almost right... "
Moth tried .write Poem and gets a huh?
Moth thought that's where the one-word thing would come in;)
Parity says, "Ahhh. Look at your .write command. '.write *=*'"
Parity says, "So it would be '.write poem=Was there ever a ferret as lovely
as a tree' not 'write Poem' by itself."
Moth says, "Oooh;)...laf"
Hercules thinks he has it now.:)
Hercules' Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=v(memory-%0-string)
Hercules says, "Hmm. I still get a 'Huh?'"
Parity hmmms?
Moth says, "Oh, okay... I got it"
Parity says, "Herc, try '.write test=this is a test' and '.read test'"
Parity says, "It should work."
Moth says, "Can you insert %r to make little stanzas?"
Parity copied the code onto its 'myobj' and it worked.
Hercules says, "Nope. Still get 'Huh?'"
Parity blinks?
Hercules says, "Is my .read command alright?"
Parity nods...
Parity says, "Hold on."
Parity hrmmmms.
Parity says, "Herc, are you typing 'read' or '.read' ?"
Hercules says, ".read"
Parity says, "And '.read test' doesn't work for you?"
Hercules says, "Ohh! I was just typing '.read'. Sorry.:)"
Parity ahhhs.
Hercules----> Having yet another blonde day.
Parity notes the pattern for .read is '.read *' ... in command
patterns, spaces -are- significant, so '.read' doesn't match '.read '
followed by anything because there's no space there.
Parity says, "You can, and people often do, make a command like
'$read-what-cmd myobj=$.read:@pemit #384=Read what?'"
Parity says, "That will match '.read' by itself and remind you to give
.read an argument. :)"
Moth ahhhhhhs
Parity says, "Err."
Parity says, "With a %#, not with my dbref. ;o"
Moth grins
Parity says, "Okay."
Parity says, "SO we have a .read that kinda works, but what we really want
is to use our borders-fn, with our %0 argument for the header and our
retrieved text inside the lines."
Parity says, "So, try changing your .read commands to do that."
Hercule's Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=v(memory-%0-string)
Moth's Prospero:
Missing Space is Between @pemit and %#
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit%#=u(borders-fn,Sonnet to The Ferretess Gwendolyn,v(memory-%0-string))
Moth says, "Okie..."
Parity says, "You're missing a space, Moth, and your header is going to be
a fixed string, so when you '.read test' it'll have the same header as
when you '.read poem'."
Moth caught the space thing... how's it look now?
Parity says, "Halfway there. ;)"
Moth hmmmmms
Parity says, "But, try, for example, '.write phonenum=123-4567' and '.read phonenum' ..."
> .read phonenum
---------------------- Sonnet to The Ferretess Gwendolyn ---------------------
Moth says, "Oh...."
Parity says, "You might want to have %0 instead of a fixed string for your
title. ;)"
Moth nods
Parity checks on Hercules, "Still with us?"
Moth thinks I got it.
Moth's Prospero:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-%0-string))
> .read test
------------------------------------ test ------------------------------------
This is a test.
> .read phonenum
---------------------------------- phonenum ----------------------------------
Parity says, "Looks good, moth!"
Parity says, "Now, to make it a bit more useful, try this:"
Hercules says, "Yep.:)"
Hercules says, "Just had to run AFK for a sec."
Parity says, "&space2tilde-fn myobj=edit(%0,%b,~)"
Parity says, "And,"
Parity says, "&tilde2space-fn myobj=edit(%0,~,%b)"
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-%0-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok.
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-%0-string))
Parity says, "Then change 'memory-%0-string' in write-cmd to 'memory-
Hercules is catching up. How's my .read with the borders?
Parity says, "And similarly in read-cmd."
Hercule's Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,Notes,v(memory-%0-string))
> .read test
------------------------------------ Notes -----------------------------------
This is a test.
Parity nods to Hercules, "It works, but you might want to replace
'Notes' with '%0' to have a title appropriate to each note."
Hercules says, "Okie.:)"
Moth says, "It replaces the same portion of string in the .read as it
did in the .write? Or everything from u( on"
Parity peers quizically at moth.
Parity says, "Sorry?"
Moth's Prospero:
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok!
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-%0-string))
Parity notes that the write-cmd on prospero looks correct.
Hercules thinks he's caught up now.
Parity says, "But the read-cmd needs to be modified, replacing
'memory-%0-string' with 'memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string'"
Hercules' Bubba:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string))
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok
Moth was lost on how much it replaced ...
Parity nods to Hercules, "That -looks- right... try a command like
'.write a multi word title=some text goes here' and then '.read a
multi word title' ... and see if it works, or blows up. :)
Moth says, "How does the ferret look/"
Moth's Prospero:
WRITE-CMD:$.write *=*:&memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string me=%1 ; @pemit %#=Ok!
Parity says, "Uhmmmmm, you seem to have lost your borders-fn, Moth."
