MUSHCode for TinyTIM Coding Workshop - Class 3
R'nice shouts "ATTENTION ALL: For those that care, Coding Workshop is happening now. Just as soon as someone sends a bus to the nexus to pick me up." says "YOU PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS"
Reo heads into the Bus Garage.
Reo has left.
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has arrived.
Malady laughs.
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has left.
Br'fin says "So what's up this eve?""
Brain enters Mousemobile.
Brain has left.
Kaa is, indeed, an animal. Thank you.
Brain has arrived.
Brain kicks the tires!
Brain enters Mousemobile.
Brain has left. changes his sign
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has arrived.
Reo says "Darn foof."
Alexandra says "Yay. I guess. You crazy TIMster."
From JoeyLemur's overcoat, Programming Test Box Thingy attempts to laser "Yay!" into everyone's eyes simultaneously, causing a wicked light show.
Malady jumps up in the air and yells "YAY!"
Reo has arrived.
R'nice has arrived.
Mousemobile has left.
Mousemobile has arrived.
Mousemobile heads into the Bus Garage.
Mousemobile has left. groans from hunger
Brain has arrived.
PLayer-nYne has arrived.
R'nice says "Hey, all!"
Reo says "Type 'leave', player-nyne."
Reo smiles.
Squeaky waves
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness heads into the Bus Garage.
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has left.
Malady says "Hey, R'nice!"
Alexandra drops a deep curtsy towards R'nice.
Kaa picks up the curtsy and dusts it off. says "R'nice.. he doesn't sound very nice.."
Alexandra says "Thank you. :)"
R'nice says "Who doesn't sound very nice?"
Kaa . o O (R'nasty?) says "R'nice!"
Brain says "R'mean" says "Whats the 'R' stand for anyways"
Alexandra says "Wrong, bustah."
Br'fin says "Rrr rrrr rrr, R'nice :)"
Jenn has arrived. says "WE DEMAND AND ANSWER"
R'nice is as nice as... a day a the beach...
Reo says "It's the ' that stands for something." says "In December!"
Brain decides since this will all be in the log anyway, he'll have to ungag.
R'nice says "In Hawaii!"
Annastasia says "its a Pernese name Horsey."
Jenn waves
Br'fin says "It's a small dragon after all"
Jenn says "What's tonight's topic, R'nice?"
R'nice says "Tonight's topic is: My Theory." says "ok R'nice, I was wrong, accept my apology"
R'nice says "My theory... which is mine.... <cough, cough, cough...>..." says "complex systems that work come from simple systems that work?"
Jenn eyes R'nice. ...Your theory?
Brain finds Milton about as boring as you find Milton.
Br'fin misplaced Milton.
R'nice says "Ok, first, let's establish some ground rules."
R'nice says "Whatever rules Sketch uses when he runs these things are his. WHen I do it, we do my rules."
Alexandra says "Ooh."
R'nice says "So: First, I'd like to ask people to try to keep the spam down as much as is reasonable. Obviously we have a bunch of people trying to follow what's going on, so let's keep the chatter to a minimum. I'm not gonna make law, just use some sense"
Kahlua has arrived.
Biff the Wonder Parrot has arrived.
Kahlua says "go away, biff" says "A mississipi mother puller her kids out of school because they were making her kids spell Taters with a P"
Kahlua says "biff, go away"
Biff the Wonder Parrot says "Okay, seeya." says "Oops, Ok"
Alexandra says "horsey...shh."
Biff the Wonder Parrot perches happily on Jenn's shoulder.
Brain says "horseycircus, CAN IT!" says "Brain SHUT UP"
Jenn says "Biff, GO AWAY."
Biff the Wonder Parrot says "Okay, seeya."
Biff the Wonder Parrot goes home.
Biff the Wonder Parrot has left.
R'nice says "Second: I *do* encourage people to ask questions. If you don't understand, ask. If you're too shy to flaunt your ignorance, then you can whisper or page, but frankly, I'd rather you ask out loud, because if there's something you don't understand, probably others don't either."
Jenn nods to R'nice. Makes sense
R'nice says "And in RL you can'tpage or whisper, so asking questions is a good h abit to get into. But I'd still rather you whisper or page than sit quietly in ignorance"
R'nice says "If I don't asnwer your question after a reasonable time, ask again, I may have just missed it in the scroll."
R'nice says "Anything else I missed as far as ground rules?"
Malady raises a tentacle.
Kahlua says "No turning invisible?"
R'nice says "Yes, Malady? :)"
Malady says "Are we allowed to heckle?"
Brain says "What if a ball hits the top of the fence? Oh wait, wrong ground rules. ;-)"
Alexandra says "Yes, are we?"
Kaa thinks the polite phrase is 'kibitz' :)
R'nice says "Well, define what you mean by 'heckle' :)" heads into the Bus Garage. has left.
Jenn says "No, kibitzing and heckling are two different animals."
Malady saves it for later, R'nice.
R'nice nods
R'nice says "Alright. So here's my BIG question to you all: What do you wanna work on tonight?"
R'nice says "I believe the idea is to do beginner level tonight, so we won't be taking up installed exits :)" has arrived.
Farward says "How about making exits that are easy to use?"
Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'. has left.
Jenn wants to learn how to do Odrops and stuff, but I don't know how complex that is.
Patrick has arrived.
Brain says "Random odrops (if that's not too advanced yet)"
R'nice says "What do you mean by 'easy to use', Farward?"
Reo says "I think that would be, Brain."
Jenn Also shouldn't be a deciding vote, since she may not be awake for the whole session.
Malady wants to learn how to do @entrances, or whatever it's called when you enter a room and something happens. waves
Farward says "Ones with semicolons sprinkled liberally through them." chuckles
Kahlua says "Odrops. Osuccs, Malady"
Kaa props toothpicks under Jenn's eyelids.
Alexandra says "@odrops, Malady." says "An cleaning up your objects with @sweep!"
Jenn grins at Kaa. Thankee dropped Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'.. has left.
Malady says "Thanks Kah, Alexandra."
Alexandra wants to learn how to use PICK.
Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'. grows ears and can now hear.
Alexandra smiles at Malady.
Farward killed Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'.!
Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'. has left.
Alexandra says "Thank you, Farward."
Brain sighs at the spam.
Squeaky says "Yay!"
Farward says "Oops, I forgot we weren't in the Nexus."
PLayer-nYne says "brain how do you ignore again?"
Reo says "I think everyone appreciates its death."
R'nice does.
Brain says "Depends on what client you use."
Kahlua says "Next time, just take it."
Alexandra does.
Kahlua says "Otherwise, he'll bring it back"
Squeaky says "I was gonna do it if someone hadn't beat me to it"
Alexandra says "Is it /gag?"
PLayer-nYne says "tinyfugue"
Brain dunno tf.
Br'fin giggles
R'nice says "Alright. I think I know what we're gonna do."
Patrick says "/gag *text* works for tf"
PLayer-nYne says "it works the same as the one you use, i forget the command though"
PLayer-nYne says "oh ok thanks"
R'nice says "Everyone please wait here for a minute. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. The Odd Couple: movie or tv series?"
Kahlua says "Series, of course"
Jenn says "mmmm, tv series."
Patrick has to go with the series
Malady says "Both."
Brain says "...or Broadway play."
Kaa preferred the series.
Squeaky says "Series"
R'nice now shows how he is deft. *POOF* he's gone!
R'nice has left.
Alexandra says "Ellen. Oh, wait. Not my time."
Reo says "You're supposed to say "The Odd Couple was neither Odd, nor a Couple. Discuss!""
Brain liked the series, though.
Patrick says "Though I like Jack Lemmon better than Tony Randel"
Jenn never actualy saw either the movie or the tv series
Brain says "Patrick, is a blank page for you?"
Kaa liked Kluggman and Randall better than Lemmon and Mathau.
Patrick checks
Br'fin says "I ratehr liked the musical"
Kaa gasps at Jenn!
Kahlua says "It's blank for me"
Kahlua says "Plain White"
Patrick says "Not blank for me"
Brain is surprised that nobody votes for the short-lived 80's revival where both major characters were women! ;-)
Kaa @forces Jenn to sit in front of tvland and watch it.
Alexandra says "Nor I, Jenn."
Alexandra says "I did, Brain."
Kaa hisses "Or the other one where they were black, Brain. :)"
Brain nods.
Malady watches 'The Bod Couple', on Playboy.
Alexandra says "Oh. 80s. Not 90s."
R'nice arrives in a flash of wizardly brilliance!
R'nice has arrived.
Reo says "Try turning off Javascript."
Alexandra laughs at Malady.
Farward says "The Will and Grace episode tonight has an Odd Couple reference."
Brain says "There it goes."
Kaa hisses "Ratss. I missssed W&G."
R'nice says "Ok, we are moving the class. Everyone please @teleport to #66280"
Kaa comes in from somewhere, trailing a fetid blast of moisture-laden air. You smell Jungle.
Kaa has left.
Squeaky has left.
Jenn has left.
Patrick screams "RAMMING SPEED" as he drives the DeathMobile into the bleachers
Patrick has left.
JoeyLemur has left.
Kahlua says "geezus"
Farward has left.
You feel a wrenching sensation...
You begin to blur and fade, then suddenly snap out of existence.
A bright light flashes in front of your eyes as you appear in a new setting.
The Class Hub(#66280RAF)
This is a large, round room, with doors leading out on all sides. It is well lit and nicely carpeted. Very professional looking.
Malady has arrived.
Annastasia has arrived.
Reo skids into the room on his face.
Reo has arrived.
JoeyLemur says "How... 90s."
Kahlua is getting crazy with the cheese-whiz.
Kahlua has arrived.
Alexandra has arrived.
Br'fin stumbles with a coughing out of a puff of smoke.
Br'fin has arrived.
Kahlua says "What was wrong with the classroom?"
Alexandra says "Uh, yeah?"
Malady says "Uh...boring @desc?"
Kaa hisses "It wassn't Abode."
PLayer-nYne has arrived.
Reo says "Couldn't open exits."
R'nice arrives in a flash of wizardly brilliance!
R'nice has arrived.
Jenn says "And there's no exits in here at all"
R'nice says "Nope, not a one."
Brain has arrived.
Kaa hisses "TRAPPED! TRAPPED I tell you!"
Alexandra says "Ah."
R'nice says "Ok, hush."
Jenn knows how to go home, we don't need no stinking exits. =)
R'nice says "Tonight we're gonna do simple place buildling. Rooms, exits, that kind of thing."
R'nice says "So everybody is going to build a room off of here."
Jenn says "Woo!"
R'nice says "There are now exits here for everyone present."
R'nice says "Normally, when you build, you create your own exits. But you are not empowered to create exits in a room you don't own, so to get started, I had to make exits for everyone."
R'nice says "So we start at the beginning and see where everyone is. When I ask if everyone knows how to do something, only answer if you do NOT know"
JoeyLemur goes home.
JoeyLemur has left.
R'nice says "Does everyone know how to use @dig to create a room?"
Malady says "No."
Squeaky says "Not well."
Brain says "Sorta?"
Jenn says "No"
R'nice says "Ok. Here we go."
R'nice says "There are 4 fundamental kinds of thing on TIM: Rooms, Players, Exits, and Things"
R'nice says "PLayers are created, for the most part, when you use the special "create" command at the login screen. All of you have done this at least once, or you woulldn't be here now."
R'nice says "Things are created with the @create command."
R'nice says "@exits are created with the @open command. More on this later."
R'nice says "Rooms are created with the @dig command. In its simplest form, you just type: @dig <name of the new room>"
R'nice says "Now, the thing is, when you do this, *where* does it put your new room?"
R'nice says "Anyone?"
Squeaky says "Floating"
Brain says "It floats, right?"
R'nice says "RIght. It's not *anywhere*, eally, it's just floating in space somewhere."
R'nice says "It's not like creating an object where it can just put the new object in your hand. You @dig the room, butyou don't see the room, it's out in space somewhere."
R'nice says "Which is why @dig will go out of its way to tell you the *number* of the room when it creates it, so that you can find the room."
R'nice says "Because if you just @dig the room, there's no exits leading to it, it's just a room in space. So the only way to get to it is to either @teleport to it, for which you need the number, or hook up an exit to it, for which, again, you need the number."
R'nice says "So in just a second, we're gonna @dig rooms, but don't do it yet."
R'nice says "First off, does everybody know about temp attributes?"
Squeaky says "No"
Alexandra says "No."
Jenn says "No"
Malady nopes greatly.
Kahlua says "Not by that name, no."
R'nice says "Good. Does everyboyd know what attributes are?"
Kahlua says "So, maybe."
Brain does not.
Brain meant that for 'temp attributes'.
Jenn says "No."
Farward has disconnected.
R'nice says "BYe, Farward"
R'nice says "Ok, did everybody here build a bus last week?"
Brain did.
Jenn did
Patrick says "No."
Alexandra says "yes."
Brain built it today, actually.
Alexandra says "Afterwards."
R'nice says "Everybody who built a bus should know what attributes are. That's mostly what you did when building the bus, set the attributes."
Jenn says "The @desc, @smell @sound stuff?"
R'nice says "Attributes are strings which are associated with any given item in the game. Right, @desc, @smell, @sound are attributes."
R'nice says "There are also some boringly named attributes with names like @va and @xb, which have no special purpose, they're just there to hold programming, which is for more advanced stuff."
R'nice says "Really, the @ is not part of the name of the attribute. It's just part of the command to *set* the attribute."
Squeaky says "When you do the stuff with the parenthesis?"
Annastasia goes home.
Annastasia has left.
R'nice says "Um, which stuff with parenthesis?"
Squeaky says "Stuff with switches and that.."
R'nice says "If I understand you, the va-vz and xa-xz are whereyou would store function stuff like that."
Squeaky says "yes..Ok."
Reo says "So what's this about temp attributes?"
R'nice says "In truth, you *could* store them anywhere, but obviously if you store functions in a special-purpose attribute, you're gonna lose that special purpose."
R'nice says "I mean, if you store a function in your desc, the function will still work, butyou'll look funny when people look at you :)"
Br'fin snickers.
Brain looks funny anyway.
R'nice says "Ok, so the thing about attributes is, they are part of the database. The game saves them on disk, they don't go away until you change them."
