Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (First Session)
The first class of three teaching the fundamentals of MUSHCoding, discussing commands, functions, user-defined commands, registers, and more. This class designed for beginners.
MUSHCode for Luigi's MUSHCoding 101 Class (First Session)
CLASS: MUSHCoding 101
DATE: 11/06/2002 TIME: 6 PM
DESCRIPTION: The first class of MUSHCoding 101 ever held. Most of it has
been left in its original state, though some parts of the log were edited
to remove spam or correct a speaker's typo. A '*' has been placed in front
of the speaker's name.
* Luigi says, "One moment and we will begin."
Phoenyx noted none of them mush. thank god. Hated 'em all
Link grins at Rhayden a few minutes before putting on his headphones and watching
Phoenyx had a horrible time staying awake at school. Could consume a 2-liter of
mountain dew and fall asleep right after
Rhayden says, ""
Yoda shrugs. Heh, just wanted to see how it turns out.
Rhayden says, "Get more sleep, fool."
Phoenyx says, "My average was 4 hours. some nights less."
Link chuckles and turns up some System of a Down.
* Luigi says, "Alright."
* Luigi begins handing out syllabi.
Luigi's Classroom a pit. @Dolists and iter()'s float about, encapsulating each other, and
surrounding and being surrounded by a plethora of other functions and @commands.
It's a mess. Some of the code here is scribbled on walls and notebook paper, while
even more of it is written on the windows with crayons or scratched into the floors.
Madness. You wonder how you'll ever learn how to code now.
Obvious exits:
Phoenyx yawn.
Faizah has arrived.
Rhayden says, "Faizah, you made it just in time."
Phoenyx nod, un-nod.
Retrieving a pen from his pencil case, Link begins to dissisemble it, chuckling to
himself over the process. Tearing a small bit off his first blank sheet of paper,
he pops it into his mouth and begins chewing on it.
Faizah's attention will be divided. Blah.
Phoenyx look around, pulls out folder.
Phoenyx look at syllabus, scoff, ditch.
Phoenyx will wait for advanced class :)
Link says, "Woah, hey! an EXAM?!?"
Phoenyx goes home.
Phoenyx has left.
Phoenyx has arrived.
Phoenyx chuckle
Tulioz has arrived.
Rhayden throws a blackboard eraser at Phoenyx's head.
Phoenyx duck!
* Luigi says, "Alright, everybody please take a seat."
Shaking his fist, Link arms his spitball shooter and glances around the class for a
likely candidate for being his first victem.
Phoenyx too late, brushes off chalk dust...
Illmuri sloches.
Phoenyx says, "Can I stay for free for amusement value? I know all this schtuff"
* Luigi says, "My name is Lu-i-gi. *begins to write something on the board*"
* Luigi writes on the blackboard..
l black
0 Luigi -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
| chalk <line #>=<message> erase <line #> |
* Luigi says, "Today's lecture is entitled, "MUSHCoding Fundamentals"."
* Luigi says, "Yes, you may stay Phoenyx."
Phoenyx says, "Thank you sir :)"
Tulioz says, "Yo Loo do use gots any bafrooms?"
* Luigi says, "Graduates of this class may go on to take MUSHCoding 201."
* Luigi says, "You will have to hold it, Tulioz. *acts like all those mean teachers
did in his school days*"
Taking aim at Phoenyx, Link open fires... the small wad of paper flying off through
the air.
* Luigi says, "To begin, what is MUSHCode?"
Rhayden raises his hand
Illmuri says, "the crappiest code ever devised by humands"
Tulioz says, "THis is bull crap Loo, I know mah rights!!!"
Link raises his hand.
* Luigi says, "Rhayden, do you have an answer?"
Link waves his hand around impatiently.
Rhayden says, "MUSHcode is the chaining together of various MUSH commands to
accomplish a given task."
* Luigi says, "Correct. Link?"
Link says, "The type of ceral I had for breakfast this morning!"
Link chuckles to himself.
Phoenyx heh.
Rhayden snicker
* Luigi says, "MUSHCode is the in-game programming language which makes MUSH/MUX
servers unique from all other MU* servers. Though in many MU*s you can program,
the programming is often limited to players with builder bits. MUSH/MUX is designed
to allow all levels of players to program within the game."
Kronus rolls hie eyes
Faizah nods.
Tulioz slaps Link on his back, "Har har, good one."
* Luigi says, "Now, with RP MU*s you will often not be able to program. But MUSH
wasn't invented for role playing, originally."
* Luigi steps up to the board.
* Luigi writes on the blackboard..
l black
0 Luigi -
1 1989: TinyMUD -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
| chalk <line #>=<message> erase <line #> |
Link nods to Tulioz before he continues, "I once had a MUX... but then it was run
* Luigi says, "In 1989, James Aspnes wrote TinyMUD. This is considered the first
'MUSH' persay."
* Luigi says, "TinyMUD, as one can guess from the game, was designed to be smaller
version of the MUDs previous to 1989. A smaller version, particularily of a MUD
called Monster, which was written in Pascal. You don't need to remember this."
Link jots something down on his paper and grins at it.
Laci has arrived.
* Luigi says, "The gimmic being that you could build onto the world. 13 years later,
it has evolved into what we now call MUSH/MUX code, though originally the only code
you could do was exit stuff (ie, locking exits)."
* Luigi says, "MUSHCoding is an excellent starter language."
* Luigi says, "Let us look at some of the most basic of code, first."
* Luigi types --> say hi, all.
* Luigi says, "hi, all."
* Luigi says, "Behold, a command."
Rhayden types --> foo bar baz
* Luigi says, "I'm sure you're all amazed."
* Luigi says, "Now.."
