On-Line Notebook
Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.
MUSHCode for On-Line Notebook
@create Notebook [nb]
@desc Notebook [nb]=A small ring-bound notebook with a careful black cover and small silver script along its spine and across its face saying Scarlett. Although small, it is a quick way to store that vital dbref or word that you have been trying to think of for ages.
@VA Notebook [nb]=$note *:@force me=@[first(except(genlist(xa,xz),get(me/vd)))] me=%0;@append me/vd=[first(except(genlist(xa,xz),get(me/vd)))];@fo owner(me)=:scribbles something in %p notebook.
@VB Notebook [nb]=$nread:@emit On-Line Notebook - bugs/ideas/thanks to: Aolm;@emit ---------------------------------------------;@dolist v(vd)=@emit Note (##): \\\[v(##)]
@VC Notebook [nb]=$erase *:@vd me=except(v(vd), %0);@[v(0)] #66269;@force owner(me)=:erases a line from %p notebook.
@VH Notebook [nb]=$nhelp:@emit ,--------------------------------.;@emit | *** On-Line Notebook V1.11 *** |;@emit | * bugs/ideas/thanks to: Aolm * |;@emit |--------------------------------|;@emit | nhelp ........ This help ..... |;@emit | note <text> .. Add <text> .... |;@emit | erase <x?> ... Erase line <x?> |;@emit | nread ........ List contents . |;@emit `--------------------------------'
@Details Notebook [nb]=~@~ nhelp: Notebook Help ~@~