R'nice says "However, there is a set of temporary attributes, which are good for holding temporary information. They are NOT saved to disk, so every time TIM restarts, they are reset to nothing."
R'nice says "So it's nice, because they don't take up space for little temporary things."
R'nice says "So we're gonna use one of these to help us remember the number of the new room we're gonna dig."
R'nice says "We'll use @temp1"
R'nice says "So: Everybody dig a new room, and then do: @temp1 me = <number of your new room>"
Patrick goes home.
Patrick hops into Flounder's car and zooms off to the Food King.
Patrick has left.
Reo says "That is AWESOME. I didn't know about those!"
Kahlua says "Nor did I. :)"
Kaa didn't, either. :)
R'nice says "I think there are 9 or 10 of them."
Brain says "Must have been a pretty good secret."
Br'fin hees "Those slipped my mind :)
Kahlua says "Nifty. Those aren't documented."
Reo says "Yeah they are. help @temp"
Brain says "Apropos of nothing, R'nice, how long is class going to last?"
R'nice says "They're in the MUSHroom somewher,e I"m sure"
Kahlua says "Oh. I take it back, then."
Mara has arrived.
R'nice says "Beats me, Brain. I've never done this before. :) Til we're done? :)"
Brain shrugs. "Ask a silly question..."
R'nice says "Ok, has everybody dug their room?"
Kaa nodnods.
Malady yups. Dig it.
Squeaky says "Yep. I can also see the room with @find"
Brain can dig it.
Jenn nods. All dug
PLayer-nYne has disconnected.
R'nice says "Yes, good point Squeaky. If you forget what your room number is, you can always use @find to find it. That's kind of why they call the command @find."
Reo says "Fine find, that @find."
R'nice says "So now we have to talk about exits a little bit."
R'nice says "Does everybody know what an exit is?"
Jenn says "I know what one is, but that's about it."
R'nice says "Good. SOmbody give the class a one-sentence definition of an exit."
Squeaky has trouble making those
R'nice calls on Reo.
Reo says "Basically, a creation on TIM that lets you go from one room to another."
Alexandra applauds.
R'nice says "MOre precisely: An exit is a thing which exits in one room, which allows you to get to another room."
R'nice arg, thypo.
R'nice says "MOre precisely: An exit is a thing which exist in one room, which allows you to get to another room."
R'nice will get the damn word 'exits' right yet...
ZenRhino comes sauntering in. "How's all my little crackers this morning?"
ZenRhino has arrived.
Reo says "exists?"
R'nice says "More precisely: An exit is a thing which exists in one room, which allows you to get to another room."
Brain throws a paper airplane at RHINO.
ZenRhino grins and greets.
Alexandra says "Zen. Late. Ooh. :)"
R'nice says "Which means that to hookup two rooms to each other, how many exits do you need?"
Squeaky says "2?"
Jenn says "Two"
ZenRhino says "1"
Alexandra says "1."
Brain says "Two."
Jenn says "Exits are like one way doors?"
Jenn says "You need one for each direction?"
Alexandra says "1, linked both ways."
Kahlua says "Uh... I don't think so..."
Alexandra says "No"
Reo says "You need two, one for each way."
R'nice says "You need two. An exit only links one way. You need an exit it room A that leads to room B, and you need an exit itn room B which leads back to room A"
Alexandra says "Sorry, it's been a LONG while. I'll shut up."
Alexandra says "That."
R'nice says "No, don't shut up. If you shut up, I can't know what you know and don't know. I thought I made that clear at the beginning."
Alexandra says "Yessir."
R'nice says "The reason for this is that it lets you build goofy topologies, where you *can't* go back to room A, for instance. Even though 99 percent of the time you want a two-way connection."
Reo says "For falling in bottomless pits, etc :)"
R'nice says "Right."
R'nice says "or even bottomed pits, which are just too deep to climb out of."
R'nice says "So, there are three fundamental commands bout exits: @open, @link, and @unlink"
R'nice says "As we said earlier, @open creates an exit. Its simplest form is just: @open <name of exit>"
R'nice says "But if you try that here, it won't work, because you have to own the room that you @open the exit in. The game doesn't want you to be able to add exits to other people's rooms!"
Reo says "Smart game."
Jenn says "How does the exit know to go to your room?"
R'nice says "Initially, it doesn't."
Jenn says "Or is that @link?"
R'nice says "If you just @open an exit, you get an exit in the current room, but one that doesn't lead anywhere at all"
R'nice says "So: that's where @link comes in. @link lets you point the exit at the appropriate destination room."
R'nice says "The syntax is: @link <exit name or number> = <number of room."
R'nice says "The syntax is: @link <exit name or number> = <number of room>"
R'nice says "Now, here comes the *special* part:"
R'nice says "There is a special thing about exits. Normally, you can't do *anything* to anything you don't own. You can't set attributes on it, you can't set flags on it, you can't @link or @unlink it or anything"
R'nice says "But there's a special rule for exits: If an exit is unlinked, that is, if it leads to nowhere..."
Sheila has arrived.
R'nice says "You CAN @link the exit, and what's more, doing so will MAKE YOU OWN IT."
R'nice says "This is explicitly to let people allow other peole to build off of their rooms."
R'nice says "So again: you can @link an unlinked exit even if you don't own it, and it will magically become yours."
R'nice says "Which is what I've done here. I've created an exit for each of you, and not linked it. So now YOU can @link it to your new room. Remember, you've got the number squirreled away in your @temp1"
R'nice says "The exits have the same names as your names, so everybody can just link to their own name."
Kaa says "Wanna mention that 'You own a disconnected room' thing, R'nice? :)"
Kahlua has connected.
Kahlua skids into reality, rollerblades smoking from the Velocity. Whoa...
Kaa just got the warning.
Kahlua says "sorry."
R'nice says "What's more, you don't even need to type the room number, you can actually use the temp attribute directly."
Brain owns a disconnected room, also.
Reo says "it has our exact name, we can't examine the exit or find its number."
Reo says "Nevermind. I just examined it. Duh."
R'nice says "Hang on, that may be a problem. I'm gonna change the exit names to be exit_<yourname>"
Brain says "Was I supposed to have created the exit yet?"
R'nice says "There. Now everybody has an exit named exit_<name>"
Malady says "R'nice, how do I unlink myself from my room?"
Sydney has arrived.
Alexandra says "Are we linking them NOW, or are you not done explaining?"
Jenn has connected.
R'nice says "Now you may link them. The easiest way is: @link <exit name> = v(temp1)"
Jenn has partially disconnected.
Alexandra says "Goody."
R'nice says "Does everybody know about the v() function?"
Reo says "Nope!"
Alexandra says "Nope."
Malady says "Not even a little bit."
Reo says "Looks like shorthand for get(me/temp1)"
R'nice says "I think v is supposed to stand for variable. v(<attribute name>) returns that attribute on yourself"
Brain says "Ahhh, got it. I'm Linked, like sausage. :)"
Squeaky says "I got "Permission Denied""
Reo says "I'm linked like Tiger Woods baby."
R'nice says "Yes: v(foo) is the same as get(me/foo) is the same as get2(me,foo)"
Alexandra blinks. HARD.
R'nice says "But obviously the v() version is shorter and easier to read"
R'nice says "For instance: You can say your own desc by typing: say v(desc)"
R'nice says "Try it."
Alexandra says "Ah!"
Sydney damns. "Thunder and lightning. Will read log. Must exit."
Squeaky says "At just five feet tall, she is not a very commanding presence. Her black hair is cut short and her big green eyes seem never to blink. She weighs 90 lbs and seems very fearful and anxious. Usually, she is holding her blankie up as a comfort against the trials and tribulations of life. In almost total opposition to the doe-eyed appearance of her face, she is wearing a studded black leather jacket, no shirt at all and tight black leather pants tucked into large black motorcycle boots."
Sydney goes home.
Sydney has left.
Kaa says "Snake! BIG snake! Coiled. Darting tongue. Blinkless. HAS eyebrows, so get over it. From that book by that guy. You know, the one with the snake. Yeah. He's wearing a cute little white turban on his head."
Jenn says "You see a young woman. Although she is small, her strong build, and the glint of sharp intelligence in her eyes tells you this is a woman you might not want to mess with."
Brain says "You see a white two-inch tall lab mouse with a bumpy head. Having failed miserably at global domination, he's resigned himself to just being the LoveMouse(tm)."
Jenn says "Ack. I should change that."
Alexandra says "Formerly a jumper, she's become reconciled to living life. You suspect it has something to do with the TinyRing on her left hand. Her brownblack hair is coarse, yet springy and soft to the touch. Amber eyes look back at you solemnly, but with a quirky sense of humor hidden behind it. She'd be glad to help you, if she can...she's green but wise, hard but friendly."
Reo says "Reo is an out of work court jester. Once, he entertained at the thrones of kings and queens across the land. But times changed, and his particular sense of humor just wasn't marketable anymore. Now humbled and a little grey around the edges, Reo just wanders around making the odd bitter remark."
Malady says "You see a black, amorphous blob of what could only be Alien Protoplasm (tm). It stands in a tall column, periodically growing and absorbing tentacles and arms. Two half-circle eyes glow a bright green near the top of its mass. It would almost look scary, save for the big, toothy smile just beneath the eyes. The bizarre life form looks back at you, and quickly forms the word "HI" on its surface."
Kaa chortles.
R'nice says "Ok, has everyone linked their exit? I think someone said they had a problem?"
Squeaky says "I have one"
Reo says "That was squaky."
Squeaky says "Permission denied"
Reo says "Squeaky. Jeez. :)"
R'nice says "What did you type?"
Squeaky says "@open door = Exit_squeaky"
Mara has left.
Br'fin rips open a hole in the cosmos and steps out into the waiting chaos.
Br'fin has left.
R'nice says "Ok. I don't know why you typed that. I thought I explained that you can't open an exit here, which is why I already di the @open for you. You need only @link the exit"
R'nice says "@open creates a new exit, but you have to own the room where you are creating it."
Squeaky says "Now you see why I have exit problems..what exaxtly do I type?"
R'nice says "@link takes an already-existing exit and makes it actually *lead* somewhere"
R'nice says "Ok, Squeaky, what is the name of the exit you want to link?"
Squeaky says "I think you said it's exit_squeaky"
R'nice says "Right. And where do you want to link it to?"
Squeaky says "The room I made"
R'nice says "Right, and where is that?"
Squeaky says "It's floating"
Kahlua says "what's the number"
Kahlua says "?"
R'nice says "It is, so how are you going to refer to it to tell the exit where it should lead to?"
Squeaky says "78309"
R'nice says "There you go. So type: @link exit_squeaky = #78309"
Squeaky says "Ah..Now I get it"
Squeaky says "That worked"
R'nice says "Good! Now. Everybody set your @temp2 to the number of *this* room."
Reo says "What IS that number?"
Jenn says "66280"
Kaa hisses "66280"
Brain says "867-3509, Reo. :)"
Alexandra says "l, Reo."
R'nice says "Well, Reo, how could you find out?"
Reo says "I don't actually know. I tried examine here."
R'nice says "And that didn't work?"
Reo says "No number was shown. It just showed the title, desc and contents."
Squeaky says "I just typed 'ex'"
Kahlua says "I know. Hee hee."
Reo says "Maybe I have a flag set."
Alexandra typed look
R'nice says "Ok. Well, that's a falw in examine, I guess. You could try look. You could try @where me"
R'nice says "You could try: think num(here)"
Reo says "Aha. Yep. I had myself set nearsighted."
Reo says "I always wanted to know how to result the number of something. num()"
Kahlua has partially disconnected.
R'nice says "Now, everybody examine yoru exit. It should be owned by you now."
Reo has left.
Squeaky says "Yayay!"
Reo has arrived.
Reo says "Whoops."
R'nice says "Again, @linking an unlinked exit causes it to become yours for life."
R'nice says "Now, everybody try out your exit. Go through the exit to y our room. examine your room, then @teleport back to here."
Malady has left.
Brain has left.
Alexandra has left.
Jenn has left.
Malady has arrived.
Kahlua has left.
Kahlua is fleeing from the Cylon tyranny.
Kahlua has arrived.
Brain has arrived.
Squeaky says "Um. How do I go through it?"
Alexandra has arrived.
Jenn has arrived.
Jenn has left.
Kahlua picks up Jenn.
Kahlua takes out Jenn.
Kahlua tickles Jenn wildly. Hiya Hon...
R'nice says "Just type its name. Just like, when you wanna go north, you type 'north'. When you wanna go exit_Squeaky, y ou type 'exit_Squeaky' :)"
Squeaky says "Oh <blush>"
Squeaky has left.
Squeaky has arrived.
R'nice says "Ok, is everybody back?"
Farward goes home.
Farward has left.
PLayer-nYne goes home.
PLayer-nYne say IRC: Internet Retard Check
Brain isn't back, he's a mouse.
R'nice says "Ok. So obviously, the next thing we need to do is to make an exit from the new room *back* to here."
R'nice says "You should all know enough to do that. Ready to give it a try?"
Malady says "Sure."
Squeaky says "I suppose"
R'nice says "Go for it!"
Malady has left.
Squeaky has left.
Brain has left.
Alexandra has left.
Kaa :enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Jenn has left.
Brain has arrived.
Brain says "Yay! :)"
Malady has arrived.
Malady says "Fun!"
Kahlua has left.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon. You smell dankness.
Kaa has arrived.
Jenn has arrived.
Jenn says "Woo!"
ZenRhino says "Why you still in school eating Salisbury Steak when your brother's been abducted?" He pulls the fire alarm.
ZenRhino has left.
R'nice goes to see how Squeaky is doing...
R'nice says "I'll be back soon."
Kahlua has arrived.
R'nice has left.
Malady jumps behind the desk. "Our next game is called World's Worst, this is for all our contestants..."
Kahlua says "ooh ooh, pick me!"
Malady says "...and to come up with as many examples of The World's Worst Host for TIM Trivia."
Kahlua says "!"
Malady BZZT
Reo says "PISS_BONER!"
Malady BZZT
Kahlua says "Uh, uh..."
Jenn says "Driping_cum"
Malady BZZT
Kahlua says "Amy Fisher!"
Jenn says "ALPHAGUY"
Malady BZZT
Brain says "Shakespeare!"
Reo says "Hello, my name is Clive Anderson."