Link nudges Rhayden, "Look, I'm Mr. Plumber, "Blah blah blah MUSHcode and mux blah
blah, I know commands blah"
Laci types --> say I will worship laci!
Laci says, "I will worship laci!"
Laci types --> pose throws an arplaine at the plumber
Laci throws an arplaine at the plumber
Phoenyx works on tonight's Late8 Radio Program!
Laci oops, *paper airplane
* Luigi says, "There is a wide array of commands. SAY, POSE, many you use every day.
Commands are broken into two categories."
* Luigi says, "Commands, and @Commands."
Laci says, "what's the dif?"
Tulioz says, "What about +commands?"
Phoenyx raises his hand, "What about +commands?"
Laci says, "and giant pig commands?"
* Luigi says, "Oh yes, and those. But forget about those for now, they don't exist."
Laci says, "isn't +help a +command?"
Rhayden says, "+commands aren't commands. They're softcode."
Link shouts out, "My dad says MUXes suck."
Phoenyx says, ":looks at Laci in amazement. "There is no +...""
Phoenyx go work on radio now.
Laci says, "Oh, oops, multitasking 5 dif things is confuzzling me."
* Luigi says, "Commands are the basic command<s> that every player on the MUSH is
pretty much familiar with. They allow you to interact with the world, such as LOOK,
PAGE, SAY, POSE. They are the very basic of commands, the meat and potatoes of
Illmuri says, "you spam ceases to be amusing. some of us are here, and didnt pay to
listen to you, we paid for L to talk"
Kronus says, "yeah guys keep it down just a little please"
* Luigi says, "@Command are commands that are used in MUSHcoding. There are many more
@Commands than Commands."
Rhayden scowls, but shuts up.
* Luigi says, "Some examples:"
Link nudges Rhayden, "Browners"
Laci also scowls
* Luigi types --> @emit This is the @emit command. It sends a message to a room.
This is the @emit command. It sends a message to a room.
* Luigi says, "Shut up, Link."
Link nudges Rhayden, "He said shutup."
* Luigi types --> @pemit Link=This sends a message to a player. Link is seeing this.
Rhayden punches Link in the arm. "I'm trying to listen, so shut up."
* Luigi types --> think This sends a message to you. Only you can see it. Try it.
Link looks around, hearing voices in his head.
* Luigi says, "There are tons of @commands. As we progress more of them will be
* Luigi says, "Now we shall discuss Functions."
Faizah nods.
* Luigi says, "Functions are combined with commands, and can only (for the most part)
be used within a Command/@Command."
* Luigi says, "A function looks like this: functionName()"
Rhayden heh. "Javastyle."
Tulioz says, "Tue Nov 05 18:26:57 2002"
* Luigi says, "The functionName is the name of the function, much like commands have
names. The parenthesis can either be empty, or contain arguments."
* Luigi says, "Everybody try this:"
* Luigi types --> say time()
* Luigi says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:16 2002"
Rhayden says, "time"
Rhayden says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:24 2002"
Kronus says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:24 2002"
Link plays the Ocarina of Time: > A v > A v
He played the Song of Time.
Tulioz already did it, I'm ahead!
* Luigi heh's at Tul.
Faizah says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:47 2002"
Laci says, "time/()"
Link says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:59 2002"
Laci says, "Tue Nov 05 18:28:02 2002"
* Luigi says, "Time() is a very basic function. It takes no arguments. Now, let's see
what I mean by arguments. The add() function takes at least 2 arguments. Try this:"
Tulioz gives Lui an apple.
* Luigi types --> say add(2,2)
* Luigi says, "4"
Laci says, "4"
Rhayden says, "42"
Tulioz types --> add(100,30000)
Faizah says, "5 ;)"
Laci says, "16"
Tulioz types --> say add(100,30000)
Tulioz says, "30100"
* Luigi says, "As you can see, arguments are seperated by commas. Some functions
require no arguments, some require 1 or more."
Link grins at Yoda and snickers to himself, nudging Rhayden he passes it on.
Yoda whistles.
Kronus says, "34"
* Luigi says, "Some functions, such as add, can take 2 and beyond."
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1)
* Luigi says, "3"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1,1)
* Luigi says, "4"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1,1,1)
* Luigi says, "5"
Link says, "4"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1,1,1,2)
* Luigi says, "7"
Rhayden stifles a snicker
Kronus grins
* Luigi says, "Of course, how many arguments a function takes depends on the
* Luigi says, "Before we go on, we should discuss the Help System."
Laci goes home.
Laci has left.
* Luigi says, "MUSH has a built-in help system. Nobody is expected to remember the
arguments and names of every function in the game. Which is why we have a help system."
* Luigi types --> help add
help add
Returns the sum of some numbers.
* Luigi says, "Simply type 'help <function name>' to find out how many arguments it
takes. The '...' in HELP ADD indicates it can take 2 or any number more arguments."
* Luigi says, "Now, onto the heart of MUSHcoding: $-Commands."
* Luigi says, "We know about Commands/@Commands. But we can also make our own
* Luigi says, "First, everybody create an object. Type: @create Name Of Object"
* Luigi says, "Name Of Object can be anything you wish."
Link drops Name of Object.
Link snickers.
* Luigi says, "When you have created it, type: drop <whatever name you used>"
Kronus drops Zero.
Rhayden drops FooFooBunny.
Faizah drops FizBum.
* Luigi says, "I apologize for those of you who wish the immaturity level would
lower. I think by MUSHCoding 201 most of the fat will be trimmed. *ding*"
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Link bursts out laughing as Luigi says fat.
Kronus nods and grins at Luigi's comment
Faizah says, "Mine is a nickname I came up with for myself when I had too much sugar
one time... :P"
* Luigi says, "Alright. You now have created an object. In order to make your own
commands, you need an object to house the command."