Moth's Prospero:
READ-CMD:$.read *:@pemit %#=u(borders-fn,%0,v(memory-[u(space2tilde-fn,%0)]-string))
Parity says, "Oh, wait."
Parity was looking at the wrong command.
Parity says, "I know the difference between read and write. :)"
Parity says, "I think Prospero looks good."
Parity says, "Try a .write and a .read with a multi-word title."
Moth woos!
Moth's Prospero:
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7 Raisins are tasty and Parity has a lot of them.
MEMORY-POEM-STRING:I love you like a raisin.
MEMORY-POEM~TO~GWENDOLYN-STRING:I love you like a raisin
You are so plump and sweet.
I love your many whiskers
and your tiny little feet.
Parity laughs, "I see... ;)"
Moth says, "Now... if I could only figure out how to get him to ~recite~ them...."
Parity smiles, "You should have the know-how. Just use say or @emit instead of @pemit... "
Parity wonders if we lost Hercules?
Moth nods, was thinking that'd be it ;)
Parity says, "Any-way. You can read the help on edit() and do 'exa
myobj/*-string' to see how we're replacing spaces with tildes so that
a multi-word string turns into a one-word string."
Moth ahhhhhs
Moth says, "Very cool :)"
Parity says, "And yes, we could've just put edit() inside the square
brackets [] in our .read and .write commands instead of making a
space2tilde and tilde2space function."
Moth nods, is that the preferable way generally speaking?
Parity says, "However, there are a number of pieces of softcode out on the
archives that use a 'space2tilde/tilde2space' type system, so this
lets you see it ahead of time, as it were."
Moth ahs cool
Parity says, "I generally use edit() because using u-fun to replace one
function with another seems a little silly to me."
Moth nods
Parity says, "I usually only use ufuns to replace a whole mess of functions
with one ufun."
Moth nods
Parity says, "Like our borders-fn. That's about the simplest thing I would
make into a ufun, but of course, the other consideration with
borders-fn is that you can use it in many different places."
Hercules says, "It works.:)"
Hercules' Bubba:
MEMORY-STRING:The secret number is 7 and the secret word is please
MEMORY-POEM-STRING:There once was a man from Nantucket...
MEMORY-MULTI-TITLED~TEST-STRING:This is to see if the command will work.
Parity says, "Cool. ;)"
Moth has seen news files written with that type of bordering and what-not...
Parity says, "That's about that for class then. Question-and-answer time! :)"
Moth grins
Parity says, "Now's the time to speak if anything is still unclear."
Hercules will need to go through the logs of the previous two classes
and get caught up fully. I'm liking this.:)
Moth says, "I think it's pretty clear... you would want to keep the
ufuns down to a dull roar, I imagine? // Yeah, I'll need to read the
log again to come up with anything more ... incisive question-wise,
but this was good. It made the 'u#-1 FUNCTION () NOT FOUND' bit I've
used for years make sense."
Moth oops... laf
Parity notes, btw, that with a little work, some understanding of
lattr() and the use of tilde2space-fn and edit() you can write an
index function for your memory-*-strings, and you can tweak your read
and write functions as you like until you've got a full-fledged
notebook going.
Moth never could type that damn code out
Parity grins.
Moth says, "It's a desc attribute... anyhoo, it makes sense now..."
Parity says, "Use ufuns as much or as little as you like. I tend to be
conservative with them, because they do take extra cycles, -but- they
also tend to make code more readable."
Moth nods...
Moth says, "Cool!"
Hercules can now break through the wet paper bag.
Parity says, "Generally, if your commands are getting to be ten lines long
a ufun might be in order, and also, if you have any code that is
getting used repeatedly, a ufun is good so you don't have to keep
typing it over and over."
Moth says, "This was great, Parity. Thanks:) Another wonderful code
outing...// Ah yes, that would cut down on typo probs"
Parity nods. :)
Hercules thoroughly enjoyed learning this. Thank-you very much,
Parity says, "You're welcome!"
Prospero dropped Ball.
Houston, we have lift-off. The ferret launches the ball across the room.
Parity chuckles.
Ball has left.
The ferret gets the ball. Clever Prospero!
Prospero dribbles it up the middle like Julius Erving!
Parity says, "Any more questions?"
Moth says, "No, not as of yet..."
Moth says, "Next installment ?"
Moth says, "setq?"
Parity says, "Two weeks, I think, and we'll do setq(), yes. ;)"
Moth says, "Let me know what you want to do and when and I'll post it :0"
Hercules says, "Cool. I'll be out of town next weekend."
Moth says, "Every other week seems to work out alright"
Parity nods, "Every week would be too much for me. ;o"
Moth says, "My brain would explode"
Parity grins.
Moth says, "Just like that guy in Scanners."
Parity says, "Okay, thank you all for coming! I'll be stopping the log now."
Moth says, "Thanks!"
Moth says, "Mucho appreciado..."