View Code

Globals which allow you to set 'views' on rooms, people, and objects to provide more detailed descriptions of parts of them or the things they contain without resorting to adding objects to the db. Includes partial name matching, views() global function, and help files.

Author: Naomi Novik
Category: Globals
Commands: @pemit, @select.
Compatibility: PennMUSH, TinyBit, TinyMUX.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for View Code

@@ view code
@@ Author: Naomi Novik after Ralph Melton
@@ Released: 3/23/97

@@ This is a pretty basic version of view code. It allows you to set 'views'
@@ on rooms, people, and objects to provide more detailed descriptions of
@@ parts of them or the things they contain without resorting to adding objects
@@ to the db.
@@ Features:
@@ - partial view name matching
@@ - nice display of views, including ansi highlight &
@@ capitalization of view name
@@ - views() global function for use in room/person descs or @succ msgs
@@ - see +help for more help

@@ Master Object - The main globals object. Must be in the Master Room and
@@ have see_all power.
@@ Global Functions Object - The object on which you store code for your
@@ global functions (defined with @function).
@@ +Help Storage - The object you keep your +help commands or text stored on.
@@ NOTE: The default +help included with this is for use with
@@ the NiftyHelp system.
@@ To install, just read through all the comments, substitute the appropriate
@@ DBREF numbers for the objects involved, and /quote or cut & paste this in.
@@ I strongly recommend reading through the code enough to understand it.
@@ I don't put backdoors or nasty things in my code, but you only have my word
@@ for that, so don't put in code you can't understand. :)
@@ You are free to modify and use this code in any way you like. If you come up
@@ with a good modification/addition, by all means make it public and send it
@@ to me. :)

@@ view commands

&VIEW-ROOM-CONTENTS Master Object=$views: @pemit %#=switch(views(%L),, There's nothing here to view., You can view the following:%r [views(%L)])

&VIEW-THING-ITEM-LIST Master Object=$views *: @pemit %# = [setq(0, locate(%#, %0, *))][switch(%q0, #-1, There's nothing here named %0., { switch(views(%q0),, There's nothing to view on [name(%q0)]., You can view the following on [name(%q0)]:%r [views(%q0)]) }

&VIEW-ROOM-ITEM Master Object=$view *: @sel %0=* on *,,@pemit %#= [setq(1,lattr(%L/view_*[edit(%0, %b, ~)]*))][switch(words(%q1),0,There's no view named %0 here.%RAvailable views: [views(%L)], 1, [ansi(hb,iter(lcstr(edit(after(%q1,VIEW_), ~, %B)),capstr(##)))]%R[u(%L/%q1)], {That view name is ambiguous. Please be more specific in the view name.})]

&VIEW-THING-ITEM Master Object=$view * on *: @pemit %# = [setq(0, locate(%#, %1, *))][switch(%q0, #-1, There's nothing here named %1., { [setq(1,lattr(%q0/view_*[edit(%0, %b, ~)]*))][switch(words(%q1),0,There's no view named %0 on [name(%q0)].%RAvailable views: [views(%q0)], 1, [ansi(hb,iter(lcstr(edit(after(%q1,VIEW_), ~, %B)),capstr(##)))]%R[u(%q0/%q1)], {That view name is ambiguous. Please be more specific in the view name.})]})]

@@ global function 'views()'
@@ You will have to define the views() function using @function, like this:
@@ @function views=<Global Functions Object Dbref>,views
@@ Capitalize does NOT need to be defined as an @function. You can if
@@ you want to and then change it to a function instead of a u-fun. :)

&VIEWS Global Functions Object = iter(lattr(%0/VIEW_*),[u(CAPITALIZE,edit(after(##,VIEW_), ~,%B))]%B%B)

&CAPITALIZE Global Functions Object=iter(lcstr(%0),capstr(##))

@@ To use with the NiftyHelp +help system, leave as is. To use with a more
@@ standard +help object, uncomment the two lines below and comment out
@@ the four lines afterwards.

@@ &HELP_VIEW +Help Storage=$+help view:@pemit %#=COMMANDS%R%B[ljust(views,27)] -- lists the views in your current room%R%B[ljust(views <object>,27)] -- views on that object%R%B[ljust(view <name of view in room>,27)] -- look at that view in current room%R%B[ljust(view <view> on <object>,27)] -- look at that view on the object%R%B[ljust(\views\(<object/room dbref>\),27)] -- a function that returns the list of views%R%RThese commands allow you to create and look at detailed descriptions of various objects that would otherwise have to be represented with props.%R%RPlease see +help view2 for information on how to create views and for the credits.

@@ &HELP_VIEW2 +Help Storage=$+help view2:@pemit %#=To create a view on any object, simply set an attribute starting with &VIEW_ on the object:%R%R&VIEW_NAME~OF~VIEW <object>=<description of view>%R%RUse '~' whereever you would have a space if you want to have spaces in the name of the view.%R%RCREDITS: This view code was originally written by Ralph Melton (Rhyanna@Castle D'Image) and modified heavily by Naomi Novik (DV@SWISH).

addhelp view=foo
addhelp view2=foo

&HELP_VIEW +Help Storage=COMMANDS%R%B[ljust(views,27)] -- lists the views in your current room%R%B[ljust(views <object>,27)] -- views on that object%R%B[ljust(view <name of view in room>,27)] -- look at that view in current room%R%B[ljust(view <view> on <object>,27)] -- look at that view on the object%R%B[ljust(\views\(<object/room dbref>\),27)] -- a function that returns the list of views%R%RThese commands allow you to create and look at detailed descriptions of various objects that would otherwise have to be represented with props.%R%RPlease see +help view2 for information on how to create views and for the credits.

&HELP_VIEW2 +Help Storage=To create a view on any object, simply set an attribute starting with &VIEW_ on the object:%R%R&VIEW_NAME~OF~VIEW <object>=<description of view>%R%RUse '~' whereever you would have a space if you want to have spaces in the name of the view.%R%RCREDITS: This view code was originally written by Ralph Melton (Rhyanna@Castle D'Image) and modified heavily by Naomi Novik (DV@SWISH).