LOLCAT Function

A function that allows you to speak like a LOLCAT. (A function that allowz yous to spekk liek LOLCAT.)

Author: Minion@M*U*S*H
Category: Functions
Commands: @create, @lock.
Compatibility: CobraMUSH, PennMUSH.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for LOLCAT Function

@create LOLCAT function
@lock LOLCAT function==me
&FUN_LOLCAT LOLCAT function=[setq(0,iter(lnum(%+),%##,%B,\,))][regeditalli(%q0, \,, \,%B,what, pickrand(wut whut), unless, unles, cture, kshur, more, moar, the%B, teh%B, are, pickrand(r is ar), my, pickrand(muh mah), ease, eez, ing%B, [pickrand(in ins)]%B, ph, f, eese, eez, seriously, srsly, as%B, az%B, sion, shun, er%B, r%B, s%B, z%B, just, jus, ome%B, um%B, eady, eddy, uestion, wesjun, of%B, [pickrand(of ov of)]%B, ead%B, edd%B, want, wants, sion, shun, ucke, ukki, %Boh%B, %B[pickrand(o ohs)]%B, oth, udd, age, uj, eak, ekk, love, pickrand(loves lub lubs luv), like, pickrand(likes liek), %Bis%B, %B[pickrand(ar teh, ar)]%B, have a, has, ',, who, hoo, outh, owf, ese%B, eez%B, esque, esk, scio, shu, %Btoo%B, %B[pickrand(to t 2 to t)]%B, ture, chur, sure%B, shur%B, tious, shus, %Ba%B, %B, you%B, [pickrand(yu yous yoo u)]%B, ok%B, [pickrand('k kay)]%B, your, pickrand(yur ur yore yoar), ove%B, [pickrand(oov ove uuv uv oove)]%B, for, pickrand(for 4 fr fur for foar), thank, pickrand(fank tank thx thnx), now, nao, good, pickrand(gud goed guud), really, pickrand(rly rily rilly rilley), world, pickrand(wurrld whirld wurld wrld), i'm%B, im%B, ([^e])ight, \1ite, ([^(ues)])tion, \1shun, you're, pickrand(yore yr), can%Bi%B(ple(a|e)(s|z)e?)?%B?has, i can has, (hello|%Bhi%B|%Bhey%B|howdy|%Byo%B)\,?, oh hai\,, %B%B, %B, teh teh, teh, ^i, I, %Bi%B, %bI%B)][switch(rand(20),<2,%BKthx.,2,%BKthxbye!,)]

think u([num(LOLCAT)]/FUN_LOLCAT,Hello world.)