Malady laughs @ Brain.
Kahlua says "Prutz_Prutz!"
Malady laughs @ Reo.
Malady BZZT
Brain says "Prutz was good at hosting. Shakes wasn't. :)"
Kahlua says "Alright, wiseass, what IS the answer??"
Kaa hisses "BZZZZT merely meanss 'ansswer acccepted' :)"
Kahlua says "Ohhhhh. :)"
Kaa hisses "You've OBVIOUSSLY never sseen Whosse line Iss It Anyway? :)"
Kahlua says "Sounded like the WRONG ANSWER buzzer to me."
Reo says "Just means next actor, go."
Kahlua says "I have. I didn't pay too much attention to it."
Kaa whaps Kahlua for lack of taste. :)
Reo slams Kahlua into a turnstile.
Kahlua says "yes, that's obviously the problem"
Brain watches Smackdown instead. :)
Jenn points to Kahlua and whispers, he likes monster trucks, too.
Brain yells "TRUCKASAURUS!"
Kahlua says "geez, I love my supportive wife."
Jenn giggles, as she's now getting the look of death.
Kahlua sells Brain the whole seat, even though he'll only need THE EDGE
Squeaky has arrived.
Squeaky says "Hooray!"
Kaa . o O (tm)
Reo says "In the meantime, everyone congratulate me, I accomplished something almost x-treme today."
Kahlua says "YAY SQUEAKY"
Kahlua says "A kickflip?"
Malady applauds!
Kahlua says "Rail grind?"
Kahlua says "A REAL ollie?"
Reo says "Naw. Yep, Rail grind. :)"
Squeaky has left.
Kahlua says "Dude. Rock on. Those look HARD"
Brain says "Now for my next question. What's a rail grind?"
Kahlua says "Skate board trick."
Reo says "Not on my board, of course. In my shoes :)"
Brain says "Is that where you grind your crotch into the track"
Brain oh's
Kahlua says "You slide down a RAIL on a skateboard"
R'nice has arrived.
Kahlua says "In your SHOES??"
Kaa hits Brain with New Jersey.
Squeaky has arrived.
Reo says "Or in skates or shoes."
R'nice says "Ok. Now we have absolute bare-bones room-and-exits."
R'nice says "For now we're gonna ignore the spartanness of the rooms and concentrate on the exits."
Brain says "Could be worse, the rooms could be wolverine instead of spartan."
R'nice says "However, the next time you are in your room (not now), you can give it a short @desc"
Kahlua says "oh HA HA"
R'nice says "Now, I need a volunteer. I pick Kaa."
Kahlua points at Kaa and does the Nelson Laugh, "Ha-Ha!"
Kaa raises his tail.
Kaa might as well :)
Reo says "Kaa already done it, anyhow :)"
R'nice says "Ok, I'm gonna ask Kaa to go into his room, wait 3 seconds, and then walk back."
R'nice says "I want everybody to watch what happens when he does so."
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Territan steps into the room through a set of curtains. Those curtains weren't there a moment before, and those curtains aren't there now, but he stepped out from behind them anyway. Nyaah. :)
Territan has arrived.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Squeaky waves as she magles the codes
Kahlua says "Wow! You turned Kaa into Territan!"
R'nice says "Ok, Kaa, you suck. You jumped ahead."
Kaa hisses "I'm ssorry. :)"
R'nice picks a different volunteer.
Jenn will do it. She didn't skip ahead
R'nice says "Hell, I'll volunteer."
R'nice says "I'm gonna go to my room, and then come back. Watch what happens, what you see."
R'nice has left.
Reo puts down a banana peel.
Brain sends R'nice to his room without supper.
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "Sorry that took so long, turns out I mis-linked my exit, and ended up at the wrong place."
Brain LOL
Kaa LOL!
Malady says "Oops."
Brain says "I hate it when that happens."
Territan says "Tsk."
Jenn takes back that apple she brought for teacher.
Squeaky doesn't feel so bad now
R'nice says "And being a wiz, it let me :)"
R'nice says "Ok, I'm gonna do it again. Everybody hush and watch."
R'nice has left.
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "Now: What was wrong with that?"
Squeaky says "Has left. Has arrived. Bland"
Jenn says "It didn't say where you went or came from."
Territan could say, but then R'nice would have to kill him.
R'nice says "MOre than just bland. Hopelessly u ninformative. If I hadn't told you where I wnet, you'd have NO IDEA how to follow me."
R'nice says "YOu don't know where I went, you don't know where I came back from."
R'nice says "This is *bad* when you're building. YOu always have to remember you're building for a multi-pllayer environment."
R'nice says "So we want to set the attributes on the exits which are gonna do the job of telling people where we went, and where we came from."
Jenn says "g'night folks!"
R'nice says "The two attributes we want, then are: @osucc and @odrop"
Jenn goes home.
Jenn has left.
R'nice says "@osucc is cryptic for 'others-success'. It's what others (other people in the room) see when you successfully go through an exit."
R'nice says "If you want to provide a message that *you* see as you successfully walk through the exit, that would be just @succ"
R'nice says "But @succ on an exit can be considered optional. @osucc and @odrop should be thought of as manditory."
R'nice says "@odrop is what people-- others-- see when you 'drop' into the room you end up with. It's the thing that tells people in the new room whereyou just came from"
Squeaky says "Do you type in Squeaky, or does it do the player name automatically?"
R'nice says "The player name is prepended automatically!"
Squeaky says "Hmm, I had typed percent n\"
Squeaky says "Thanks"
R'nice says "Sorry I forgot to mention that."
R'nice says "So for example, you might do something like: @osucc exit_R'nice = does the hokey-pokey into R'nice's room."
R'nice says "Well, *I* might do that. You should set oen on your own exit :)"
R'nice says "So we now all need to go set *four* attributes, right? Who can tell me what all four are."
Malady says "@osucc, @succ, @odrop,...@drop?"
Brain says "@osucc and @odrop for both exits."
R'nice gives Brain a cigar.
R'nice says "Right! Remember, you've made *two* exits, and *both* of them need @osucc and @odrop!"
Territan says "Yes, an exit can have BOTH a @succ and a @drop. The user will see one, then the other, as he passes through."
Brain lights it up and it promptly explodes. "Damn you!"
Sheila wavies g'night
R'nice says "So everybody set those four things. PLus you can set a @succ if you like. And you should go set a short desc on your room. No epic masterpieces, please."
Squeaky says "What's the odrop? :<"
Sheila goes home.
Sheila has left.
Brain has connected.
Brain has connected.
R'nice says "The @odrop is what people see in the destination room as you enter the room."
Squeaky says "And I set it on the exits, right?"
R'nice says "An example might be: @odrop exit_R'nice = hokey pokey's %p way in from The Class Hub."
Reo Jumps up onto a rail and grinds his way into the shoebox.
Reo has left.
Brain heads over to his own personal exit.
Brain has left.
R'nice says "Remember, it's what people on the *other side* see, not in the room where the exit is."
Reo slides down a rail into the room.
Reo has arrived.
Squeaky sees the door leading to TMI2 and just..goes in. Just like that.
Squeaky has left.
Brain stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Brain has arrived.
Malady has left.
Brain slides down the pole and heads into the Mousecave.
Brain has left.
Squeaky is back in reality. whew
Squeaky has arrived.
Malady has arrived.
Malady says "Did mine work?"
R'nice says "Everybody seems to be looking good exept Malady"
Kaa hisses "Nope."
Brain stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Brain has arrived.
R'nice does the hokey-pokey into R'nice's room.
R'nice has left.
Brain says "Working?"
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Brain says "Kaa, try mine and see if it's working?"
Malady says "Dammit..."
R'nice walks in from R'nice's side room. You're disappointed that he didn't hokey pokey.
R'nice has arrived.
Kaa can no longer build an exit without an @osucc and an @Odrop. It's ingrained.
Kaa slides down the pole and heads into the Mousecave.
Kaa has left.
Squeaky says "Did mine work?"
R'nice says "Youres worked great, Squeaky!"
Squeaky says "Yay!"
Kaa stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Kaa has arrived.
R'nice has left.
Brain thanks Kaa. :)
Brain is sure the reverses worked, too.
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "I don't know what you did, Malady. Your exits have no attributes set on them."
R'nice says "What did you type?"
Territan says "So I bet so far you've covered @dig, @open, @link, @succ, @osucc, @drop, @odrop..."
R'nice says "Good bet, Territan :)"
Malady tries again....
Malady has left.
Malady has arrived.
Malady says "How 'bout now?"
Kaa hisses "Nope."
R'nice says "Ok, the exit here has succ and odrop, but no osucc, so we don't see anything when you leave."
Malady says "?"
Malady says "Where'd my osucc go? Oh well"
Malady says "Where'd my osucc go? Oh well"
Kaa does that all the time. Set the succ, thinking it's the osucc.
R'nice says "NO, he set a correct succ. And a correct odrop."
R'nice says "He's just missing the osucc."
Kaa hisses "Hm."
R'nice opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
R'nice has left.
Malady says "There we go!"
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "And the return exit still has nothing."
Malady says "...or not."
Malady says "But it has an odrop...?"
Territan says "That's because you're working with *two* exits, Malady. The one going in, and the one *coming back*."
R'nice says "Ok, did everybody set a desc on their room?"
Malady arghs!
Kaa did. :)
Squeaky says "No..I didn't yet"
R'nice says "If you didn't, go set a quick one-liner. I need to go set mine."
Squeaky sees the door leading to TMI2 and just..goes in. Just like that.
Squeaky has left.
R'nice does the hokey-pokey into R'nice's room.
R'nice has left.
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Malady :squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Territan says "Colon in your return's @odrop, Malady. You don't need t."
R'nice walks in from R'nice's side room. You're disappointed that he didn't hokey pokey.
R'nice has arrived.
Malady winces...
Kaa monoterritans, only silently. :)
R'nice says "What?"
Territan says "D'oh."
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly bens drop off and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
R'nice says "Excellent."
Malady says "Phew!"
Territan will look at the tutorial tomorrow when it's posted. For now, it's bedtime.
Territan goes home.
Territan twiddles something on his clothing and metamorphoses into something that's not there anymore. It's not a teleport, he just changed into something that was located elsewhere.
Territan has left.
Squeaky is back in reality. whew
Squeaky has arrived.
Squeaky says "Ok..all set"
R'nice says "Ok, what's the next thing wrong with our exits?"
Reo says "They smell funny?"
Kaa hisses "Anyone can usse 'em?"
Brain says "They don't smell funny?"
R'nice says "They have crappy names. exit_R'nice is not a normal direction that people normally go."
Reo says "They're DARK."
R'nice says "Since there aren't that many of us left, I can assign everyone a compass direction."
R'nice says "Now, exits are special in that they can have *multiple* names."
R'nice says "Actually, it's just one big name with multiple parts, but the parser will treat each part as a separate name when somebody is trying to pass through."
R'nice says "This will make more sense with an example:"
R'nice says "I could name my exit: exit_R'nice; hokey-pokey; hokey pokey; hokey; pokey; hp; north; n"
R'nice says "And if I did, then you could type *any* of those things to go through the exit"
Brain says "Are the spaces mandatory or optional?"
R'nice says "Optional. I'm just used to typing a space after a ;"
Brain nods.
Squeaky says "Oh no..the dreaded semicolons"
R'nice says "Does everybody know how to use the @name command to change something's name?"
Brain had seen it without the ; before. The space makes them easier to read.
R'nice says "Ok. I'm gonna hand out directions. I want everyone to set your exit name to be exit_whoever plus the direction I give you plus its abbreviation (n for north, for instance)"
R'nice says "Squeaky, you're north."
R'nice says "Malady, east"
R'nice says "Kaa, south"
R'nice says "Brain, west"
R'nice says "Reo, southwest"
R'nice says "Kahlua, northeast"
R'nice says "Torin, northwest"
Squeaky says "Aigh..what command do I use?"
R'nice says "I"ll take southeast"
R'nice says "@name. I just asked if everybgody knew how to use @name"
Squeaky says "Okay..sorry"
R'nice says "Do you know how to use @name?"
Squeaky says "No"
R'nice says "@name <old name of thing> = <new name of thing."
R'nice says "@name <old name of thing> = <new name of thing>"
Squeaky says "Okay..Now I have it"
Brain has partially disconnected.
R'nice says "Ok, everybody done?"
Squeaky says "I think so"
Reo says "Yep."
Brain is done.
Kaa nods.
R'nice says "Good squeaky, except you didn't include the name exit_Squeaky. I'd like everybody to keep those names, just so I know which is which."
Ghoti dreams himself into this room.
Ghoti has arrived.
Squeaky says "Oops"
R'nice says "Ok. Next: I want everybody to look in your direction."
R'nice says "That is, if your exit is north: look north"
Kaappl mprtj
Brain has partially disconnected.
Kaa hisses " :)"
Brain LOL
Brain says "I think you mean LOOK, Kaa, unless you're indicating that you're drooling."
R'nice says "Ok? Some of you see something interesting, because you skipped ahead, but some of you don't."
Kaa hisses "Actually, it wass an incantation. If you wake up ass a newt tomorrow, you'll know why."
R'nice says "What do you need to do so that people see something interesting?"
Malady says "An @desc?"
R'nice says "Right."
R'nice says "Everbyd please have a @desc set on your exit."
R'nice says "This is, to me, one of the marks of good building. When I inspect a place, I'll often look at the exits. Good buildiers are prepared for that."
Brain sets.
Kaa suddenly tries to examine object #5353. :)
R'nice grins at Kaa
R'nice says "Everybody done?"
Squeaky says "Yes"
Malady says "Got it."
R'nice says "Ok, now everybody look at your exit one more time, just to make sure it's what you thin k it is."
Squeaky snickers "Yes"
R'nice says "And when you have done that, type this: @set <your exit name (any one of them)> = TRANSPARENT"
R'nice says "You don't really need to type TRANSPARENT in all caps, of coures. Just a habit of mine."
R'nice says "Then look at the exit again."
Malady hmmmms.
Squeaky says "Yipe"
Malady says "R'nice, how do you unset Transparent?"
Reo says "Good thing no one's naked in there."
R'nice says "@set <exit> = !TRANSPARENT"
Kaa grins.
R'nice grins
R'nice says "Now, I'll show you another trick."
