Channel Locks

This simple object may manage the locks of several channels.

Author: Dahan
Category: Other
Compatibility: CobraMUSH, PennMUSH, TinyBit.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for Channel Locks

@@ Channel Locks
@@ by Dahan
@@ This simple object may manage the locks of several channels. For simplicities sake, it assumes that the speak, join, and see locks of a channels are the same, and that only admins may modify any channel. To support a new channel, add the appropriate FNC_* u-function, edit the LIST_CLOCKs attribute, and @trigger the object's STARTUP attribute.
@@ Be certain that this object is set VISUAL, otherwise it cannot function properly.

@create Channel Locks

@set Channel Locks = VISUAL
@set Channel Locks = WIZARD
@set Channel Locks = NO_COMMAND

&DB_JAIL Channel Locks=#666

@DESCRIBE Channel Locks=This object handles who may and may not speak on various channels.

&FN_ISADMIN Channel Locks=[orflags(%#,Wr)]

&FNC_ADMIN Channel Locks=[orflags(%#,Wr)]
&FNC_GUEST Channel Locks=[or(orflags(%#,Wr),not(match([v(DB_Jail)],%l)))]
&FNC_PUBLIC Channel Locks=[or(orflags(%#,Wr),[not(or(haspower(%#,guest),match([v(DB_Jail)],%l)))])]

&LIST_CLOCKS Channel Locks=FNC_Admin Admin|FNC_Public Public|FNC_Guest Guest

@STARTUP Channel Locks=@dolist [lattr(%!/FNC_*)]={@lock/user:[##] [%!] = [##]/1};th [iter(v(List_Clocks),[clock([rest(##)]/join,@[%!]/[first(##)])][clock([rest(##)]/speak,@[%!]/[first(##)])][clock([rest(##)]/see,@[%!]/[first(##)])][clock([rest(##)]/mod,@[%!]/FN_IsAdmin)],|,)]

@@ End of File