Reporting Bugs to the PennMUSH Developers
Trispis summarizes what he's learned about reporting bugs to the penn-devs.
MUSHCode for Reporting Bugs to the PennMUSH Developers
Topic: Reporting Bugs to the PennMUSH Developers
Author: Trispis
Summary: Trispis summarizes what he's learned about reporting bugs to
the penn-devs.
Halatir inquires about how to report a bug he found in the PennMUSH source.
Trispis suggests sending bug reports to
Trispis says, "Jav doesn't like getting them in @mail... and if you send them
to that email address, all of the developers can participate."
Trispis says, "Plus..."
Trispis says, "Since there are only 3 developers at present ... and they all
hang out here ... (Jav, Talek, and Trivian)... they'll be familiar with
anything you reference here on M*U*S*H (i.e., bring your examples here and
reference them in your email)."
Trispis says, "This serves another purpose, too..."
Trispis says, "It lets you test your bug here... on the most recent patchlevel
(this game is /always/ ahead of all others)."
NOTE: Suggestions may be sent to this address:
Trispis says, "How about you logging this little conversation and emailing it
to me. I'll gladly put it on my website."
Halatir says, "sure"
Sun Jul 19 06:30:31 1998
Author: Trispis
Summary: Trispis summarizes what he's learned about reporting bugs to
the penn-devs.
Halatir inquires about how to report a bug he found in the PennMUSH source.
Trispis suggests sending bug reports to
Trispis says, "Jav doesn't like getting them in @mail... and if you send them
to that email address, all of the developers can participate."
Trispis says, "Plus..."
Trispis says, "Since there are only 3 developers at present ... and they all
hang out here ... (Jav, Talek, and Trivian)... they'll be familiar with
anything you reference here on M*U*S*H (i.e., bring your examples here and
reference them in your email)."
Trispis says, "This serves another purpose, too..."
Trispis says, "It lets you test your bug here... on the most recent patchlevel
(this game is /always/ ahead of all others)."
NOTE: Suggestions may be sent to this address:
Trispis says, "How about you logging this little conversation and emailing it
to me. I'll gladly put it on my website."
Halatir says, "sure"
Sun Jul 19 06:30:31 1998