Link looks at Yoda and grins evilly.
* Luigi says, "So we are going to use the object we just created."
* Luigi says, "Type this:"
Faizah says, "Perfectly innocent."
Yoda types --> @create Halo around Head
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$hello:say Hello world!
* Luigi says, "Then type 'hello'."
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Illmuri drops Cement Block.
Tul Ownz You says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Zero says, "Hello World!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Zero says, "Hello World!"
Name of Object says, "Hello world!?!"
* Luigi grins.
Cement Block say Hi
(Many more "Hello world"s occur)
Rhayden says, "Good gravy!"
Phoenyx drops Myobject.
* Luigi says, "Very basic. But you have created your first $-command, also known as a
User-Defined Command."
Link says, "HELLO"
Illmuri says, "when its the same command, it triggers them all..."
* Luigi nods.
* Luigi says, "Alright, we shall fix that problem."
Tul Ownz You says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
(Many more "Hello world"s occur)
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Tul Ownz You says, "The pimps of 8bit MUSH have united!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
Name of Object says, "I lik kandy!"
* Luigi says, "Whatever you change the word to, that's the word that will cause it to
FooFooBunny says, "Ahoy mateys!"
* Luigi says, "Now, let's suppose we wanted it to do more than one command. Enter the
semi-colon, and Command Stacking."
Phoenyx drops MiniPhoe.
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Luigi!"
* Luigi says, "Change the messages as you wish."
Zero says, "Hello World!"
Zero says, "Good bye cruel world!"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Zero!"
FooFooBunny says, "Ahoy mateys!"
FooFooBunny says, "Shiver me timbers, arrrr..."
Name of Object says, "HI ALL!"
Name of Object snickers
Name of Object says, "GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!"
FizBum says, "Hello Faizah!"
FizBum says, "Goodbye Faizah!"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, FizBum!"
Name of Object says, "HI ALL!"
Name of Object snickers
Name of Object says, "I can do a sumbersault!"
* Luigi says, "The semicolon seperates expressions. "Say Hello world!" is an
expression, as is "say Goodbye world!". When you type the word that you set, it runs
both expressions one after another."
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Luigi!"
Tul Ownz You says, "The pimps of 8bit MUSH have united!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Tulioz has come to rule you with his fellow pimps@!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Join the UPF, United Pimp Foundation!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Gotta love my spam!"
Tul Ownz You says, "#-1 ARGUMENT MUST BE INTEGER"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Tul Ownz You!"
Illmuri has disconnected.
Illmuri has connected.
Illmuri says, "whew"
Illmuri says, "telnet sucks"
Tul Ownz You says, "The pimps of 8bit MUSH have united!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Tulioz has come to rule you with his fellow pimps@!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Join the UPF, United Pimp Foundation!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Gotta love my spam!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Tul Ownz You!"
* Luigi says, "Alright, please pick up your junk."
Rhayden takes FooFooBunny.
* Luigi says, "Err- quality objects."
Faizah takes FizBum.
* Luigi tighten bowtie.
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
Ralph the Object says, "I can do a sumbersault!"
Link takes Ralph the Object.
Tulioz says, "Good I can still use 'im."
Kronus takes Zero.
* Luigi says, "Alright, before I go on, do you all understand command stacking?"
Kronus nods...
Faizah nods.
Rhayden nods.
Link says, "I've heard of stacking the deck! *drumroll, cymbal*"
* Luigi says, "In the previous code example, which looked like this.."
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Luigi!"
* Luigi says, "We did a few things. First, we set an Attribute on our object."
* Luigi says, "Attributes are places we place data. You all set data into your
DESCRIBE attribute when you first connected to the MUSH, via the @describe command.
Type examine me/describe."
Link says, "Is it similar in anyway to VB?"
* Luigi says, "The & before &hello told the MUSH that you were going to be setting an
attribute on something."
* Luigi types --> &test me=hi
&test me=hi
SpamBot/TEST - Set.
* Luigi types --> examine me/test
examine me/test
TEST [#4104]: hi
* Luigi says, "If you've programmed in another language, it's pretty much like a
* Luigi says, "Only it's stored on an object, in the virtual world known as MUSH."
Faizah says, "MUSH is my first, and only so far, coding language."
* Luigi says, "Back to the code:"
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
* Luigi says, "The hello is the attribute name."
* Luigi says, "Attribute names can be almost anything, but they cannot contain spaces."
Faizah says, "I should get my brother to come here, I've been trying... He codes in
Visual Basic..."
* Luigi types --> &corn_dogs me=nyah
* Luigi types --> &12345! me=nyah
Link is learning it this semester.
* Luigi says, "I just set the "CORN_DOGS" and "12345!" attributes on myself."
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
* Luigi says, "As you can see with the code above, we placed a $<any word of your
choice>: before our "Hello world" code."
* Luigi says, "This is the origin of the phrase, "$-commands"."
* Luigi says, "The $ tells the MUSH that whatever text follows it is going to be the
command to trigger this attribute."
Tulioz busts out a 10 lb Oreck XL and vacums everything in the area.
Tulioz says, "Don't you want one too?"
* Luigi says, "It knows when the command name ends, and the code begins, by the :."
* Luigi says, "So the format is: &<attributeName> <object>=$<command>:<code to run>"
* Luigi says, "Now, let's go back to functions for a sec. I want to show you the ADD()
function again, as well as 3 others."
Link says, "Is +view and everything concerning it covered in this course?"
* Luigi says, "I can discuss it after class Link. It's very simple."
Link nods.
* Luigi types --> say add(1,5)
* Luigi says, "6"
Illmuri has disconnected.
