Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.
MUSHCode for Gun
Hello folks...
I had coded a gun a while back and thought I would throw it on here.
--------Clip <>------------------Clip<>---------------------Clip<>--------
@create Gun=10
&SHOOT Gun=$*shoot *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/LOCATION)]=CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=Maybe you should unconceal it first.},DRAWN,{@swi [gt(v(ammo_left), 0)]=1,{@emit/room %N takes a shot at %1 with %p [name(me)];&AMMO_LEFT me=[sub(v(ammo_left), 1)]},0,{@emit/room %N squeezes the trigger and *CLICK*! No ammo.}}},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&G_ALIAS Gun=g
&DRAW Gun=$*draw:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/CONCEALABLE)]=NO,{@pemit %#=This gun dose not need to be drawn.},YES,{@swi [get(me/location )]=CONCEALED,{@emit/room %N draws %p [name(me)].;&LOCATION me=drawn;@set me=!dark},DRAWN,{@pemit %#=It is already drawn.}}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&LOCATION Gun=drawn
&CONCEAL Gun=$*conceal:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/CONCEALABLE)]=NO,{@pemit %#=You cannot conceal this gun.},YES,{@swi [get(me/location)]=CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=It is already concealed.},DRAWN,{@emit/room %N quickly conceals %p [name(me)].;&LOCATION me=CONCEALED;@set me=dark}}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&MK_ALIAS Gun=$*alias *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=Alias for [name(me)] set to '%1'.;&G_ALIAS me=[v(1)]},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&AIM Gun=$*aim *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/location)]=DRAWN,{@emit/room %N aims %p [name(me)] at %1.},CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=You might want to unconceal it first.}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&LOCK Gun=$lock *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=This weapon is locked to you against theft.;&WEAPON_OWNER me=%#;@lock me=%#;@lock/use me=%#},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&UNLOCK Gun=$unlock *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=This weapon is unlocked from you.;&WEAPON_OWNER me;@unlock me;@unlock/use me},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&SPRAY Gun=$*spray *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/AUTO)]=NO,{@pemit %#=Sorry, this is not an automatic gun.},YES,{@swi [get(me/LOCATION)]=CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=Maybe you should unconceal it first.},DRAWN,{@swi [gt(v(ammo_left), 0)]=1,{@emit/room %N ejects a spray of bullets toward %1 with %p [name(me)];&AMMO_LEFT me=0},0,{@emit/room %N tightly squeezes the trigger and *CLICK*! No ammo.}}}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&LOAD Gun=$*load:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [gt(v(CLIPS_LEFT), 0)]=1,{@emit/room %N slams another [v(CLIP_TYPE)] into %p [name(me)].;&CLIPS_LEFT me=[sub(v(CLIPS_LEFT), 1)];&AMMO_LEFT me=[v(AFTER_CLIP)]},0,{@pemit %#=You have no more clips left.}},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&CLIP_TYPE Gun=9mm clip
@Desc Gun=[get(me/LOOK)]%rThe gun's alias is: '[get(me/G_ALIAS)]'%rFor help: 'Info \[gun name or alias\]'
&LOOK Gun=Thy Master Gun.
&HELP Gun=$Info *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=[center(INFORMATION: [name(me)],78,=)]%r|%b%b\[alias\]draw[space(15)]-- Draws your weapon.%r|%B%b\[alias\]conceal[space(12)]-- Conceals you weapon.%r|%B%Block \[alias\][space(14)]-- Locks your weapon OOC.%r|%B%Bunlock \[alias\][space(12)]-- Unlocks your weapon OOC.%r|%B%B\[alias\]shoot [person|thing] -- Shoots at [person|thing]%R|%B%B\[alias\]spray [person|thing] -- Sprays at [person|thing]%R|%B%B\[alias\]load[space(15)]-- Loads your weapon.%r|%B%B\[alias\]stats[space(14)]-- Lists the stats of your weapon.%r|%r|%B%B<*> Note: \[alias\] Can be the alias or the name of the weapon.%r|%B%B<*> Note: Draw, Conceal, and Spray are not compatible with all weapons.%r|%B%B<*> Note: 'Credits' will tell you who coded and helped with these%r|%B%B[space(10)]weapons.%r[center(INFORMATION: [name(me)],78,=)]},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&STATS Gun=$*stats:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=[center(STATS: [name(me)],78,=)]%rStill Pending. I have no idea with stats.%r[center(STATS: [name(me)],78,=)]},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&CREDITS Gun=$Credits:@pemit %#=[center(CREDITS: [name(me)],78,=)]%r|%b%bCoded by Abraxis @ Cajun%r|%B%BHelp from DrugMaster @ ShadowRun%r|%B%BIdea from the original Masquerade.%r|%B%BHelp for the --'s *grin* from Celaxis @ Cajun%r|%r|%B%BENJOY!%r|%b%b--Thanks, Abraxis%r[center(CREDITS: [name(me)],78,=)]
I had coded a gun a while back and thought I would throw it on here.
