Mia's Clothing v3.0c

A clothing system that allows you to change your clothing.

Category: Other
Compatibility: PennMUSH.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for Mia's Clothing v3.0c

@create PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c
@lock/Basic PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c==me
@lset PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/Basic=no_inherit
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c = DARK
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c = TRUST
&CLOTHINGLIST PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=Purse Shirt Shoes Skirt
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/CLOTHINGLIST=no_command
&COMLIST PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=add faeadd del faedel list faeed ed help convert
&COPYRIGHT PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=Copyright Miateila@DreamingMUSH, 1996. Distribute to your hearts content, but please keep creds and copyright intact!
&CREDITS PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=Mia's Clothing Parent%r%rOriginally by Miateila for use on Solar Realms, one of the least friendly MU*'s around. Patched for use on Dreaming by Miateila.
&CURRENTWORN PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=Hair Base shirt shoes skirt
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/CURRENTWORN=no_command
&DESCRIBE PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=%r%tThis object allows you to change your clothing.%r%r%tYou need to type the following for it to work:%r%t&Desc me=\[u(<item#>/ShowDesc)]%r%t&FaeDesc me=\[u(<item #>/ShowFaeDesc)]%r%t@drain <item #>%r%t@notify <item #>%r%t@set <item #>=!halted%r%t@set <item #>=commands%r%r%tType 'wear help' once you've @created/@parented your own for more information.%r
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/DESCRIBE=no_command visual public nearby
&DOCMDADD PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@wait me={&Worn[first(%Vb,=)] me=[rest(%Vb,=)];@pemit %Vc=Clothing [first(%Vb,=)] defined successfully.;&ClothingList me=[setunion([u(ClothingList)],[first(%Vb,=)])];@notify me}
&DOCMDCONVERT PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@pemit %Vc=Converting outfits:;@dolist [u(%Vb/Outfits)]={&WORN## me=[u(%Vb/Clothing_##)];&FAEWORN## me=[u(%Vb/Fae_Clothing_##)];@pemit %Vc=##};&WORNBASE me=[u(%Vb/BaseDesc)];&WORNFX me=[u(%Vb/Fx)];&CURRENTWORN me=BASE [rest([u(%Vb/Worn)],_)] FX;&ClothingList me=[u(%Vb/Outfits)] BASE FX;&FaeClothingList=[u(%Vb/FaeOutfits)] BASE FX;&FAEWORNBASE me=[u(%Vb/FaeBaseDesc)];&FAEWORNFX me=[u(%vb/FAEFX)]
&DOCMDDEL PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@wait me={&Worn%Vb me=;&ClothingList me=[setdiff([lcstr([u(ClothingList)])],[lcstr(%Vb)])];@pemit %Vc=Clothing %Vb deleted;@notify me}
&DOCMDED PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@pemit %VC=FugueEdit > &WORN[first(%VB)] [num(me)]=[u(WORN[first(%VB)])]
&DOCMDFAEADD PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@wait me={&FaeWorn[first(%Vb,=)] me=[rest(%Vb,=)];@pemit %Vc=Fae clothing [first(%Vb,=)] defined successfully.;&ClothingList me=[setunion([u(ClothingList)],[first(%Vb,=)])];@notify me}
&DOCMDFAEDEL PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@wait me={&FaeWorn%Vb me=;&ClothingList me=[setdiff([lcstr([u(ClothingList)])],[lcstr(%Vb)])];@pemit %Vc=Fae clothing %Vb deleted;@notify me}
&DOCMDFAEED PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@pemit %VC=FugueEdit > &FAEWORN[first(%VB)] [num(me)]=[u(FAEWORN[first(%VB)])]
&DOCMDHELP PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@wait me=@switch '[u(me,[HELP%Vb])]'='',{@pemit %VC=Usage: wear <command>.%r%rThe following commands are defined (for additional help, type wear help <cmd>):;@pemit %Vc=[Iter([u(COMLIST)],##%t)]%r%r%tTo wear a set of clothing type: wear <part1> <part2> <etc...>.;@notify me},{@pemit %Vc=[u(HELP%Vb)];@notify me}
&DOCMDLIST PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@wait me={@pemit %VC=You have defined the following outfits:;@pemit %Vc=[Iter([u(ClothingList)],##%t)];@notify me}
&EVAL PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=-1
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/EVAL=no_inherit locked
&HELPADD PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear add <outfit>=<desc>%r%r%tThis adds <outfit> to the list of outfits you can wear. Each outfit is stored on an attribute in your personal object, but you should not remove these attributes except using 'wear del <outfit>' because the outfit list will not be updated correctly.%r
&HELPCONVERT PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear convert #dbref%r%r%tConverts the old (2.0) clothing to the new system.%r
&HELPDEL PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear del <outfit>%r%r%tThis command removes <outfit> from the outfit list, and removes the applicable attribute from the clothing object.
&HELPED PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear ed <target>%r%r%tIf you have the TF Edit Macros defined, this command will pull the selected outfit up in your input window.%r
&HELPFAEADD PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear faeadd <outfit>=<desc>%r%r%tThis adds <outfit> to the list of outfits you can wear. Each outfit is stored on an attribute in your personal object, but you should not remove these attributes except using 'wear faedel <outfit>' because the outfit list will not be updated correctly.%r
&HELPFAEDEL PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear faedel <outfit>%r%r%tThis command removes <outfit> from the outfit list, and removes the applicable attribute from the clothing object.
&HELPFAEED PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear faeed <target>%r%r%tIf you have the TF Edit Macros defined, this command will pull the selected outfit up in your input window.%r
&HELPHELP PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear help%rwear help <topic>%r%r%tThis command is used to give help on other commands. You've made it this far.%r
&HELPLIST PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=wear list%r%r%tThis lists the currently defined description pieces.%r
&SAFE PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=[switch([mid(%0,0,1)],$,FAIL! ATTEMPT TO PUT $ COMMAND IN CLOTHING.,%0)]
&SHOWDESC PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=[iter([u(CurrentWorn)],[u(Worn##)])]
&SHOWFAEDESC PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=[iter([u(CurrentWorn)],[u(FaeWorn##)])]
&STARTUP PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=@drain me;@notify me
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/STARTUP=no_command
&VA PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=hair
&VB PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=base shirt shoes skirt
&VC PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=#1931
&WEAR PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=$wear *:&Va me=[first(%0)];&Vb me=[u(Safe,[rest(%0)])];&Vc me=%#;@switch [member([u(ComList)],[lcstr(%Va)])]=0,{@wait me={&currentworn me=[%Va %Vb];@notify me}},{@tr me/DoCmd%Va}
&WORNBASE PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/WORNBASE=no_command
&WORNHAIR PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=The first thing you see is red, dark red hair and a lot of it. Long and straight, pulled back behind her ears and reaching just past the small in her back.
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/WORNHAIR=no_command
&WORNPURSE PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=A strap hangs from her shoulder, eventually reaching to a small black leather purse, similar to what one might take on a date, or dancing.
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/WORNPURSE=no_command
&WORNSHIRT PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=She is wearing a black t-shirt featuring a youngish girl, drawn in anime style, with the text "Close this world:txen eht nepO" beneath it (Lain, for those who would know).
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/WORNSHIRT=no_command
&WORNSHOES PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=Shear hose reach to her black walking shoes.
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/WORNSHOES=no_command
&WORNSKIRT PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c=A short, loose black skirt pokes out from under the shirt, being just long enough to sit comfortably.
@set PARENT: Mia's Clothing v3.0c/WORNSKIRT=no_command