R'nice says "@set your exit OPEN"
Ghoti says "Strange that TRANSPARENT and OPAQUE are not related :)"
Reo jumps up onto a rail and grinds his way into the shoebox.
Reo has left.
R'nice says "True, Ghoti :)"
R'nice says "And I'm gonna set the room OPEN as well...."
Reo slides down a rail into the room.
Reo has arrived.
R'nice says "Once you have set your exit OPEN, go into your room."
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Brain slides down the pole and heads into the Mousecave.
Brain has left.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off it and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off it and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Squeaky sees the door leading to TMI2 and just..goes in. Just like that.
Squeaky has left.
R'nice shouts "Class: Everybody please stay inyour rooms for a minute."
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Reo jumps up onto a rail and grinds his way into the shoebox.
Reo has left.
R'nice says "Ok! Can anybody hear me?"
R'nice says "page me if you can hear me."
From Shoebox, Reo says "Can you hear me?"
From Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain, Kaa says "I can hear you just fine."
R'nice says "See? You can hear sound through an OPEN exit. Provided the room is also set OPEN."
R'nice says "If you can hear this, come back."
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off it and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Brain stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Brain has arrived.
Squeaky is back in reality. whew
Squeaky has arrived.
Squeaky says "Sorry..I didn't page"
Kaa hisses "A gelatinouss goo in a room full of jelly beanss. It'ss enough to turn your sstomach. :)"
Reo slides down a rail into the room.
Reo has arrived.
Malady says "Turn it into what? :)"
R'nice says "Now. You can only hear speech from one room away. HOwever: yell will travel as far as possible through open exits :)"
Kaa hisses "Um...."
R'nice says "So if you have four rooms hooked together with open exits (and the rooms are open as well), then you can stand in the first room, and yell to someone in the fourth room and they'll hear it"
Reo says "Cool! I can just picture the dysfunctional households this allows you to build on TIM."
R'nice laughs
Brain yells "That's not a rattlesnake!!"
R'nice says "You can also see poses through a transparent exit, if the room is set transpareent"
Kaa hisses "How far doess that travel?"
R'nice says "Just one exit distance."
R'nice says "there is no yell equivalent for poses"
Kaa is glad, somehow.
Reo says "Unless you especially program a camera, or something."
Ghoti says "But that should be discouraged, right?"
Ghoti says "I mean, a camera that propagates all poses?"
R'nice says "Ok, one more tidbit about exits, and then we're gonna go on a short field trip to finish up."
Reo says "Well, I more meant in case you needed it for a specific purpose. Not to just watch everyone everywhere :)"
Brain sets up a camera at Emp's place.
R'nice says "The tidbit is this: exits, by default, are set DARK when you create them. If you set them ! DARK, then they show up in the room's 'obvious exits' list."
Reo says "Keep it aimed at the Mechanical Debutante at about 2 am, Brain ;)"
Squeaky thinks. o O (Like mine)
R'nice says "You can see that two people here have already set their exits !dark"
R'nice says "It is a matter of philosophy whether or not that is a *good thing*. Me, I like dark exits better, with mention of which ways you can go in the desc. Otherwise, peole don't read the desc carefully enough."
Kaa likes some dark and some undark.
Squeaky went for speed and ease here
R'nice says "There's something to be said for that too, Kaa"
R'nice says "Ok. Obviously there are other things you can set on exits. Senses, for instance. But I think we've covered the interesting stuff."
R'nice says "So are there any questions about building rooms and exits before we gon on our field trip?"
Ghoti says "It's interesting how DARK and LIGHT flags aren't quite opposites, either :)"
Reo takes you in hand.
Held by Reo
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
The Class Hub(#66280RLoAF)
This is a large, round room, with doors leading out on all sides. It is well lit and nicely carpeted. Very professional looking.
Obvious exits:
Kaa's Dungeon <KD> Exit_Squeaky East Soap Mousecave
Kaa hisses "That iss the ZZen of TIM, Ghoti."
Ghoti says "More like a matter of degree though."
Ghoti says "Yeah."
R'nice says "Yes, well these flags often come into existence one at at time, as needed, not created in pairs"
Kaa hisses "Ass oppossed to the ZZenRhino of TIM. Which iss a whole different ball o' waxx."
Brain says "Or the zen of metal.ball"
Reo says "metal.ball. falls in the water. plop."
Reo says "No questions!"
R'nice says "One last thing: We used only the simplest forms of @dig and @open. There are more options you can give them which automate some of the work. For instance, you can do: @open <exit> = <destination>"
R'nice says "This is exactly the same as @open <exit> and then @link <exit> = <destination>"
R'nice says "In fact, you can actually use the @dig command to create a room *and* a pair of exits leading back and forth from it. But that's left to the reader. :)"
Squeaky says "That's like @dig Room = Romm;room; r; out right?"
R'nice says "Use a comma between the two exits"
Squeaky says " wonder it doesn't work for me :)"
R'nice smiles
R'nice says "Ok, Field trip!"
Brain yay's, Field Trip.
Malady trips on the field.
R'nice says "Everybody @teleport to Limbo (#0) and then go up."
Reo sets TinyTIM to Warp 9 and hits 'Engage.' Foolishly not strapped in, he consequently flies backwards out of the room.
Reo wanders around in the mist.
Held by Reo
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
You are in a mildly thin mist that goes on basically to the three walls surrounding you. Bahahahaha! This is like, well, Limbo, man. Not a whole lot happens here. If you go to the north, you'll be out. If you build it, he will come. Go north, is what we're saying. Go to it. Go ahead. Go forward. Type HELP if you're stumped and type QUIT when you're finished. If all else fails, go figure.
If you're new to the world of TinyTIM, type NEW for a quick brainscrubber on our flavor of reality. Elsewise, North and Beyond!
Obvious exits:
North NEW
Malady wanders around in the mist.
R'nice arrives in a flash of wizardly brilliance!
R'nice wanders around in the mist.
Kaa wanders around in the mist.
Kaa coils unobtrusively on a nearby warm rock.
Reo goes up a flight of stairs and through a door, which you hear click closed behind him.
Reo has arrived.
Held by Reo
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
The TinyTIM Visitors Gallery
This is a long room, with a big glass window running the length of it, which looks down upon the Nexus. The room is comfortably appointed with thick carpet and plush chairs, soft lighting and freshly painted walls. Cocktail waitresses bring you complimentary drinks from time to time.
There are exits at the north and south ends of the room.
Kaa comes through the southern door.
Kaa has arrived.
Brain comes through the southern door.
Brain has arrived.
Malady comes through the southern door.
Malady has arrived.
Squeaky comes through the southern door.
Squeaky has arrived.
R'nice comes through the southern door.
R'nice has arrived.
Brain never knew this place existed.
Ghoti comes through the southern door.
Ghoti has arrived.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick grins and nods "It would seem that my exit from my mailbox to the nexus is somehow conflicting with my teleport exit. But only if I teleport from my mailbox."
Kaa comes here all the time :)
Reo says "You voyeur, Kaa."
Malady laughs!
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick's trying to get his odrops to randomize "Going to take some more work"
Kaa grins evilly.
Reo says "Looks like Patrick should have come to class!"
Malady says "Sharon Stone. Kaa. SLIVER."
Brain says "Can we yell down at them? :)"
R'nice says "Everybody type: look nexus"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Sharon Stone starts to take a shower.
Brain LOL
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Sharon Stone soaps herself up.
Malady woo hoos!
Reo has disconnected.
Reo says "Crap in a hat."
Reo goes home.
Reo sets TinyTIM to Warp 9 and hits 'Engage.' Foolishly not strapped in, he consequently flies backwards out of the room.
Reo has arrived.
Held by Reo(Zzzzz)
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
Throne Room
Aggh... It's Reo's home. It's undergoing no changes whatsoever. Expect a desc, never.
Nurse Ansalong
Obvious exits:
You feel a wrenching sensation...
You begin to blur and fade, then suddenly snap out of existence.
A bright light flashes in front of your eyes as you appear in a new setting.
You are in a mildly thin mist that goes on basically to the three walls surrounding you. Bahahahaha! This is like, well, Limbo, man. Not a whole lot happens here. If you go to the north, you'll be out. If you build it, he will come. Go north, is what we're saying. Go to it. Go ahead. Go forward. Type HELP if you're stumped and type QUIT when you're finished. If all else fails, go figure.
If you're new to the world of TinyTIM, type NEW for a quick brainscrubber on our flavor of reality. Elsewise, North and Beyond!
Obvious exits:
North NEW
You go up a flight of stairs, and find a door at the top.
You pass through the door and find yourself at...
The TinyTIM Visitors Gallery
This is a long room, with a big glass window running the length of it, which looks down upon the Nexus. The room is comfortably appointed with thick carpet and plush chairs, soft lighting and freshly painted walls. Cocktail waitresses bring you complimentary drinks from time to time.
There are exits at the north and south ends of the room.
Reo comes through the southern door.
Reo has arrived.
Brain says "Nothing up my sleeve. PREST...eww!"
Reo says "Crap, Marcia booted me for that! LOL"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick nods "That is why I am looking into @doer to try and "do" the action."
R'nice repeats for the late-comers: "YOur thought question is: How does this room work?
Brain points at Reo and does the Nelson Laugh. "Haha!"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick is obviously missing a step.
Reo says "Well... the Nexus is set OPEN. And there's an exit from the nexus to here, that the information is passing through?"
Squeaky says "So Marcia can hear us?"
Malady says "Transparent"
Kaa hisses "And the "window" iss sset transsparent sso we can ssee through into the other room. Thiss room iss sset transsparent, too."
R'nice says "No, this room is not set transparent."
Brain says "Hi Marcia! *wave*"
Brain says "Drat."
Kaa hisses "Oh, right. The nexxuss iss."
Squeaky yells "Hi Marcia"
Kaa hisses "It'ss the SSOURCCE room that'ss sset open/transsparent."
Malady says "No, the exit from here to the next room is set transparent."
R'nice says "Right. THe nexus is."
R'nice says "Right, the 'nexus' exit here is transparent, so we can see through it to the nexus."
Squeaky says "But do they see us?"
R'nice says "And there's a transparent exit in the nexus to here, so we can see things."
R'nice says "Nope."
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick doesn't know if that answers your question or not though
R'nice says "No, they don't see us, because this room isn't transparent ;)"
Squeaky says "Ah..and they don't hear us?"
R'nice says "No, for them to hear us, both this room and the nexus exit would have to be set OPEN"
Reo says "The exit from here to the nexus is what allows you to "look nexus" and see that room. The exit from the nexus to here is what's letting us see their speech and poses. Right?"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kieron Waves
Kaa hisses "We don't HEAR them, either, noticce. :)"
Malady says "Because there are no OPEN exits linking this room to the Nexus."
R'nice says "Right, Reo"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick waves to Kieron
Brain doesn't hear them, nope.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia waves.
Squeaky says "How come I see Patrick and Kieren waving?"
Kaa hisses "We're only sseeing possess."
Reo says "Oh. We don't see their speech, actually."
Reo says "Right."
R'nice says "Now, of coures the unavoidable breakdown is that you can use a pose to speak. YOu can type :says "foo" instead of say foo."
Kaa hisses "Patrick fooled uss by possing hiss sspeech, like I alwayss do :)"
Squeaky ahhhs, "Oh..I see"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick nods
R'nice says "But it works well enough here, that you can be up in the visitor's gallery and get a bit of the flavor of the nexus without the complete hubbub of being in it :)"
R'nice sort ofmodelled this on the visitors place at the New York Stock Exchange :)
Malady says "So, if there was an OPEN exit from the Nexus to here, and the Nexus is set OPEN, we could hear them, yes?"
Squeaky says "Cool :)"
Kaa wondered if that was it.
R'nice says "Yes, Malady."
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick's slowly trying to relearn everything he has forgotten in 5 years plus learn new stuff that he hasn't had the time to check out before
Malady @cools.
R'nice says "The reason, by the way, that you have to set the flag on the room as well:"
Ghoti says "Otherwise LINK_OK would be rather dangerous, eh?"
R'nice says "it's simply an efficiency hack. Most rooms don't have open or transparent exits. It would be a drag on the code to have to search every exit in the room to see if there's a transparent one. The flag on the room give the code a hint. :)"
Ghoti says "Heh, cool!"
R'nice says "These days that might not matter so much, but in days of yore TIM had less computer power running it."
Malady says "Veddy EEENtelesting."
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia just got a drive by cuddle from the cat. Weird.
Malady snickers.
Kaa is fortunate in that his autohisser allows him to be exempted from the clock's 'say something random' thingy, but unfortunate in that everything he says or does comes through to the gallery where we are. :)
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick chuckles
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia nods. It takes time to learn all this stuff. And it takes a lot of experimenting and debugging.
Reo says "Couldn't you make your autohisser @force you to say the new thing?"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick believes R'nice was teaching them the basics of building rooms
Kaa could, but then I wouldn't 'hiss'. I'd say.
Kaa hisses "And that wouldn't be ass 'ssnakey' :)"
Reo says "Ah."
Reo says "That's right! Ass snakey!"
R'nice says "Oh, by the way:"
R'nice yells "Class dismissed! :)"
Kaa comes in from somewhere, trailing a fetid blast of moisture-laden air. You smell Jungle.
Kaa has left.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kaa coils unobtrusively on a nearby warm rock.
Ghoti says "Wow, you can @set *yourself* PUPPET!"
Squeaky says "hanks R'nice..Gnight"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia is hoping someone will do style eventually. OR maybe she will volunteer.
R'nice says "Not that you have to leave, just alerting you that we're done :)"
Malady whees!
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kaa hisses "Howdy!"
Malady says "Thanks, R'nice!!"
Ghoti says "Thanks, sorry I missed moist of it."
Malady goes home.
Malady has left.
Squeaky leaves the gallery to the south.
Squeaky has left.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kaa hisses "Classss iss dissmissssed."
R'nice says "No problem! I hoep this was helpful for people!" says "YOU PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS"
Reo heads into the Bus Garage.
Reo has left.
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has arrived.
Malady laughs.
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has left.
Br'fin says "So what's up this eve?""
Brain enters Mousemobile.
Brain has left.
Kaa is, indeed, an animal. Thank you.