* Luigi types --> say mul(6,10)
* Luigi says, "60"
* Luigi types --> say div(100,5)
* Luigi says, "20"
* Luigi types --> say sub(6000,5000)
* Luigi says, "1000"
Tulioz types --> say sub(100000,200)
Tulioz says, "99800"
Tulioz types --> say div(100000,200)
Tulioz says, "500"
* Luigi says, "ADD(), SUB(), DIV(), and MUL(). For adding, subtracting, dividing, and
* Luigi says, "A note, only ADD() accepts more than 2 arguments. The rest require 2
and no more."
Tulioz types --> say add(sub(100000,500),mul(200,100))
Tulioz says, "119500"
* Luigi says, "Very good Tulioz."
* Luigi says, "Now I want to move into the fun part."
Tulioz types --> say add(sub(100000,add(100,200,300,400,500),mul(200,div(100,30)))
Tulioz says, "<profanity>."
* Luigi says, "How to send values to the $-Commands (also known as User-Defined
Commands), and work with what is sent."
Tulioz types --> say add(sub(100000,add(100,200,300,400,500)),mul(200,div(100,30)))
Tulioz says, "99100"
* Luigi says, "Using the object we have just created, we are going to make a new
Kronus sighs... so much spam...
Phoenyx types --> :types --> %ch%@dolist lnum%(100,1%)=pose sings, "## bottles of
jolt on the wall, ## bottles of jolt, take one down, pass it around, switch%(##,0,no
more,sub%(##,1%)%) bottles of jolt on the wall!"h#1971dolist lnum(100,1)=pose sings,
"## bottles of jolt on the wall, ## bottles of jolt, take one down, pass it around,
switch(##,0,no more,sub(##,1)) bottles of jolt on the wall!"
Phoenyx says, "Feck."
* Luigi hits Phoenyx in the face with a trash can.
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name *:say Your name is %0.
Link says, "heheh"
* Luigi says, "Everybody type that."
Rhayden says, "Phoenyx, you fool."
Phoenyx snicker.
Link drops Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Then, *furrows brow for a second*."
Rhayden drops FooFooBunny.
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Luigi."
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz Luigi."
* Luigi says, "Drop your object (drop <name of object>) and type 'NAME <any name>'.
Sorry about the spam, but we'll deal with it. Once you've tried your object once,
please pick it up."
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is whee."
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz whee."
name corndogs
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is corndogs."
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz corndogs."
Rhayden takes FooFooBunny.
Faizah drops FizBum.
Kronus drops Zero.
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name out to be Faizah."
Zero says, "Your name is Faizah."
FizBum says, "Your name is Faizah"
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz Faizah."
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name out to be Kronus."
Zero says, "Your name is Kronus."
FizBum says, "Your name is Kronus"
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz Kronus."
Kronus takes Zero.
Link takes Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Very good. Please pick up your objects."
* Luigi says, "The code was:"
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name *:say Your name is %0.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
* Luigi says, "Now, the * is a wildcard. It basically means, any text at all. So
'name bob' and 'name al' and 'name jimbo' all trigger the command now. More talk on
wildcards later."
Rhayden drops FooFooBunny.
* Luigi says, "You can have more than one wildcard. Try this:"
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is whee."
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name * age *:say Your name is %0
and you are %1 years old.
* Luigi says, "Then drop your object, try the command, and pick it up again."
* Luigi says, "The command being:"
* Luigi says, "NAME <a name> AGE <a number>"
Link drops Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Such as: name Hyacinth age 57"
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Rhayden and you are 222 years old."
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
FooFooBunny says, "Er..."
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Rhayden and you are 22 years old."
Tulioz says, "name"
Tulioz says, "Foo."
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name ought to be Zero and you are 1 minute years old, damn
yer old."
Ralph the Object says, "Yor name iz Zero age 1 minute."
Ralph the Object says, "Rhayden smells funny."
* Luigi says, "Beginning with zero, it places the first * into %0, then the second
into %1. All the way up to %9, should you have that many wildcards (*)."
Kronus raises his hand for a question?
* Luigi nods to Kronus.
* Luigi says, "Yes sir?"
Kronus says, "What happens if you need more than 10 wild cards?"
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name ought to be Faizah and you are 19 years old, damn yer
Ralph the Object says, "Your name is Faizah and you are 19 years old."
Rhayden grins. "That was my question."
* Luigi says, "Well, I have two answers."
Ralph the Object says, "Kronus smells funny."
* Luigi says, "The first answer being, you almost never do."
Kronus grins...
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
Ralph the Object says, "Luigi smells funny."
* Luigi says, "The second answer being.."
Phoenyx is in a mood to code some really kickin' shiz-nit but is extremely hyper for
some unknown reason and thus cannot sit still long enough to code it out
* Luigi says, "You could always have it grab one of the wildcard, and then parse it
out using advanced MUSHCoding Techniques."
Rhayden is in a mood to slay stupid people who disrupt the whole class with mindless
* Luigi says, "But you rarely, if ever, will need to do this."
Ralph the Object says, "I think I wet myself."
Kronus nods "Ok thanks..."
Link takes Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Who wants to input over 10 values in a $-Command? Might as well make
10 $-Commands. But if you wish to see how this is done in a future class, let me know."
* Luigi says, "Now, remember the Functions we discussed?"
* Luigi types --> th add(1,2)
* Luigi says, "And the like."
Kronus nods.
* Luigi says, "Watch this:"
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name * age *:say Your name is %0 and
you are %1 years old.;say In ten years you will be [add(%1,10)] years old!
* Luigi says, "Try that (drop it, NAME <a name> AGE <a number>, then pick it up)."
Kronus drops Zero.
