
Various functions to find the shortest path between two rooms.

Author: Sketch@M*U*S*H
Category: Functions
Features: #lambda.
Compatibility: PennMUSH.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for Pathfinder

@create Pathfinder
@lock Pathfinder==me
@power Pathfinder = See_All
&BUILD_TREE Pathfinder=if(u(me/[secure(last(%0,/))],%1,num(%2),,0),FOUND 0[@@(We're already there!)],[@@(Loop...)][fold(#lambda/ifelse(\%1,switch(first(\%0),FOUND,\%0,setq(\%1,letq(z,u(remove_all_invalids,iter(first(r(first(\%0)),|),u(list_valid_adjacent_nodes,\%i0,[num(%2)])),\%0),u(extract_rooms,\%qz)|\%qz))\[if(u(me/[secure(last(%0,/))],[decompose(%1)],[num(%2)],\%0,\%1),FOUND \%1,\%1)\] \%0),\%0),1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y #-1,0)])
&DESCRIBE Pathfinder=This code is made to find the shortest path from a list of jump points on a grid to a single destination. This object is to be used as a part of other code, and has no commands of its own. Uses a breadth-first search to find the shortest path from a list of 'Point A's to a 'Point B'. Works in any group of standard rooms with standard exits (no master/zone/dynamic exits). Made by Sketch@M*U*S*H. Bug reports, patches, and suggestions welcome.%r%r'Do' is the function to call. The first argument is a list of origin points (DBRef:WORD pairs), the second is the name of a Target Function (described later) ufun on the Pathfinder, the third is an arbitrary string used for the target function, the fourth (optional) is the dbref of the object seeking a path (uses %%# if none given).%rIf a path is found, the output will start with the 'WORD' portion of the tuple of the origin point that began the path, followed by list of room DBRefs that lead to the destination. The WORD is arbitrary, but must contain no spaces or punctuation.%rTarget Functions are called to determine if the pathfinder has found the target. The Target Function is passed: \%0 - TARGET(User-given string) \%1 - Searcher's DBRef \%2 - Q-Register list \%3 - Current Q-register name. Q-Registers contain a list of ROOMs, then a list of ROOM:PREV_ROOM pairs: "(ROOM_DBRef)s | (ROOM_DBRef:PREV_DBref)s". Calls to the Target Function that return a DBRef from the Current Q-Register or an integer (of an element in the list) are considered successful, but code carefully: During the tree-building section of the pathfinder, any true value can be returned, while the tree-walking section requires it to return the aforementioned.%r%rThe EXAMPLE attribute is printed here, as an example of how to call DO. For an example of the data structures used in the pathfinder, try running EXAMPLE_PRINTOUT.%r&EXAMPLE:>>%r[v(EXAMPLE)]%r<<%r%rSome helper functions have been defined for convenience:%rGET_EXIT_FROM0TO1 returns the exit leading from room \%0 to room \%1, given as dbrefs.%rGET_VALID_EXIT_FROM0TO1 same as above, but with a third argument that is a searcher with which to check locks.%r%rSpecial note: The pathfinder does respect locks on exits, but the exits must be able to see the attributes they need to check. In short, those attributes must be @set VISUAL and not @set NEARBY.
@set Pathfinder/DESCRIBE=no_command visual prefixmatch public nearby
&DO Pathfinder=[@@(Call this with %0=ORIGIN_LIST, %1=TARGET_FUNCTION, %2=TARGET, %3=SEARCHER_DBREF)][localize(switch(%+,3,u(do_unlocalized,%0,%1,%2,%#),4,u(do_unlocalized,%0,%1,%2,%3),#-1 NEED 3 OR 4 ARGUMENTS))]
&DO_UNLOCALIZED Pathfinder=u(pathfind_init,%0,%1,%2,%3)
&EXAMPLE Pathfinder=u(do_unlocalized,#0:OMPHALOS #1628:LAKESIDE,TARGET_ROOM,#4145,%#) [@@(On M*U*S*H, start at Omphalos Park and the Lakeside Pasture, and find the shortest path to The Golden Ducat, using yourself as the searcher. You must have a @DESC and @SEX set due to the lock on The Golden Ducat's entrance. Returns: OMPHALOS #0 #2232 #2633 #4145)]
&EXAMPLE_IS_PUBLIC_ROOM Pathfinder=switch(%0,#0,1,switch(setr(0,u(DO,num(%0):THERE,TARGET_ROOM,#0)),THERE *,eq(words(filterbool(#lambda/\%0,step(get_valid_exit_from0to1,rest(revwords(rest(iter(rest(%q0),%i0 %i0)))),2))),sub(words(%q0),2)),0))[@@(Pathfind to a public room (#0), then find if the starting room can be accessed by walking from that room without passing any locks)]
&EXAMPLE_PRINTOUT Pathfinder=u(me/example)%r[iter(0 1 2 3 4,LEVEL %i0: [first(r(%i0),|)]%rLEVEL %i0 PAIRS: [rest(r(%i0),|)],%b,%r)]%rFunction invocations: [first(%?)]
&EXTRACT_ROOMS Pathfinder=regeditall(%0,v(tuple),$1)
&GET_EXIT_FROM0TO1 Pathfinder=filter(#lambda/strmatch(loc(\%0),[num(%1)]),lexits(%0))
&GET_VALID_EXIT_FROM0TO1 Pathfinder=filter(#lambda/strmatch(loc(\%0),[num(%1)]),filter(#lambda/elock(\%0,[switch(%+,3,num(%2),#0)]),lexits(%0)))
&LIST_ADJACENT_ROOMS Pathfinder=map(#lambda/loc(\%0),lexits(%0))
&LIST_VALID_ADJACENT_NODES Pathfinder=map(#lambda/loc(\%0):[secure(%0)],lexits(%0))
&LIST_VALID_ADJACENT_ROOMS Pathfinder=map(#lambda/loc(\%0),filter(#lambda/elock(\%0,[num(%1)]),lexits(%0)))
&PATHFIND Pathfinder=switch(u(build_tree,%0,%1,%2),#-1 *,#$,FOUND *,u(walk_tree,#$,%0,%1,%2),#-1 NO PATH FOUND)
&PATHFIND_INIT Pathfinder=setq(0,u(extract_rooms,%0)|%0)[u(pathfind,%1,%2,%3)]
&REMOVE_ALL_INVALIDS Pathfinder=switch(%0,,,munge(#lambda/u(REMOVE_ALL_INVALIDS_MUNGE,\%0,[secure(%1)]),u(extract_rooms,%0),%0))
&REMOVE_ALL_INVALIDS_FOLD Pathfinder=setdiff(%0,first(r(%1),|),%b,d)
&TARGET_ROOM Pathfinder=member(first(r(%3),|),%0)
&TARGET_ROOM_OWNER Pathfinder=member(iter(first(r(%3),|),owner(%i0)),%0)
&TUPLE Pathfinder=([^\s:]+):([^\s:]+)
&VERSION Pathfinder=2.0.0
&WALK_TREE Pathfinder=fold(walk_tree_fold,rest(%0),u(walk_tree_get_first_room,%1,%2,%3,%0,first(rest(%0))))
&WALK_TREE_FOLD Pathfinder=[rest(grab(rest(r(%1),|),first(%0):*),:)] %0
&WALK_TREE_GET_FIRST_ROOM Pathfinder=switch(u(me/[secure(last(%0,/))],%1,%2,%3,%4),#*,secure(#$),extract(first(r(%4),|),secure(#$),1))

look Pathfinder