Brain has arrived.
Brain kicks the tires!
Brain enters Mousemobile.
Brain has left. changes his sign
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has arrived.
Reo says "Darn foof."
Alexandra says "Yay. I guess. You crazy TIMster."
From JoeyLemur's overcoat, Programming Test Box Thingy attempts to laser "Yay!" into everyone's eyes simultaneously, causing a wicked light show.
Malady jumps up in the air and yells "YAY!"
Reo has arrived.
R'nice has arrived.
Mousemobile has left.
Mousemobile has arrived.
Mousemobile heads into the Bus Garage.
Mousemobile has left. groans from hunger
Brain has arrived.
PLayer-nYne has arrived.
R'nice says "Hey, all!"
Reo says "Type 'leave', player-nyne."
Reo smiles.
Squeaky waves
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness heads into the Bus Garage.
Reo's double-decker bus of fluffiness has left.
Malady says "Hey, R'nice!"
Alexandra drops a deep curtsy towards R'nice.
Kaa picks up the curtsy and dusts it off. says "R'nice.. he doesn't sound very nice.."
Alexandra says "Thank you. :)"
R'nice says "Who doesn't sound very nice?"
Kaa . o O (R'nasty?) says "R'nice!"
Brain says "R'mean" says "Whats the 'R' stand for anyways"
Alexandra says "Wrong, bustah."
Br'fin says "Rrr rrrr rrr, R'nice :)"
Jenn has arrived. says "WE DEMAND AND ANSWER"
R'nice is as nice as... a day a the beach...
Reo says "It's the ' that stands for something." says "In December!"
Brain decides since this will all be in the log anyway, he'll have to ungag.
R'nice says "In Hawaii!"
Annastasia says "its a Pernese name Horsey."
Jenn waves
Br'fin says "It's a small dragon after all"
Jenn says "What's tonight's topic, R'nice?"
R'nice says "Tonight's topic is: My Theory." says "ok R'nice, I was wrong, accept my apology"
R'nice says "My theory... which is mine.... <cough, cough, cough...>..." says "complex systems that work come from simple systems that work?"
Jenn eyes R'nice. ...Your theory?
Brain finds Milton about as boring as you find Milton.
Br'fin misplaced Milton.
R'nice says "Ok, first, let's establish some ground rules."
R'nice says "Whatever rules Sketch uses when he runs these things are his. WHen I do it, we do my rules."
Alexandra says "Ooh."
R'nice says "So: First, I'd like to ask people to try to keep the spam down as much as is reasonable. Obviously we have a bunch of people trying to follow what's going on, so let's keep the chatter to a minimum. I'm not gonna make law, just use some sense"
Kahlua has arrived.
Biff the Wonder Parrot has arrived.
Kahlua says "go away, biff" says "A mississipi mother puller her kids out of school because they were making her kids spell Taters with a P"
Kahlua says "biff, go away"
Biff the Wonder Parrot says "Okay, seeya." says "Oops, Ok"
Alexandra says "horsey...shh."
Biff the Wonder Parrot perches happily on Jenn's shoulder.
Brain says "horseycircus, CAN IT!" says "Brain SHUT UP"
Jenn says "Biff, GO AWAY."
Biff the Wonder Parrot says "Okay, seeya."
Biff the Wonder Parrot goes home.
Biff the Wonder Parrot has left.
R'nice says "Second: I *do* encourage people to ask questions. If you don't understand, ask. If you're too shy to flaunt your ignorance, then you can whisper or page, but frankly, I'd rather you ask out loud, because if there's something you don't understand, probably others don't either."
Jenn nods to R'nice. Makes sense
R'nice says "And in RL you can'tpage or whisper, so asking questions is a good h abit to get into. But I'd still rather you whisper or page than sit quietly in ignorance"
R'nice says "If I don't asnwer your question after a reasonable time, ask again, I may have just missed it in the scroll."
R'nice says "Anything else I missed as far as ground rules?"
Malady raises a tentacle.
Kahlua says "No turning invisible?"
R'nice says "Yes, Malady? :)"
Malady says "Are we allowed to heckle?"
Brain says "What if a ball hits the top of the fence? Oh wait, wrong ground rules. ;-)"
Alexandra says "Yes, are we?"
Kaa thinks the polite phrase is 'kibitz' :)
R'nice says "Well, define what you mean by 'heckle' :)" heads into the Bus Garage. has left.
Jenn says "No, kibitzing and heckling are two different animals."
Malady saves it for later, R'nice.
R'nice nods
R'nice says "Alright. So here's my BIG question to you all: What do you wanna work on tonight?"
R'nice says "I believe the idea is to do beginner level tonight, so we won't be taking up installed exits :)" has arrived.
Farward says "How about making exits that are easy to use?"
Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'. has left.
Jenn wants to learn how to do Odrops and stuff, but I don't know how complex that is.
Patrick has arrived.
Brain says "Random odrops (if that's not too advanced yet)"
R'nice says "What do you mean by 'easy to use', Farward?"
Reo says "I think that would be, Brain."
Jenn Also shouldn't be a deciding vote, since she may not be awake for the whole session.
Malady wants to learn how to do @entrances, or whatever it's called when you enter a room and something happens. waves
Farward says "Ones with semicolons sprinkled liberally through them." chuckles
Kahlua says "Odrops. Osuccs, Malady"
Kaa props toothpicks under Jenn's eyelids.
Alexandra says "@odrops, Malady." says "An cleaning up your objects with @sweep!"
Jenn grins at Kaa. Thankee dropped Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'.. has left.
Malady says "Thanks Kah, Alexandra."
Alexandra wants to learn how to use PICK.
Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'. grows ears and can now hear.
Alexandra smiles at Malady.
Farward killed Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'.!
Sign held by GOT FIRED FROM FACTORY, HAVE 3 KIDS AND 10 DOGS, PLEASE HELP. For further info type 'oh you poor thing'. has left.
Alexandra says "Thank you, Farward."
Brain sighs at the spam.
Squeaky says "Yay!"
Farward says "Oops, I forgot we weren't in the Nexus."
PLayer-nYne says "brain how do you ignore again?"
Reo says "I think everyone appreciates its death."
R'nice does.
Brain says "Depends on what client you use."
Kahlua says "Next time, just take it."
Alexandra does.
Kahlua says "Otherwise, he'll bring it back"
Squeaky says "I was gonna do it if someone hadn't beat me to it"
Alexandra says "Is it /gag?"
PLayer-nYne says "tinyfugue"
Brain dunno tf.
Br'fin giggles
R'nice says "Alright. I think I know what we're gonna do."
Patrick says "/gag *text* works for tf"
PLayer-nYne says "it works the same as the one you use, i forget the command though"
PLayer-nYne says "oh ok thanks"
R'nice says "Everyone please wait here for a minute. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. The Odd Couple: movie or tv series?"
Kahlua says "Series, of course"
Jenn says "mmmm, tv series."
Patrick has to go with the series
Malady says "Both."
Brain says "...or Broadway play."
Kaa preferred the series.
Squeaky says "Series"
R'nice now shows how he is deft. *POOF* he's gone!
R'nice has left.
Alexandra says "Ellen. Oh, wait. Not my time."
Reo says "You're supposed to say "The Odd Couple was neither Odd, nor a Couple. Discuss!""
Brain liked the series, though.
Patrick says "Though I like Jack Lemmon better than Tony Randel"
Jenn never actualy saw either the movie or the tv series
Brain says "Patrick, is a blank page for you?"
Kaa liked Kluggman and Randall better than Lemmon and Mathau.
Patrick checks
Br'fin says "I ratehr liked the musical"
Kaa gasps at Jenn!
Kahlua says "It's blank for me"
Kahlua says "Plain White"
Patrick says "Not blank for me"
Brain is surprised that nobody votes for the short-lived 80's revival where both major characters were women! ;-)
Kaa @forces Jenn to sit in front of tvland and watch it.
Alexandra says "Nor I, Jenn."
Alexandra says "I did, Brain."
Kaa hisses "Or the other one where they were black, Brain. :)"
Brain nods.
Malady watches 'The Bod Couple', on Playboy.
Alexandra says "Oh. 80s. Not 90s."
R'nice arrives in a flash of wizardly brilliance!
R'nice has arrived.
Reo says "Try turning off Javascript."
Alexandra laughs at Malady.
Farward says "The Will and Grace episode tonight has an Odd Couple reference."
Brain says "There it goes."
Kaa hisses "Ratss. I missssed W&G."
R'nice says "Ok, we are moving the class. Everyone please @teleport to #66280"
Kaa comes in from somewhere, trailing a fetid blast of moisture-laden air. You smell Jungle.
Kaa has left.
Squeaky has left.
Jenn has left.
Patrick screams "RAMMING SPEED" as he drives the DeathMobile into the bleachers
Patrick has left.
JoeyLemur has left.
Kahlua says "geezus"
Farward has left.
You feel a wrenching sensation...
You begin to blur and fade, then suddenly snap out of existence.
A bright light flashes in front of your eyes as you appear in a new setting.
The Class Hub(#66280RAF)
This is a large, round room, with doors leading out on all sides. It is well lit and nicely carpeted. Very professional looking.
Malady has arrived.
Annastasia has arrived.
Reo skids into the room on his face.
Reo has arrived.
JoeyLemur says "How... 90s."
Kahlua is getting crazy with the cheese-whiz.
Kahlua has arrived.
Alexandra has arrived.
Br'fin stumbles with a coughing out of a puff of smoke.
Br'fin has arrived.
Kahlua says "What was wrong with the classroom?"
Alexandra says "Uh, yeah?"
Malady says "Uh...boring @desc?"
Kaa hisses "It wassn't Abode."
PLayer-nYne has arrived.
Reo says "Couldn't open exits."
R'nice arrives in a flash of wizardly brilliance!
R'nice has arrived.
Jenn says "And there's no exits in here at all"
R'nice says "Nope, not a one."
Brain has arrived.
Kaa hisses "TRAPPED! TRAPPED I tell you!"
Alexandra says "Ah."
R'nice says "Ok, hush."
Jenn knows how to go home, we don't need no stinking exits. =)
R'nice says "Tonight we're gonna do simple place buildling. Rooms, exits, that kind of thing."
R'nice says "So everybody is going to build a room off of here."
Jenn says "Woo!"
R'nice says "There are now exits here for everyone present."
R'nice says "Normally, when you build, you create your own exits. But you are not empowered to create exits in a room you don't own, so to get started, I had to make exits for everyone."
R'nice says "So we start at the beginning and see where everyone is. When I ask if everyone knows how to do something, only answer if you do NOT know"
JoeyLemur goes home.
JoeyLemur has left.
R'nice says "Does everyone know how to use @dig to create a room?"
Malady says "No."
Squeaky says "Not well."
Brain says "Sorta?"
Jenn says "No"
R'nice says "Ok. Here we go."
R'nice says "There are 4 fundamental kinds of thing on TIM: Rooms, Players, Exits, and Things"
R'nice says "PLayers are created, for the most part, when you use the special "create" command at the login screen. All of you have done this at least once, or you woulldn't be here now."
R'nice says "Things are created with the @create command."
R'nice says "@exits are created with the @open command. More on this later."
R'nice says "Rooms are created with the @dig command. In its simplest form, you just type: @dig <name of the new room>"
R'nice says "Now, the thing is, when you do this, *where* does it put your new room?"
R'nice says "Anyone?"
Squeaky says "Floating"
Brain says "It floats, right?"
R'nice says "RIght. It's not *anywhere*, eally, it's just floating in space somewhere."
R'nice says "It's not like creating an object where it can just put the new object in your hand. You @dig the room, butyou don't see the room, it's out in space somewhere."
R'nice says "Which is why @dig will go out of its way to tell you the *number* of the room when it creates it, so that you can find the room."
R'nice says "Because if you just @dig the room, there's no exits leading to it, it's just a room in space. So the only way to get to it is to either @teleport to it, for which you need the number, or hook up an exit to it, for which, again, you need the number."
R'nice says "So in just a second, we're gonna @dig rooms, but don't do it yet."
R'nice says "First off, does everybody know about temp attributes?"
Squeaky says "No"
Alexandra says "No."
Jenn says "No"
Malady nopes greatly.
Kahlua says "Not by that name, no."
R'nice says "Good. Does everyboyd know what attributes are?"
Kahlua says "So, maybe."
Brain does not.
Brain meant that for 'temp attributes'.
Jenn says "No."
Farward has disconnected.
R'nice says "BYe, Farward"
R'nice says "Ok, did everybody here build a bus last week?"
Brain did.
Jenn did
Patrick says "No."
Alexandra says "yes."
Brain built it today, actually.
Alexandra says "Afterwards."
R'nice says "Everybody who built a bus should know what attributes are. That's mostly what you did when building the bus, set the attributes."
Jenn says "The @desc, @smell @sound stuff?"
R'nice says "Attributes are strings which are associated with any given item in the game. Right, @desc, @smell, @sound are attributes."
R'nice says "There are also some boringly named attributes with names like @va and @xb, which have no special purpose, they're just there to hold programming, which is for more advanced stuff."
R'nice says "Really, the @ is not part of the name of the attribute. It's just part of the command to *set* the attribute."
Squeaky says "When you do the stuff with the parenthesis?"
Annastasia goes home.
Annastasia has left.
R'nice says "Um, which stuff with parenthesis?"
Squeaky says "Stuff with switches and that.."
R'nice says "If I understand you, the va-vz and xa-xz are whereyou would store function stuff like that."
Squeaky says "yes..Ok."
Reo says "So what's this about temp attributes?"
R'nice says "In truth, you *could* store them anywhere, but obviously if you store functions in a special-purpose attribute, you're gonna lose that special purpose."
R'nice says "I mean, if you store a function in your desc, the function will still work, butyou'll look funny when people look at you :)"
Br'fin snickers.
Brain looks funny anyway.
R'nice says "Ok, so the thing about attributes is, they are part of the database. The game saves them on disk, they don't go away until you change them."
R'nice says "However, there is a set of temporary attributes, which are good for holding temporary information. They are NOT saved to disk, so every time TIM restarts, they are reset to nothing."
R'nice says "So it's nice, because they don't take up space for little temporary things."
R'nice says "So we're gonna use one of these to help us remember the number of the new room we're gonna dig."