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name is Zero and you are 1 years old."
Tul Ownz You says, "In ten years you will be 11 years old, you are still an oldie in
mah book."
Zero says, "Your name is Zero and you are 1 years old."
Zero says, "In ten years you will be 11 years old!"
Tulioz says, "Sup"
Faizah drops FizBum.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name is Faizah and you are 19 years old."
Tul Ownz You says, "In ten years you will be 29 years old, you are still an oldie in
mah book."
Zero says, "Your name is Faizah and you are 19 years old."
Zero says, "In ten years you will be 29 years old!"
Tulioz says, "Word up."
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Rhayden and you are 22 years old."
FooFooBunny says, "In ten years, according to conventional math, you should be 32
years old."
Kronus takes Zero.
Rhayden takes Tul Ownz You.
Rhayden drops Tul Ownz You.
* Luigi says, "Notice how we used [] around the function. Functions can be placed
inside of a string, but they need to be surrounded by [] if they do not come at the
beginning of the string."
Phoenyx says, "name Phoenyx age ;home"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,2)
* Luigi says, "3"
* Luigi types --> say HI add(1,2)
* Luigi says, "HI add(1,2)"
* Luigi types --> say HI [add(1,2)]
* Luigi says, "HI 3"
(Some object spam removed.)
* Luigi says, "Some people prefer to always use the []'s, it's your choice."
* Luigi says, "These are known as braces. Now.. I am going to show you one last
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
* Luigi types --> &multiply <name of your object>=$multiply * by *:say %0 multiplied
by %1 is [mul(%0,%1)].
* Luigi says, "Add that code to your object, drop it, try it, pick it up please."
* Luigi says, "MULTIPLY <number> by <number>"
Ralph the Object says, "16 multiplied by 2 is 32."
Faizah drops FizBum.
Kronus drops Zero.
FooFooBunny says, "2 multiplied by 2 is 4."
Zero says, "3 multiplied by 4 is 12."
FizBum says, "3 multiplied by 4 is 12"
Zero says, "8 multiplied by 3 is 24."
FizBum says, "8 multiplied by 3 is 24"
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Kronus takes Zero.
Link types --> I'm Luigi... BLAH BLAH BLAH
* Luigi says, "Are there any questions about all of this?"
Rhayden nein
Link says, "Quineg"
Kronus thinks he has it all
* Luigi says, "Very well, before I announce homework let me answer Link's question
* Luigi says, "Link asked about +view's."
* Luigi says, "+View's are a MUSHCoded system. They are simply Attributes, like we
talked about today, set on a room. Once set, the game knows they are +view's."
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
Link says, "Simply because I was thinking of putting some in my lot and didn't want
to look at the help files."
* Luigi says, "They are set, if you are standing in the room to set them in, with:
&V_<name_of_view> here=<what the view is>"
* Luigi says, "Somebody coded the +VIEW $-command to accept one wildcard, and search
the room for that attribute."
* Luigi says, "Now, for homework I want you to create for me a Calculator. Doesn't
have to be fancy. But I want the following things on it:"
* Luigi says, "* The ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide 2 numbers. Using 4
$-Commands, and ADD(), MUL, DIV, and SUB."
Tulioz wonders if we get dorm rooms.
* Luigi says, "* The ability to do something else, using one of the functions
described in HELP MATH."
Tulioz has left.
* Luigi says, "If you wish to make a command that multiplies 3 numbers with ADD(),
that will also be counted."
Tulioz has arrived.
* Luigi says, "Thank you for your time. Shall we schedule the next class for next
Tuesday, same time?"
* Luigi says, "I might lower the cost to 1 coin per class."
Rhayden nods.
Kronus nods
Tulioz wishes we could do it on a Thurs.
Kronus stands up on his desk and says "Oh Captain, My Captain!"
* Luigi says, "Oh, one last thing. If you ever need to see the code on your object,
type EXAMINE <name of object>."
* Luigi says, "Please feel free to email me questions,"
Phoenyx says, "Or @dec (@decompile) Name of object"
Kronus says, "Cool... thanks Luigi"
* Luigi says, "Also, if this seemed too easy for some of you, have patience. It's
just the first class. :)"
* Luigi says, "Thank you all for coming."
* Luigi erases something on the blackboard..
* Luigi erases something on the blackboard..
Kronus claps for Luigi
Rhayden says, "Thank-you for teaching today."
Kronus says, "Yeah thanks"
Tulioz falls asleep.
Phoenyx standing ovation
Kronus is so excited he can hardly standit
A cigarette sounds pretty good right about now.
* Luigi is going to make this class free. Refunds being provided now, thanks to those
of you who paid. Next class bring 1 coin.
* Luigi says, "I think all first classes may be free, possibly."
* Luigi says, "And now, I must flee."
* Luigi has disconnected.
DATE: 11/06/2002 TIME: 6 PM
DESCRIPTION: The first class of MUSHCoding 101 ever held. Most of it has
been left in its original state, though some parts of the log were edited
to remove spam or correct a speaker's typo. A '*' has been placed in front
of the speaker's name.
* Luigi says, "One moment and we will begin."
Phoenyx noted none of them mush. thank god. Hated 'em all
Link grins at Rhayden a few minutes before putting on his headphones and watching
Phoenyx had a horrible time staying awake at school. Could consume a 2-liter of
mountain dew and fall asleep right after
Rhayden says, ""
Yoda shrugs. Heh, just wanted to see how it turns out.
Rhayden says, "Get more sleep, fool."
Phoenyx says, "My average was 4 hours. some nights less."
Link chuckles and turns up some System of a Down.
* Luigi says, "Alright."
* Luigi begins handing out syllabi.