--------Clip <>------------------Clip<>---------------------Clip<>--------
@create Gun=10
&SHOOT Gun=$*shoot *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/LOCATION)]=CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=Maybe you should unconceal it first.},DRAWN,{@swi [gt(v(ammo_left), 0)]=1,{@emit/room %N takes a shot at %1 with %p [name(me)];&AMMO_LEFT me=[sub(v(ammo_left), 1)]},0,{@emit/room %N squeezes the trigger and *CLICK*! No ammo.}}},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&G_ALIAS Gun=g
&DRAW Gun=$*draw:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/CONCEALABLE)]=NO,{@pemit %#=This gun dose not need to be drawn.},YES,{@swi [get(me/location )]=CONCEALED,{@emit/room %N draws %p [name(me)].;&LOCATION me=drawn;@set me=!dark},DRAWN,{@pemit %#=It is already drawn.}}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&LOCATION Gun=drawn
&CONCEAL Gun=$*conceal:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/CONCEALABLE)]=NO,{@pemit %#=You cannot conceal this gun.},YES,{@swi [get(me/location)]=CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=It is already concealed.},DRAWN,{@emit/room %N quickly conceals %p [name(me)].;&LOCATION me=CONCEALED;@set me=dark}}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&MK_ALIAS Gun=$*alias *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=Alias for [name(me)] set to '%1'.;&G_ALIAS me=[v(1)]},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&AIM Gun=$*aim *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/location)]=DRAWN,{@emit/room %N aims %p [name(me)] at %1.},CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=You might want to unconceal it first.}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&LOCK Gun=$lock *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=This weapon is locked to you against theft.;&WEAPON_OWNER me=%#;@lock me=%#;@lock/use me=%#},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&UNLOCK Gun=$unlock *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=This weapon is unlocked from you.;&WEAPON_OWNER me;@unlock me;@unlock/use me},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&SPRAY Gun=$*spray *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [get(me/AUTO)]=NO,{@pemit %#=Sorry, this is not an automatic gun.},YES,{@swi [get(me/LOCATION)]=CONCEALED,{@pemit %#=Maybe you should unconceal it first.},DRAWN,{@swi [gt(v(ammo_left), 0)]=1,{@emit/room %N ejects a spray of bullets toward %1 with %p [name(me)];&AMMO_LEFT me=0},0,{@emit/room %N tightly squeezes the trigger and *CLICK*! No ammo.}}}},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&LOAD Gun=$*load:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@swi [gt(v(CLIPS_LEFT), 0)]=1,{@emit/room %N slams another [v(CLIP_TYPE)] into %p [name(me)].;&CLIPS_LEFT me=[sub(v(CLIPS_LEFT), 1)];&AMMO_LEFT me=[v(AFTER_CLIP)]},0,{@pemit %#=You have no more clips left.}},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&CLIP_TYPE Gun=9mm clip
@Desc Gun=[get(me/LOOK)]%rThe gun's alias is: '[get(me/G_ALIAS)]'%rFor help: 'Info \[gun name or alias\]'
&LOOK Gun=Thy Master Gun.
&HELP Gun=$Info *:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=[center(INFORMATION: [name(me)],78,=)]%r|%b%b\[alias\]draw[space(15)]-- Draws your weapon.%r|%B%b\[alias\]conceal[space(12)]-- Conceals you weapon.%r|%B%Block \[alias\][space(14)]-- Locks your weapon OOC.%r|%B%Bunlock \[alias\][space(12)]-- Unlocks your weapon OOC.%r|%B%B\[alias\]shoot [person|thing] -- Shoots at [person|thing]%R|%B%B\[alias\]spray [person|thing] -- Sprays at [person|thing]%R|%B%B\[alias\]load[space(15)]-- Loads your weapon.%r|%B%B\[alias\]stats[space(14)]-- Lists the stats of your weapon.%r|%r|%B%B<*> Note: \[alias\] Can be the alias or the name of the weapon.%r|%B%B<*> Note: Draw, Conceal, and Spray are not compatible with all weapons.%r|%B%B<*> Note: 'Credits' will tell you who coded and helped with these%r|%B%B[space(10)]weapons.%r[center(INFORMATION: [name(me)],78,=)]},{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&STATS Gun=$*stats:@swi [or(strmatch(name(me),%0),strmatch(get(me/G_ALIAS),%0))]=1,{@pemit %#=[center(STATS: [name(me)],78,=)]%rStill Pending. I have no idea with stats.%r[center(STATS: [name(me)],78,=)]},0,{@pemit %#=I don't see that gun here.}
&CREDITS Gun=$Credits:@pemit %#=[center(CREDITS: [name(me)],78,=)]%r|%b%bCoded by Abraxis @ Cajun%r|%B%BHelp from DrugMaster @ ShadowRun%r|%B%BIdea from the original Masquerade.%r|%B%BHelp for the --'s *grin* from Celaxis @ Cajun%r|%r|%B%BENJOY!%r|%b%b--Thanks, Abraxis%r[center(CREDITS: [name(me)],78,=)]