R'nice says "We'll use @temp1"
R'nice says "So: Everybody dig a new room, and then do: @temp1 me = <number of your new room>"
Patrick goes home.
Patrick hops into Flounder's car and zooms off to the Food King.
Patrick has left.
Reo says "That is AWESOME. I didn't know about those!"
Kahlua says "Nor did I. :)"
Kaa didn't, either. :)
R'nice says "I think there are 9 or 10 of them."
Brain says "Must have been a pretty good secret."
Br'fin hees "Those slipped my mind :)
Kahlua says "Nifty. Those aren't documented."
Reo says "Yeah they are. help @temp"
Brain says "Apropos of nothing, R'nice, how long is class going to last?"
R'nice says "They're in the MUSHroom somewher,e I"m sure"
Kahlua says "Oh. I take it back, then."
Mara has arrived.
R'nice says "Beats me, Brain. I've never done this before. :) Til we're done? :)"
Brain shrugs. "Ask a silly question..."
R'nice says "Ok, has everybody dug their room?"
Kaa nodnods.
Malady yups. Dig it.
Squeaky says "Yep. I can also see the room with @find"
Brain can dig it.
Jenn nods. All dug
PLayer-nYne has disconnected.
R'nice says "Yes, good point Squeaky. If you forget what your room number is, you can always use @find to find it. That's kind of why they call the command @find."
Reo says "Fine find, that @find."
R'nice says "So now we have to talk about exits a little bit."
R'nice says "Does everybody know what an exit is?"
Jenn says "I know what one is, but that's about it."
R'nice says "Good. SOmbody give the class a one-sentence definition of an exit."
Squeaky has trouble making those
R'nice calls on Reo.
Reo says "Basically, a creation on TIM that lets you go from one room to another."
Alexandra applauds.
R'nice says "MOre precisely: An exit is a thing which exits in one room, which allows you to get to another room."
R'nice arg, thypo.
R'nice says "MOre precisely: An exit is a thing which exist in one room, which allows you to get to another room."
R'nice will get the damn word 'exits' right yet...
ZenRhino comes sauntering in. "How's all my little crackers this morning?"
ZenRhino has arrived.
Reo says "exists?"
R'nice says "More precisely: An exit is a thing which exists in one room, which allows you to get to another room."
Brain throws a paper airplane at RHINO.
ZenRhino grins and greets.
Alexandra says "Zen. Late. Ooh. :)"
R'nice says "Which means that to hookup two rooms to each other, how many exits do you need?"
Squeaky says "2?"
Jenn says "Two"
ZenRhino says "1"
Alexandra says "1."
Brain says "Two."
Jenn says "Exits are like one way doors?"
Jenn says "You need one for each direction?"
Alexandra says "1, linked both ways."
Kahlua says "Uh... I don't think so..."
Alexandra says "No"
Reo says "You need two, one for each way."
R'nice says "You need two. An exit only links one way. You need an exit it room A that leads to room B, and you need an exit itn room B which leads back to room A"
Alexandra says "Sorry, it's been a LONG while. I'll shut up."
Alexandra says "That."
R'nice says "No, don't shut up. If you shut up, I can't know what you know and don't know. I thought I made that clear at the beginning."
Alexandra says "Yessir."
R'nice says "The reason for this is that it lets you build goofy topologies, where you *can't* go back to room A, for instance. Even though 99 percent of the time you want a two-way connection."
Reo says "For falling in bottomless pits, etc :)"
R'nice says "Right."
R'nice says "or even bottomed pits, which are just too deep to climb out of."
R'nice says "So, there are three fundamental commands bout exits: @open, @link, and @unlink"
R'nice says "As we said earlier, @open creates an exit. Its simplest form is just: @open <name of exit>"
R'nice says "But if you try that here, it won't work, because you have to own the room that you @open the exit in. The game doesn't want you to be able to add exits to other people's rooms!"
Reo says "Smart game."
Jenn says "How does the exit know to go to your room?"
R'nice says "Initially, it doesn't."
Jenn says "Or is that @link?"
R'nice says "If you just @open an exit, you get an exit in the current room, but one that doesn't lead anywhere at all"
R'nice says "So: that's where @link comes in. @link lets you point the exit at the appropriate destination room."
R'nice says "The syntax is: @link <exit name or number> = <number of room."
R'nice says "The syntax is: @link <exit name or number> = <number of room>"
R'nice says "Now, here comes the *special* part:"
R'nice says "There is a special thing about exits. Normally, you can't do *anything* to anything you don't own. You can't set attributes on it, you can't set flags on it, you can't @link or @unlink it or anything"
R'nice says "But there's a special rule for exits: If an exit is unlinked, that is, if it leads to nowhere..."
Sheila has arrived.
R'nice says "You CAN @link the exit, and what's more, doing so will MAKE YOU OWN IT."
R'nice says "This is explicitly to let people allow other peole to build off of their rooms."
R'nice says "So again: you can @link an unlinked exit even if you don't own it, and it will magically become yours."
R'nice says "Which is what I've done here. I've created an exit for each of you, and not linked it. So now YOU can @link it to your new room. Remember, you've got the number squirreled away in your @temp1"
R'nice says "The exits have the same names as your names, so everybody can just link to their own name."
Kaa says "Wanna mention that 'You own a disconnected room' thing, R'nice? :)"
Kahlua has connected.
Kahlua skids into reality, rollerblades smoking from the Velocity. Whoa...
Kaa just got the warning.
Kahlua says "sorry."
R'nice says "What's more, you don't even need to type the room number, you can actually use the temp attribute directly."
Brain owns a disconnected room, also.
Reo says "it has our exact name, we can't examine the exit or find its number."
Reo says "Nevermind. I just examined it. Duh."
R'nice says "Hang on, that may be a problem. I'm gonna change the exit names to be exit_<yourname>"
Brain says "Was I supposed to have created the exit yet?"
R'nice says "There. Now everybody has an exit named exit_<name>"
Malady says "R'nice, how do I unlink myself from my room?"
Sydney has arrived.
Alexandra says "Are we linking them NOW, or are you not done explaining?"
Jenn has connected.
R'nice says "Now you may link them. The easiest way is: @link <exit name> = v(temp1)"
Jenn has partially disconnected.
Alexandra says "Goody."
R'nice says "Does everybody know about the v() function?"
Reo says "Nope!"
Alexandra says "Nope."
Malady says "Not even a little bit."
Reo says "Looks like shorthand for get(me/temp1)"
R'nice says "I think v is supposed to stand for variable. v(<attribute name>) returns that attribute on yourself"
Brain says "Ahhh, got it. I'm Linked, like sausage. :)"
Squeaky says "I got "Permission Denied""
Reo says "I'm linked like Tiger Woods baby."
R'nice says "Yes: v(foo) is the same as get(me/foo) is the same as get2(me,foo)"
Alexandra blinks. HARD.
R'nice says "But obviously the v() version is shorter and easier to read"
R'nice says "For instance: You can say your own desc by typing: say v(desc)"
R'nice says "Try it."
Alexandra says "Ah!"
Sydney damns. "Thunder and lightning. Will read log. Must exit."
Squeaky says "At just five feet tall, she is not a very commanding presence. Her black hair is cut short and her big green eyes seem never to blink. She weighs 90 lbs and seems very fearful and anxious. Usually, she is holding her blankie up as a comfort against the trials and tribulations of life. In almost total opposition to the doe-eyed appearance of her face, she is wearing a studded black leather jacket, no shirt at all and tight black leather pants tucked into large black motorcycle boots."
Sydney goes home.
Sydney has left.
Kaa says "Snake! BIG snake! Coiled. Darting tongue. Blinkless. HAS eyebrows, so get over it. From that book by that guy. You know, the one with the snake. Yeah. He's wearing a cute little white turban on his head."
Jenn says "You see a young woman. Although she is small, her strong build, and the glint of sharp intelligence in her eyes tells you this is a woman you might not want to mess with."
Brain says "You see a white two-inch tall lab mouse with a bumpy head. Having failed miserably at global domination, he's resigned himself to just being the LoveMouse(tm)."
Jenn says "Ack. I should change that."
Alexandra says "Formerly a jumper, she's become reconciled to living life. You suspect it has something to do with the TinyRing on her left hand. Her brownblack hair is coarse, yet springy and soft to the touch. Amber eyes look back at you solemnly, but with a quirky sense of humor hidden behind it. She'd be glad to help you, if she can...she's green but wise, hard but friendly."
Reo says "Reo is an out of work court jester. Once, he entertained at the thrones of kings and queens across the land. But times changed, and his particular sense of humor just wasn't marketable anymore. Now humbled and a little grey around the edges, Reo just wanders around making the odd bitter remark."
Malady says "You see a black, amorphous blob of what could only be Alien Protoplasm (tm). It stands in a tall column, periodically growing and absorbing tentacles and arms. Two half-circle eyes glow a bright green near the top of its mass. It would almost look scary, save for the big, toothy smile just beneath the eyes. The bizarre life form looks back at you, and quickly forms the word "HI" on its surface."
Kaa chortles.
R'nice says "Ok, has everyone linked their exit? I think someone said they had a problem?"
Squeaky says "I have one"
Reo says "That was squaky."
Squeaky says "Permission denied"
Reo says "Squeaky. Jeez. :)"
R'nice says "What did you type?"
Squeaky says "@open door = Exit_squeaky"
Mara has left.
Br'fin rips open a hole in the cosmos and steps out into the waiting chaos.
Br'fin has left.
R'nice says "Ok. I don't know why you typed that. I thought I explained that you can't open an exit here, which is why I already di the @open for you. You need only @link the exit"
R'nice says "@open creates a new exit, but you have to own the room where you are creating it."
Squeaky says "Now you see why I have exit problems..what exaxtly do I type?"
R'nice says "@link takes an already-existing exit and makes it actually *lead* somewhere"
R'nice says "Ok, Squeaky, what is the name of the exit you want to link?"
Squeaky says "I think you said it's exit_squeaky"
R'nice says "Right. And where do you want to link it to?"
Squeaky says "The room I made"
R'nice says "Right, and where is that?"
Squeaky says "It's floating"
Kahlua says "what's the number"
Kahlua says "?"
R'nice says "It is, so how are you going to refer to it to tell the exit where it should lead to?"
Squeaky says "78309"
R'nice says "There you go. So type: @link exit_squeaky = #78309"
Squeaky says "Ah..Now I get it"
Squeaky says "That worked"
R'nice says "Good! Now. Everybody set your @temp2 to the number of *this* room."
Reo says "What IS that number?"
Jenn says "66280"
Kaa hisses "66280"
Brain says "867-3509, Reo. :)"
Alexandra says "l, Reo."
R'nice says "Well, Reo, how could you find out?"
Reo says "I don't actually know. I tried examine here."
R'nice says "And that didn't work?"
Reo says "No number was shown. It just showed the title, desc and contents."
Squeaky says "I just typed 'ex'"
Kahlua says "I know. Hee hee."
Reo says "Maybe I have a flag set."
Alexandra typed look
R'nice says "Ok. Well, that's a falw in examine, I guess. You could try look. You could try @where me"
R'nice says "You could try: think num(here)"
Reo says "Aha. Yep. I had myself set nearsighted."
Reo says "I always wanted to know how to result the number of something. num()"
Kahlua has partially disconnected.
R'nice says "Now, everybody examine yoru exit. It should be owned by you now."
Reo has left.
Squeaky says "Yayay!"
Reo has arrived.
Reo says "Whoops."
R'nice says "Again, @linking an unlinked exit causes it to become yours for life."
R'nice says "Now, everybody try out your exit. Go through the exit to y our room. examine your room, then @teleport back to here."
Malady has left.
Brain has left.
Alexandra has left.
Jenn has left.
Malady has arrived.
Kahlua has left.
Kahlua is fleeing from the Cylon tyranny.
Kahlua has arrived.
Brain has arrived.
Squeaky says "Um. How do I go through it?"
Alexandra has arrived.
Jenn has arrived.
Jenn has left.
Kahlua picks up Jenn.
Kahlua takes out Jenn.
Kahlua tickles Jenn wildly. Hiya Hon...
R'nice says "Just type its name. Just like, when you wanna go north, you type 'north'. When you wanna go exit_Squeaky, y ou type 'exit_Squeaky' :)"
Squeaky says "Oh <blush>"
Squeaky has left.
Squeaky has arrived.
R'nice says "Ok, is everybody back?"
Farward goes home.
Farward has left.
PLayer-nYne goes home.
PLayer-nYne say IRC: Internet Retard Check
Brain isn't back, he's a mouse.
R'nice says "Ok. So obviously, the next thing we need to do is to make an exit from the new room *back* to here."
R'nice says "You should all know enough to do that. Ready to give it a try?"
Malady says "Sure."
Squeaky says "I suppose"
R'nice says "Go for it!"
Malady has left.
Squeaky has left.
Brain has left.
Alexandra has left.
Kaa :enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Jenn has left.
Brain has arrived.
Brain says "Yay! :)"
Malady has arrived.
Malady says "Fun!"
Kahlua has left.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon. You smell dankness.
Kaa has arrived.
Jenn has arrived.
Jenn says "Woo!"
ZenRhino says "Why you still in school eating Salisbury Steak when your brother's been abducted?" He pulls the fire alarm.
ZenRhino has left.
R'nice goes to see how Squeaky is doing...
R'nice says "I'll be back soon."
Kahlua has arrived.
R'nice has left.
Malady jumps behind the desk. "Our next game is called World's Worst, this is for all our contestants..."
Kahlua says "ooh ooh, pick me!"
Malady says "...and to come up with as many examples of The World's Worst Host for TIM Trivia."
Kahlua says "!"
Malady BZZT
Reo says "PISS_BONER!"
Malady BZZT
Kahlua says "Uh, uh..."
Jenn says "Driping_cum"
Malady BZZT
Kahlua says "Amy Fisher!"
Jenn says "ALPHAGUY"
Malady BZZT
Brain says "Shakespeare!"
Reo says "Hello, my name is Clive Anderson."
Malady laughs @ Brain.
Kahlua says "Prutz_Prutz!"
Malady laughs @ Reo.
Malady BZZT
Brain says "Prutz was good at hosting. Shakes wasn't. :)"
Kahlua says "Alright, wiseass, what IS the answer??"