Luigi's Classroom a pit. @Dolists and iter()'s float about, encapsulating each other, and
surrounding and being surrounded by a plethora of other functions and @commands.
It's a mess. Some of the code here is scribbled on walls and notebook paper, while
even more of it is written on the windows with crayons or scratched into the floors.
Madness. You wonder how you'll ever learn how to code now.
Obvious exits:
Phoenyx yawn.
Faizah has arrived.
Rhayden says, "Faizah, you made it just in time."
Phoenyx nod, un-nod.
Retrieving a pen from his pencil case, Link begins to dissisemble it, chuckling to
himself over the process. Tearing a small bit off his first blank sheet of paper,
he pops it into his mouth and begins chewing on it.
Faizah's attention will be divided. Blah.
Phoenyx look around, pulls out folder.
Phoenyx look at syllabus, scoff, ditch.
Phoenyx will wait for advanced class :)
Link says, "Woah, hey! an EXAM?!?"
Phoenyx goes home.
Phoenyx has left.
Phoenyx has arrived.
Phoenyx chuckle
Tulioz has arrived.
Rhayden throws a blackboard eraser at Phoenyx's head.
Phoenyx duck!
* Luigi says, "Alright, everybody please take a seat."
Shaking his fist, Link arms his spitball shooter and glances around the class for a
likely candidate for being his first victem.
Phoenyx too late, brushes off chalk dust...
Illmuri sloches.
Phoenyx says, "Can I stay for free for amusement value? I know all this schtuff"
* Luigi says, "My name is Lu-i-gi. *begins to write something on the board*"
* Luigi writes on the blackboard..
l black
0 Luigi -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
| chalk <line #>=<message> erase <line #> |
* Luigi says, "Today's lecture is entitled, "MUSHCoding Fundamentals"."
* Luigi says, "Yes, you may stay Phoenyx."
Phoenyx says, "Thank you sir :)"
Tulioz says, "Yo Loo do use gots any bafrooms?"
* Luigi says, "Graduates of this class may go on to take MUSHCoding 201."
* Luigi says, "You will have to hold it, Tulioz. *acts like all those mean teachers
did in his school days*"
Taking aim at Phoenyx, Link open fires... the small wad of paper flying off through
the air.
* Luigi says, "To begin, what is MUSHCode?"
Rhayden raises his hand
Illmuri says, "the crappiest code ever devised by humands"
Tulioz says, "THis is bull crap Loo, I know mah rights!!!"
Link raises his hand.
* Luigi says, "Rhayden, do you have an answer?"
Link waves his hand around impatiently.
Rhayden says, "MUSHcode is the chaining together of various MUSH commands to
accomplish a given task."
* Luigi says, "Correct. Link?"
Link says, "The type of ceral I had for breakfast this morning!"
Link chuckles to himself.
Phoenyx heh.
Rhayden snicker
* Luigi says, "MUSHCode is the in-game programming language which makes MUSH/MUX
servers unique from all other MU* servers. Though in many MU*s you can program,
the programming is often limited to players with builder bits. MUSH/MUX is designed
to allow all levels of players to program within the game."
Kronus rolls hie eyes
Faizah nods.
Tulioz slaps Link on his back, "Har har, good one."
* Luigi says, "Now, with RP MU*s you will often not be able to program. But MUSH
wasn't invented for role playing, originally."
* Luigi steps up to the board.
* Luigi writes on the blackboard..
l black
0 Luigi -
1 1989: TinyMUD -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
| chalk <line #>=<message> erase <line #> |
Link nods to Tulioz before he continues, "I once had a MUX... but then it was run
* Luigi says, "In 1989, James Aspnes wrote TinyMUD. This is considered the first
'MUSH' persay."
* Luigi says, "TinyMUD, as one can guess from the game, was designed to be smaller
version of the MUDs previous to 1989. A smaller version, particularily of a MUD
called Monster, which was written in Pascal. You don't need to remember this."
Link jots something down on his paper and grins at it.
Laci has arrived.
* Luigi says, "The gimmic being that you could build onto the world. 13 years later,
it has evolved into what we now call MUSH/MUX code, though originally the only code
you could do was exit stuff (ie, locking exits)."
* Luigi says, "MUSHCoding is an excellent starter language."
* Luigi says, "Let us look at some of the most basic of code, first."
* Luigi types --> say hi, all.
* Luigi says, "hi, all."
* Luigi says, "Behold, a command."
Rhayden types --> foo bar baz
* Luigi says, "I'm sure you're all amazed."
* Luigi says, "Now.."
Link nudges Rhayden, "Look, I'm Mr. Plumber, "Blah blah blah MUSHcode and mux blah
blah, I know commands blah"
Laci types --> say I will worship laci!
Laci says, "I will worship laci!"
Laci types --> pose throws an arplaine at the plumber
Laci throws an arplaine at the plumber
Phoenyx works on tonight's Late8 Radio Program!
Laci oops, *paper airplane
* Luigi says, "There is a wide array of commands. SAY, POSE, many you use every day.
Commands are broken into two categories."
* Luigi says, "Commands, and @Commands."
Laci says, "what's the dif?"
Tulioz says, "What about +commands?"
Phoenyx raises his hand, "What about +commands?"
Laci says, "and giant pig commands?"
* Luigi says, "Oh yes, and those. But forget about those for now, they don't exist."
Laci says, "isn't +help a +command?"
Rhayden says, "+commands aren't commands. They're softcode."
Link shouts out, "My dad says MUXes suck."
Phoenyx says, ":looks at Laci in amazement. "There is no +...""
Phoenyx go work on radio now.
Laci says, "Oh, oops, multitasking 5 dif things is confuzzling me."
