l337-speak Function

A function to translate text into l337 (leetspeak).

Author: Ian@BrazilMUX
Category: Functions
Commands: @create.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for l337-speak Function

@create l337
&L337_A l337=/\ /| |\ /l l\ /=\ /-\
&L337_B l337=|3 !3 13
&L337_C l337=< { ( [
&L337_D l337=|} |) |> 1} 1) 1> !} !) !> l} l) l>
&L337_E l337=3 E e
&L337_F l337=f F |= /=
&L337_G l337=9 g G
&L337_H l337=|-| |=| !-! !=! 1-1 1=1 /-/ \-\ /=/ \=\ |~| !~! 1~1 /~/ \~\ h H l-l l=l l~l
&L337_I l337=1 | ! i l
&L337_K l337=|{ |( |< !{ !( !< 1{ 1( 1< k K
&L337_L l337=1 |_ !_ 1_ l L
&L337_M l337=/\/\ |\|\ /|/| /!/! !\!\ m M l\l\ /l/l
&L337_N l337=|\| /\/ /|/ !\! /!/ 1\1 /1/ n N l\l /l/
&L337_O l337=() {} [] |] [| o O l] [l
&L337_P l337=|o |O |o |O p P
&L337_Q l337=o| O| o| O| q Q
&L337_R l337=|' !' 1' |2 l2
&L337_S l337=5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 S s
&L337_T l337=+ 7 ~|~
&L337_U l337=|_| !_! 1_1 /_/ \_\ |_| !_! 1_1 /_/ \_\ u U l_l l_l
&L337_V l337=\/ \| \! \1 1/ !/ |/ l/ \l
&L337_W l337=\/\/ |/|/ 1/1/ !/!/ \|\| \!\! \1\1 l/l/ \l\l
&L337_X l337=}{ )( ][ >< }{ )( ][ >< x X
&L337_Y l337=`/ '/ `| `l
&L337_Z l337=2 '/_ `/_
&FN_L337 l337=trim(foreach(foreach_l337,%0))
&FOREACH_L337 l337=ifelse(hasattr(%!,l337_%0),extract(setr(0,v(l337_%0)),inc(rand(words(%q0))),1),case(%0, ,%b,?,u(l337_question),!,u(l337_normal),.,u(l337_normal),%0))
&L337_NORMAL l337=edit(iter(lnum(add(rand(5),7)),ifelse(rand(2),!,1)),%b,)[space(rand(4))]
&L337_QUESTION l337=edit(iter(lnum(add(rand(5),7)),ifelse(rand(2),?,/)),%b,)[space(rand(4))]
&L337_J l337=_| _! _1 _l

think u(l337/fn_l337,Hello world)