Kaa hisses "BZZZZT merely meanss 'ansswer acccepted' :)"
Kahlua says "Ohhhhh. :)"
Kaa hisses "You've OBVIOUSSLY never sseen Whosse line Iss It Anyway? :)"
Kahlua says "Sounded like the WRONG ANSWER buzzer to me."
Reo says "Just means next actor, go."
Kahlua says "I have. I didn't pay too much attention to it."
Kaa whaps Kahlua for lack of taste. :)
Reo slams Kahlua into a turnstile.
Kahlua says "yes, that's obviously the problem"
Brain watches Smackdown instead. :)
Jenn points to Kahlua and whispers, he likes monster trucks, too.
Brain yells "TRUCKASAURUS!"
Kahlua says "geez, I love my supportive wife."
Jenn giggles, as she's now getting the look of death.
Kahlua sells Brain the whole seat, even though he'll only need THE EDGE
Squeaky has arrived.
Squeaky says "Hooray!"
Kaa . o O (tm)
Reo says "In the meantime, everyone congratulate me, I accomplished something almost x-treme today."
Kahlua says "YAY SQUEAKY"
Kahlua says "A kickflip?"
Malady applauds!
Kahlua says "Rail grind?"
Kahlua says "A REAL ollie?"
Reo says "Naw. Yep, Rail grind. :)"
Squeaky has left.
Kahlua says "Dude. Rock on. Those look HARD"
Brain says "Now for my next question. What's a rail grind?"
Kahlua says "Skate board trick."
Reo says "Not on my board, of course. In my shoes :)"
Brain says "Is that where you grind your crotch into the track"
Brain oh's
Kahlua says "You slide down a RAIL on a skateboard"
R'nice has arrived.
Kahlua says "In your SHOES??"
Kaa hits Brain with New Jersey.
Squeaky has arrived.
Reo says "Or in skates or shoes."
R'nice says "Ok. Now we have absolute bare-bones room-and-exits."
R'nice says "For now we're gonna ignore the spartanness of the rooms and concentrate on the exits."
Brain says "Could be worse, the rooms could be wolverine instead of spartan."
R'nice says "However, the next time you are in your room (not now), you can give it a short @desc"
Kahlua says "oh HA HA"
R'nice says "Now, I need a volunteer. I pick Kaa."
Kahlua points at Kaa and does the Nelson Laugh, "Ha-Ha!"
Kaa raises his tail.
Kaa might as well :)
Reo says "Kaa already done it, anyhow :)"
R'nice says "Ok, I'm gonna ask Kaa to go into his room, wait 3 seconds, and then walk back."
R'nice says "I want everybody to watch what happens when he does so."
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Territan steps into the room through a set of curtains. Those curtains weren't there a moment before, and those curtains aren't there now, but he stepped out from behind them anyway. Nyaah. :)
Territan has arrived.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Squeaky waves as she magles the codes
Kahlua says "Wow! You turned Kaa into Territan!"
R'nice says "Ok, Kaa, you suck. You jumped ahead."
Kaa hisses "I'm ssorry. :)"
R'nice picks a different volunteer.
Jenn will do it. She didn't skip ahead
R'nice says "Hell, I'll volunteer."
R'nice says "I'm gonna go to my room, and then come back. Watch what happens, what you see."
R'nice has left.
Reo puts down a banana peel.
Brain sends R'nice to his room without supper.
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "Sorry that took so long, turns out I mis-linked my exit, and ended up at the wrong place."
Brain LOL
Kaa LOL!
Malady says "Oops."
Brain says "I hate it when that happens."
Territan says "Tsk."
Jenn takes back that apple she brought for teacher.
Squeaky doesn't feel so bad now
R'nice says "And being a wiz, it let me :)"
R'nice says "Ok, I'm gonna do it again. Everybody hush and watch."
R'nice has left.
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "Now: What was wrong with that?"
Squeaky says "Has left. Has arrived. Bland"
Jenn says "It didn't say where you went or came from."
Territan could say, but then R'nice would have to kill him.
R'nice says "MOre than just bland. Hopelessly u ninformative. If I hadn't told you where I wnet, you'd have NO IDEA how to follow me."
R'nice says "YOu don't know where I went, you don't know where I came back from."
R'nice says "This is *bad* when you're building. YOu always have to remember you're building for a multi-pllayer environment."
R'nice says "So we want to set the attributes on the exits which are gonna do the job of telling people where we went, and where we came from."
Jenn says "g'night folks!"
R'nice says "The two attributes we want, then are: @osucc and @odrop"
Jenn goes home.
Jenn has left.
R'nice says "@osucc is cryptic for 'others-success'. It's what others (other people in the room) see when you successfully go through an exit."
R'nice says "If you want to provide a message that *you* see as you successfully walk through the exit, that would be just @succ"
R'nice says "But @succ on an exit can be considered optional. @osucc and @odrop should be thought of as manditory."
R'nice says "@odrop is what people-- others-- see when you 'drop' into the room you end up with. It's the thing that tells people in the new room whereyou just came from"
Squeaky says "Do you type in Squeaky, or does it do the player name automatically?"
R'nice says "The player name is prepended automatically!"
Squeaky says "Hmm, I had typed percent n\"
Squeaky says "Thanks"
R'nice says "Sorry I forgot to mention that."
R'nice says "So for example, you might do something like: @osucc exit_R'nice = does the hokey-pokey into R'nice's room."
R'nice says "Well, *I* might do that. You should set oen on your own exit :)"
R'nice says "So we now all need to go set *four* attributes, right? Who can tell me what all four are."
Malady says "@osucc, @succ, @odrop,...@drop?"
Brain says "@osucc and @odrop for both exits."
R'nice gives Brain a cigar.
R'nice says "Right! Remember, you've made *two* exits, and *both* of them need @osucc and @odrop!"
Territan says "Yes, an exit can have BOTH a @succ and a @drop. The user will see one, then the other, as he passes through."
Brain lights it up and it promptly explodes. "Damn you!"
Sheila wavies g'night
R'nice says "So everybody set those four things. PLus you can set a @succ if you like. And you should go set a short desc on your room. No epic masterpieces, please."
Squeaky says "What's the odrop? :<"
Sheila goes home.
Sheila has left.
Brain has connected.
Brain has connected.
R'nice says "The @odrop is what people see in the destination room as you enter the room."
Squeaky says "And I set it on the exits, right?"
R'nice says "An example might be: @odrop exit_R'nice = hokey pokey's %p way in from The Class Hub."
Reo Jumps up onto a rail and grinds his way into the shoebox.
Reo has left.
Brain heads over to his own personal exit.
Brain has left.
R'nice says "Remember, it's what people on the *other side* see, not in the room where the exit is."
Reo slides down a rail into the room.
Reo has arrived.
Squeaky sees the door leading to TMI2 and just..goes in. Just like that.
Squeaky has left.
Brain stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Brain has arrived.
Malady has left.
Brain slides down the pole and heads into the Mousecave.
Brain has left.
Squeaky is back in reality. whew
Squeaky has arrived.
Malady has arrived.
Malady says "Did mine work?"
R'nice says "Everybody seems to be looking good exept Malady"
Kaa hisses "Nope."
Brain stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Brain has arrived.
R'nice does the hokey-pokey into R'nice's room.
R'nice has left.
Brain says "Working?"
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Brain says "Kaa, try mine and see if it's working?"
Malady says "Dammit..."
R'nice walks in from R'nice's side room. You're disappointed that he didn't hokey pokey.
R'nice has arrived.
Kaa can no longer build an exit without an @osucc and an @Odrop. It's ingrained.
Kaa slides down the pole and heads into the Mousecave.
Kaa has left.
Squeaky says "Did mine work?"
R'nice says "Youres worked great, Squeaky!"
Squeaky says "Yay!"
Kaa stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Kaa has arrived.
R'nice has left.
Brain thanks Kaa. :)
Brain is sure the reverses worked, too.
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "I don't know what you did, Malady. Your exits have no attributes set on them."
R'nice says "What did you type?"
Territan says "So I bet so far you've covered @dig, @open, @link, @succ, @osucc, @drop, @odrop..."
R'nice says "Good bet, Territan :)"
Malady tries again....
Malady has left.
Malady has arrived.
Malady says "How 'bout now?"
Kaa hisses "Nope."
R'nice says "Ok, the exit here has succ and odrop, but no osucc, so we don't see anything when you leave."
Malady says "?"
Malady says "Where'd my osucc go? Oh well"
Malady says "Where'd my osucc go? Oh well"
Kaa does that all the time. Set the succ, thinking it's the osucc.
R'nice says "NO, he set a correct succ. And a correct odrop."
R'nice says "He's just missing the osucc."
Kaa hisses "Hm."
R'nice opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
R'nice has left.
Malady says "There we go!"
R'nice has arrived.
R'nice says "And the return exit still has nothing."
Malady says "...or not."
Malady says "But it has an odrop...?"
Territan says "That's because you're working with *two* exits, Malady. The one going in, and the one *coming back*."
R'nice says "Ok, did everybody set a desc on their room?"
Malady arghs!
Kaa did. :)
Squeaky says "No..I didn't yet"
R'nice says "If you didn't, go set a quick one-liner. I need to go set mine."
Squeaky sees the door leading to TMI2 and just..goes in. Just like that.
Squeaky has left.
R'nice does the hokey-pokey into R'nice's room.
R'nice has left.
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Malady :squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Territan says "Colon in your return's @odrop, Malady. You don't need t."
R'nice walks in from R'nice's side room. You're disappointed that he didn't hokey pokey.
R'nice has arrived.
Malady winces...
Kaa monoterritans, only silently. :)
R'nice says "What?"
Territan says "D'oh."
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly bens drop off and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
R'nice says "Excellent."
Malady says "Phew!"
Territan will look at the tutorial tomorrow when it's posted. For now, it's bedtime.
Territan goes home.
Territan twiddles something on his clothing and metamorphoses into something that's not there anymore. It's not a teleport, he just changed into something that was located elsewhere.
Territan has left.
Squeaky is back in reality. whew
Squeaky has arrived.
Squeaky says "Ok..all set"
R'nice says "Ok, what's the next thing wrong with our exits?"
Reo says "They smell funny?"
Kaa hisses "Anyone can usse 'em?"
Brain says "They don't smell funny?"
R'nice says "They have crappy names. exit_R'nice is not a normal direction that people normally go."
Reo says "They're DARK."
R'nice says "Since there aren't that many of us left, I can assign everyone a compass direction."
R'nice says "Now, exits are special in that they can have *multiple* names."
R'nice says "Actually, it's just one big name with multiple parts, but the parser will treat each part as a separate name when somebody is trying to pass through."
R'nice says "This will make more sense with an example:"
R'nice says "I could name my exit: exit_R'nice; hokey-pokey; hokey pokey; hokey; pokey; hp; north; n"
R'nice says "And if I did, then you could type *any* of those things to go through the exit"
Brain says "Are the spaces mandatory or optional?"
R'nice says "Optional. I'm just used to typing a space after a ;"
Brain nods.
Squeaky says "Oh no..the dreaded semicolons"
R'nice says "Does everybody know how to use the @name command to change something's name?"
Brain had seen it without the ; before. The space makes them easier to read.
R'nice says "Ok. I'm gonna hand out directions. I want everyone to set your exit name to be exit_whoever plus the direction I give you plus its abbreviation (n for north, for instance)"
R'nice says "Squeaky, you're north."
R'nice says "Malady, east"
R'nice says "Kaa, south"
R'nice says "Brain, west"
R'nice says "Reo, southwest"
R'nice says "Kahlua, northeast"
R'nice says "Torin, northwest"
Squeaky says "Aigh..what command do I use?"
R'nice says "I"ll take southeast"
R'nice says "@name. I just asked if everybgody knew how to use @name"
Squeaky says "Okay..sorry"
R'nice says "Do you know how to use @name?"
Squeaky says "No"
R'nice says "@name <old name of thing> = <new name of thing."
R'nice says "@name <old name of thing> = <new name of thing>"
Squeaky says "Okay..Now I have it"
Brain has partially disconnected.
R'nice says "Ok, everybody done?"
Squeaky says "I think so"
Reo says "Yep."
Brain is done.
Kaa nods.
R'nice says "Good squeaky, except you didn't include the name exit_Squeaky. I'd like everybody to keep those names, just so I know which is which."
Ghoti dreams himself into this room.
Ghoti has arrived.
Squeaky says "Oops"
R'nice says "Ok. Next: I want everybody to look in your direction."
R'nice says "That is, if your exit is north: look north"
Kaappl mprtj
Brain has partially disconnected.
Kaa hisses " :)"
Brain LOL
Brain says "I think you mean LOOK, Kaa, unless you're indicating that you're drooling."
R'nice says "Ok? Some of you see something interesting, because you skipped ahead, but some of you don't."
Kaa hisses "Actually, it wass an incantation. If you wake up ass a newt tomorrow, you'll know why."
R'nice says "What do you need to do so that people see something interesting?"
Malady says "An @desc?"
R'nice says "Right."
R'nice says "Everbyd please have a @desc set on your exit."
R'nice says "This is, to me, one of the marks of good building. When I inspect a place, I'll often look at the exits. Good buildiers are prepared for that."
Brain sets.
Kaa suddenly tries to examine object #5353. :)
R'nice grins at Kaa
R'nice says "Everybody done?"
Squeaky says "Yes"
Malady says "Got it."
R'nice says "Ok, now everybody look at your exit one more time, just to make sure it's what you thin k it is."
Squeaky snickers "Yes"
R'nice says "And when you have done that, type this: @set <your exit name (any one of them)> = TRANSPARENT"
R'nice says "You don't really need to type TRANSPARENT in all caps, of coures. Just a habit of mine."
R'nice says "Then look at the exit again."
Malady hmmmms.
Squeaky says "Yipe"
Malady says "R'nice, how do you unset Transparent?"
Reo says "Good thing no one's naked in there."
R'nice says "@set <exit> = !TRANSPARENT"
Kaa grins.
R'nice grins
R'nice says "Now, I'll show you another trick."
R'nice says "@set your exit OPEN"
Ghoti says "Strange that TRANSPARENT and OPAQUE are not related :)"
Reo jumps up onto a rail and grinds his way into the shoebox.
Reo has left.