* Luigi says, "Commands are the basic command<s> that every player on the MUSH is
pretty much familiar with. They allow you to interact with the world, such as LOOK,
PAGE, SAY, POSE. They are the very basic of commands, the meat and potatoes of
Illmuri says, "you spam ceases to be amusing. some of us are here, and didnt pay to
listen to you, we paid for L to talk"
Kronus says, "yeah guys keep it down just a little please"
* Luigi says, "@Command are commands that are used in MUSHcoding. There are many more
@Commands than Commands."
Rhayden scowls, but shuts up.
* Luigi says, "Some examples:"
Link nudges Rhayden, "Browners"
Laci also scowls
* Luigi types --> @emit This is the @emit command. It sends a message to a room.
This is the @emit command. It sends a message to a room.
* Luigi says, "Shut up, Link."
Link nudges Rhayden, "He said shutup."
* Luigi types --> @pemit Link=This sends a message to a player. Link is seeing this.
Rhayden punches Link in the arm. "I'm trying to listen, so shut up."
* Luigi types --> think This sends a message to you. Only you can see it. Try it.
Link looks around, hearing voices in his head.
* Luigi says, "There are tons of @commands. As we progress more of them will be
* Luigi says, "Now we shall discuss Functions."
Faizah nods.
* Luigi says, "Functions are combined with commands, and can only (for the most part)
be used within a Command/@Command."
* Luigi says, "A function looks like this: functionName()"
Rhayden heh. "Javastyle."
Tulioz says, "Tue Nov 05 18:26:57 2002"
* Luigi says, "The functionName is the name of the function, much like commands have
names. The parenthesis can either be empty, or contain arguments."
* Luigi says, "Everybody try this:"
* Luigi types --> say time()
* Luigi says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:16 2002"
Rhayden says, "time"
Rhayden says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:24 2002"
Kronus says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:24 2002"
Link plays the Ocarina of Time: > A v > A v
He played the Song of Time.
Tulioz already did it, I'm ahead!
* Luigi heh's at Tul.
Faizah says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:47 2002"
Laci says, "time/()"
Link says, "Tue Nov 05 18:27:59 2002"
Laci says, "Tue Nov 05 18:28:02 2002"
* Luigi says, "Time() is a very basic function. It takes no arguments. Now, let's see
what I mean by arguments. The add() function takes at least 2 arguments. Try this:"
Tulioz gives Lui an apple.
* Luigi types --> say add(2,2)
* Luigi says, "4"
Laci says, "4"
Rhayden says, "42"
Tulioz types --> add(100,30000)
Faizah says, "5 ;)"
Laci says, "16"
Tulioz types --> say add(100,30000)
Tulioz says, "30100"
* Luigi says, "As you can see, arguments are seperated by commas. Some functions
require no arguments, some require 1 or more."
Link grins at Yoda and snickers to himself, nudging Rhayden he passes it on.
Yoda whistles.
Kronus says, "34"
* Luigi says, "Some functions, such as add, can take 2 and beyond."
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1)
* Luigi says, "3"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1,1)
* Luigi says, "4"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1,1,1)
* Luigi says, "5"
Link says, "4"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,1,1,1,1,2)
* Luigi says, "7"
Rhayden stifles a snicker
Kronus grins
* Luigi says, "Of course, how many arguments a function takes depends on the
* Luigi says, "Before we go on, we should discuss the Help System."
Laci goes home.
Laci has left.
* Luigi says, "MUSH has a built-in help system. Nobody is expected to remember the
arguments and names of every function in the game. Which is why we have a help system."
* Luigi types --> help add
help add
Returns the sum of some numbers.
* Luigi says, "Simply type 'help <function name>' to find out how many arguments it
takes. The '...' in HELP ADD indicates it can take 2 or any number more arguments."
* Luigi says, "Now, onto the heart of MUSHcoding: $-Commands."
* Luigi says, "We know about Commands/@Commands. But we can also make our own
* Luigi says, "First, everybody create an object. Type: @create Name Of Object"
* Luigi says, "Name Of Object can be anything you wish."
Link drops Name of Object.
Link snickers.
* Luigi says, "When you have created it, type: drop <whatever name you used>"
Kronus drops Zero.
Rhayden drops FooFooBunny.
Faizah drops FizBum.
* Luigi says, "I apologize for those of you who wish the immaturity level would
lower. I think by MUSHCoding 201 most of the fat will be trimmed. *ding*"
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Link bursts out laughing as Luigi says fat.
Kronus nods and grins at Luigi's comment
Faizah says, "Mine is a nickname I came up with for myself when I had too much sugar
one time... :P"
* Luigi says, "Alright. You now have created an object. In order to make your own
commands, you need an object to house the command."
Link looks at Yoda and grins evilly.
* Luigi says, "So we are going to use the object we just created."
* Luigi says, "Type this:"
Faizah says, "Perfectly innocent."
Yoda types --> @create Halo around Head
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$hello:say Hello world!
* Luigi says, "Then type 'hello'."
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Illmuri drops Cement Block.
Tul Ownz You says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Zero says, "Hello World!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Zero says, "Hello World!"
Name of Object says, "Hello world!?!"
* Luigi grins.
Cement Block say Hi
(Many more "Hello world"s occur)
Rhayden says, "Good gravy!"
Phoenyx drops Myobject.
* Luigi says, "Very basic. But you have created your first $-command, also known as a
User-Defined Command."
Link says, "HELLO"
Illmuri says, "when its the same command, it triggers them all..."
* Luigi nods.
* Luigi says, "Alright, we shall fix that problem."
Tul Ownz You says, "Hello world!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
(Many more "Hello world"s occur)
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
FooFooBunny says, "Hello world!"
Tul Ownz You says, "The pimps of 8bit MUSH have united!"