R'nice says "True, Ghoti :)"
R'nice says "And I'm gonna set the room OPEN as well...."
Reo slides down a rail into the room.
Reo has arrived.
R'nice says "Once you have set your exit OPEN, go into your room."
Kaa enters Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain. Poor him.
Kaa has left.
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Brain slides down the pole and heads into the Mousecave.
Brain has left.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off it and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off it and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Squeaky sees the door leading to TMI2 and just..goes in. Just like that.
Squeaky has left.
R'nice shouts "Class: Everybody please stay inyour rooms for a minute."
Malady opens the laundry chute, then dives in!
Malady has left.
Reo jumps up onto a rail and grinds his way into the shoebox.
Reo has left.
R'nice says "Ok! Can anybody hear me?"
R'nice says "page me if you can hear me."
From Shoebox, Reo says "Can you hear me?"
From Kaa's Dungeon of Eternal Pain, Kaa says "I can hear you just fine."
R'nice says "See? You can hear sound through an OPEN exit. Provided the room is also set OPEN."
R'nice says "If you can hear this, come back."
Kaa returns from the Dungeon of Eternal Pain. You smell darkness.
Kaa has arrived.
Malady squirms out of the laundry chute. A few jelly beans drop off it and roll on the floor.
Malady has arrived.
Brain stumbles in from the Mousecave.
Brain has arrived.
Squeaky is back in reality. whew
Squeaky has arrived.
Squeaky says "Sorry..I didn't page"
Kaa hisses "A gelatinouss goo in a room full of jelly beanss. It'ss enough to turn your sstomach. :)"
Reo slides down a rail into the room.
Reo has arrived.
Malady says "Turn it into what? :)"
R'nice says "Now. You can only hear speech from one room away. HOwever: yell will travel as far as possible through open exits :)"
Kaa hisses "Um...."
R'nice says "So if you have four rooms hooked together with open exits (and the rooms are open as well), then you can stand in the first room, and yell to someone in the fourth room and they'll hear it"
Reo says "Cool! I can just picture the dysfunctional households this allows you to build on TIM."
R'nice laughs
Brain yells "That's not a rattlesnake!!"
R'nice says "You can also see poses through a transparent exit, if the room is set transpareent"
Kaa hisses "How far doess that travel?"
R'nice says "Just one exit distance."
R'nice says "there is no yell equivalent for poses"
Kaa is glad, somehow.
Reo says "Unless you especially program a camera, or something."
Ghoti says "But that should be discouraged, right?"
Ghoti says "I mean, a camera that propagates all poses?"
R'nice says "Ok, one more tidbit about exits, and then we're gonna go on a short field trip to finish up."
Reo says "Well, I more meant in case you needed it for a specific purpose. Not to just watch everyone everywhere :)"
Brain sets up a camera at Emp's place.
R'nice says "The tidbit is this: exits, by default, are set DARK when you create them. If you set them ! DARK, then they show up in the room's 'obvious exits' list."
Reo says "Keep it aimed at the Mechanical Debutante at about 2 am, Brain ;)"
Squeaky thinks. o O (Like mine)
R'nice says "You can see that two people here have already set their exits !dark"
R'nice says "It is a matter of philosophy whether or not that is a *good thing*. Me, I like dark exits better, with mention of which ways you can go in the desc. Otherwise, peole don't read the desc carefully enough."
Kaa likes some dark and some undark.
Squeaky went for speed and ease here
R'nice says "There's something to be said for that too, Kaa"
R'nice says "Ok. Obviously there are other things you can set on exits. Senses, for instance. But I think we've covered the interesting stuff."
R'nice says "So are there any questions about building rooms and exits before we gon on our field trip?"
Ghoti says "It's interesting how DARK and LIGHT flags aren't quite opposites, either :)"
Reo takes you in hand.
Held by Reo
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
The Class Hub(#66280RLoAF)
This is a large, round room, with doors leading out on all sides. It is well lit and nicely carpeted. Very professional looking.
Obvious exits:
Kaa's Dungeon <KD> Exit_Squeaky East Soap Mousecave
Kaa hisses "That iss the ZZen of TIM, Ghoti."
Ghoti says "More like a matter of degree though."
Ghoti says "Yeah."
R'nice says "Yes, well these flags often come into existence one at at time, as needed, not created in pairs"
Kaa hisses "Ass oppossed to the ZZenRhino of TIM. Which iss a whole different ball o' waxx."
Brain says "Or the zen of metal.ball"
Reo says "metal.ball. falls in the water. plop."
Reo says "No questions!"
R'nice says "One last thing: We used only the simplest forms of @dig and @open. There are more options you can give them which automate some of the work. For instance, you can do: @open <exit> = <destination>"
R'nice says "This is exactly the same as @open <exit> and then @link <exit> = <destination>"
R'nice says "In fact, you can actually use the @dig command to create a room *and* a pair of exits leading back and forth from it. But that's left to the reader. :)"
Squeaky says "That's like @dig Room = Romm;room; r; out right?"
R'nice says "Use a comma between the two exits"
Squeaky says " wonder it doesn't work for me :)"
R'nice smiles
R'nice says "Ok, Field trip!"
Brain yay's, Field Trip.
Malady trips on the field.
R'nice says "Everybody @teleport to Limbo (#0) and then go up."
Reo sets TinyTIM to Warp 9 and hits 'Engage.' Foolishly not strapped in, he consequently flies backwards out of the room.
Reo wanders around in the mist.
Held by Reo
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
You are in a mildly thin mist that goes on basically to the three walls surrounding you. Bahahahaha! This is like, well, Limbo, man. Not a whole lot happens here. If you go to the north, you'll be out. If you build it, he will come. Go north, is what we're saying. Go to it. Go ahead. Go forward. Type HELP if you're stumped and type QUIT when you're finished. If all else fails, go figure.
If you're new to the world of TinyTIM, type NEW for a quick brainscrubber on our flavor of reality. Elsewise, North and Beyond!
Obvious exits:
North NEW
Malady wanders around in the mist.
R'nice arrives in a flash of wizardly brilliance!
R'nice wanders around in the mist.
Kaa wanders around in the mist.
Kaa coils unobtrusively on a nearby warm rock.
Reo goes up a flight of stairs and through a door, which you hear click closed behind him.
Reo has arrived.
Held by Reo
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
The TinyTIM Visitors Gallery
This is a long room, with a big glass window running the length of it, which looks down upon the Nexus. The room is comfortably appointed with thick carpet and plush chairs, soft lighting and freshly painted walls. Cocktail waitresses bring you complimentary drinks from time to time.
There are exits at the north and south ends of the room.
Kaa comes through the southern door.
Kaa has arrived.
Brain comes through the southern door.
Brain has arrived.
Malady comes through the southern door.
Malady has arrived.
Squeaky comes through the southern door.
Squeaky has arrived.
R'nice comes through the southern door.
R'nice has arrived.
Brain never knew this place existed.
Ghoti comes through the southern door.
Ghoti has arrived.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick grins and nods "It would seem that my exit from my mailbox to the nexus is somehow conflicting with my teleport exit. But only if I teleport from my mailbox."
Kaa comes here all the time :)
Reo says "You voyeur, Kaa."
Malady laughs!
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick's trying to get his odrops to randomize "Going to take some more work"
Kaa grins evilly.
Reo says "Looks like Patrick should have come to class!"
Malady says "Sharon Stone. Kaa. SLIVER."
Brain says "Can we yell down at them? :)"
R'nice says "Everybody type: look nexus"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Sharon Stone starts to take a shower.
Brain LOL
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Sharon Stone soaps herself up.
Malady woo hoos!
Reo has disconnected.
Reo says "Crap in a hat."
Reo goes home.
Reo sets TinyTIM to Warp 9 and hits 'Engage.' Foolishly not strapped in, he consequently flies backwards out of the room.
Reo has arrived.
Held by Reo(Zzzzz)
Also here:
Paint Gun
Tiny TinyTIM (tm) Figure Collection
From where Reo is holding you, you see:
Throne Room
Aggh... It's Reo's home. It's undergoing no changes whatsoever. Expect a desc, never.
Nurse Ansalong
Obvious exits:
You feel a wrenching sensation...
You begin to blur and fade, then suddenly snap out of existence.
A bright light flashes in front of your eyes as you appear in a new setting.
You are in a mildly thin mist that goes on basically to the three walls surrounding you. Bahahahaha! This is like, well, Limbo, man. Not a whole lot happens here. If you go to the north, you'll be out. If you build it, he will come. Go north, is what we're saying. Go to it. Go ahead. Go forward. Type HELP if you're stumped and type QUIT when you're finished. If all else fails, go figure.
If you're new to the world of TinyTIM, type NEW for a quick brainscrubber on our flavor of reality. Elsewise, North and Beyond!
Obvious exits:
North NEW
You go up a flight of stairs, and find a door at the top.
You pass through the door and find yourself at...
The TinyTIM Visitors Gallery
This is a long room, with a big glass window running the length of it, which looks down upon the Nexus. The room is comfortably appointed with thick carpet and plush chairs, soft lighting and freshly painted walls. Cocktail waitresses bring you complimentary drinks from time to time.
There are exits at the north and south ends of the room.
Reo comes through the southern door.
Reo has arrived.
Brain says "Nothing up my sleeve. PREST...eww!"
Reo says "Crap, Marcia booted me for that! LOL"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick nods "That is why I am looking into @doer to try and "do" the action."
R'nice repeats for the late-comers: "YOur thought question is: How does this room work?
Brain points at Reo and does the Nelson Laugh. "Haha!"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick is obviously missing a step.
Reo says "Well... the Nexus is set OPEN. And there's an exit from the nexus to here, that the information is passing through?"
Squeaky says "So Marcia can hear us?"
Malady says "Transparent"
Kaa hisses "And the "window" iss sset transsparent sso we can ssee through into the other room. Thiss room iss sset transsparent, too."
R'nice says "No, this room is not set transparent."
Brain says "Hi Marcia! *wave*"
Brain says "Drat."
Kaa hisses "Oh, right. The nexxuss iss."
Squeaky yells "Hi Marcia"
Kaa hisses "It'ss the SSOURCCE room that'ss sset open/transsparent."
Malady says "No, the exit from here to the next room is set transparent."
R'nice says "Right. THe nexus is."
R'nice says "Right, the 'nexus' exit here is transparent, so we can see through it to the nexus."
Squeaky says "But do they see us?"
R'nice says "And there's a transparent exit in the nexus to here, so we can see things."
R'nice says "Nope."
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick doesn't know if that answers your question or not though
R'nice says "No, they don't see us, because this room isn't transparent ;)"
Squeaky says "Ah..and they don't hear us?"
R'nice says "No, for them to hear us, both this room and the nexus exit would have to be set OPEN"
Reo says "The exit from here to the nexus is what allows you to "look nexus" and see that room. The exit from the nexus to here is what's letting us see their speech and poses. Right?"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kieron Waves
Kaa hisses "We don't HEAR them, either, noticce. :)"
Malady says "Because there are no OPEN exits linking this room to the Nexus."
R'nice says "Right, Reo"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick waves to Kieron
Brain doesn't hear them, nope.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia waves.
Squeaky says "How come I see Patrick and Kieren waving?"
Kaa hisses "We're only sseeing possess."
Reo says "Oh. We don't see their speech, actually."
Reo says "Right."
R'nice says "Now, of coures the unavoidable breakdown is that you can use a pose to speak. YOu can type :says "foo" instead of say foo."
Kaa hisses "Patrick fooled uss by possing hiss sspeech, like I alwayss do :)"
Squeaky ahhhs, "Oh..I see"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick nods
R'nice says "But it works well enough here, that you can be up in the visitor's gallery and get a bit of the flavor of the nexus without the complete hubbub of being in it :)"
R'nice sort ofmodelled this on the visitors place at the New York Stock Exchange :)
Malady says "So, if there was an OPEN exit from the Nexus to here, and the Nexus is set OPEN, we could hear them, yes?"
Squeaky says "Cool :)"
Kaa wondered if that was it.
R'nice says "Yes, Malady."
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick's slowly trying to relearn everything he has forgotten in 5 years plus learn new stuff that he hasn't had the time to check out before
Malady @cools.
R'nice says "The reason, by the way, that you have to set the flag on the room as well:"
Ghoti says "Otherwise LINK_OK would be rather dangerous, eh?"
R'nice says "it's simply an efficiency hack. Most rooms don't have open or transparent exits. It would be a drag on the code to have to search every exit in the room to see if there's a transparent one. The flag on the room give the code a hint. :)"
Ghoti says "Heh, cool!"
R'nice says "These days that might not matter so much, but in days of yore TIM had less computer power running it."
Malady says "Veddy EEENtelesting."
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia just got a drive by cuddle from the cat. Weird.
Malady snickers.
Kaa is fortunate in that his autohisser allows him to be exempted from the clock's 'say something random' thingy, but unfortunate in that everything he says or does comes through to the gallery where we are. :)
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick chuckles
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia nods. It takes time to learn all this stuff. And it takes a lot of experimenting and debugging.
Reo says "Couldn't you make your autohisser @force you to say the new thing?"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Patrick believes R'nice was teaching them the basics of building rooms
Kaa could, but then I wouldn't 'hiss'. I'd say.
Kaa hisses "And that wouldn't be ass 'ssnakey' :)"
Reo says "Ah."
Reo says "That's right! Ass snakey!"
R'nice says "Oh, by the way:"
R'nice yells "Class dismissed! :)"
Kaa comes in from somewhere, trailing a fetid blast of moisture-laden air. You smell Jungle.
Kaa has left.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kaa coils unobtrusively on a nearby warm rock.
Ghoti says "Wow, you can @set *yourself* PUPPET!"
Squeaky says "hanks R'nice..Gnight"
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Marcia is hoping someone will do style eventually. OR maybe she will volunteer.
R'nice says "Not that you have to leave, just alerting you that we're done :)"
Malady whees!
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kaa hisses "Howdy!"
Malady says "Thanks, R'nice!!"
Ghoti says "Thanks, sorry I missed moist of it."
Malady goes home.
Malady has left.
Squeaky leaves the gallery to the south.
Squeaky has left.
From The TinyTIM Main Area Place, Kaa hisses "Classss iss dissmissssed."
R'nice says "No problem! I hoep this was helpful for people!"