FizBum says, "Hello world!"
Name of Object says, "I lik kandy!"
* Luigi says, "Whatever you change the word to, that's the word that will cause it to
FooFooBunny says, "Ahoy mateys!"
* Luigi says, "Now, let's suppose we wanted it to do more than one command. Enter the
semi-colon, and Command Stacking."
Phoenyx drops MiniPhoe.
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Luigi!"
* Luigi says, "Change the messages as you wish."
Zero says, "Hello World!"
Zero says, "Good bye cruel world!"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Zero!"
FooFooBunny says, "Ahoy mateys!"
FooFooBunny says, "Shiver me timbers, arrrr..."
Name of Object says, "HI ALL!"
Name of Object snickers
Name of Object says, "GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!"
FizBum says, "Hello Faizah!"
FizBum says, "Goodbye Faizah!"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, FizBum!"
Name of Object says, "HI ALL!"
Name of Object snickers
Name of Object says, "I can do a sumbersault!"
* Luigi says, "The semicolon seperates expressions. "Say Hello world!" is an
expression, as is "say Goodbye world!". When you type the word that you set, it runs
both expressions one after another."
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Luigi!"
Tul Ownz You says, "The pimps of 8bit MUSH have united!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Tulioz has come to rule you with his fellow pimps@!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Join the UPF, United Pimp Foundation!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Gotta love my spam!"
Tul Ownz You says, "#-1 ARGUMENT MUST BE INTEGER"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Tul Ownz You!"
Illmuri has disconnected.
Illmuri has connected.
Illmuri says, "whew"
Illmuri says, "telnet sucks"
Tul Ownz You says, "The pimps of 8bit MUSH have united!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Tulioz has come to rule you with his fellow pimps@!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Join the UPF, United Pimp Foundation!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Gotta love my spam!"
Tul Ownz You says, "Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!"
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Tul Ownz You!"
* Luigi says, "Alright, please pick up your junk."
Rhayden takes FooFooBunny.
* Luigi says, "Err- quality objects."
Faizah takes FizBum.
* Luigi tighten bowtie.
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
Ralph the Object says, "I can do a sumbersault!"
Link takes Ralph the Object.
Tulioz says, "Good I can still use 'im."
Kronus takes Zero.
* Luigi says, "Alright, before I go on, do you all understand command stacking?"
Kronus nods...
Faizah nods.
Rhayden nods.
Link says, "I've heard of stacking the deck! *drumroll, cymbal*"
* Luigi says, "In the previous code example, which looked like this.."
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
MiniPhoe says, "Hi, Luigi!"
* Luigi says, "We did a few things. First, we set an Attribute on our object."
* Luigi says, "Attributes are places we place data. You all set data into your
DESCRIBE attribute when you first connected to the MUSH, via the @describe command.
Type examine me/describe."
Link says, "Is it similar in anyway to VB?"
* Luigi says, "The & before &hello told the MUSH that you were going to be setting an
attribute on something."
* Luigi types --> &test me=hi
&test me=hi
SpamBot/TEST - Set.
* Luigi types --> examine me/test
examine me/test
TEST [#4104]: hi
* Luigi says, "If you've programmed in another language, it's pretty much like a
* Luigi says, "Only it's stored on an object, in the virtual world known as MUSH."
Faizah says, "MUSH is my first, and only so far, coding language."
* Luigi says, "Back to the code:"
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
* Luigi says, "The hello is the attribute name."
* Luigi says, "Attribute names can be almost anything, but they cannot contain spaces."
Faizah says, "I should get my brother to come here, I've been trying... He codes in
Visual Basic..."
* Luigi types --> &corn_dogs me=nyah
* Luigi types --> &12345! me=nyah
Link is learning it this semester.
* Luigi says, "I just set the "CORN_DOGS" and "12345!" attributes on myself."
* Luigi types --> &hello <name of your object>=$<any word of your choice>:say Hello
world!;say Goodbye world!
* Luigi says, "As you can see with the code above, we placed a $<any word of your
choice>: before our "Hello world" code."
* Luigi says, "This is the origin of the phrase, "$-commands"."
* Luigi says, "The $ tells the MUSH that whatever text follows it is going to be the
command to trigger this attribute."
Tulioz busts out a 10 lb Oreck XL and vacums everything in the area.
Tulioz says, "Don't you want one too?"
* Luigi says, "It knows when the command name ends, and the code begins, by the :."
* Luigi says, "So the format is: &<attributeName> <object>=$<command>:<code to run>"
* Luigi says, "Now, let's go back to functions for a sec. I want to show you the ADD()
function again, as well as 3 others."
Link says, "Is +view and everything concerning it covered in this course?"
* Luigi says, "I can discuss it after class Link. It's very simple."
Link nods.
* Luigi types --> say add(1,5)
* Luigi says, "6"
Illmuri has disconnected.
* Luigi types --> say mul(6,10)
* Luigi says, "60"
* Luigi types --> say div(100,5)
* Luigi says, "20"
* Luigi types --> say sub(6000,5000)
* Luigi says, "1000"
Tulioz types --> say sub(100000,200)
Tulioz says, "99800"
Tulioz types --> say div(100000,200)
Tulioz says, "500"
* Luigi says, "ADD(), SUB(), DIV(), and MUL(). For adding, subtracting, dividing, and
* Luigi says, "A note, only ADD() accepts more than 2 arguments. The rest require 2
and no more."
Tulioz types --> say add(sub(100000,500),mul(200,100))
Tulioz says, "119500"
* Luigi says, "Very good Tulioz."
* Luigi says, "Now I want to move into the fun part."
Tulioz types --> say add(sub(100000,add(100,200,300,400,500),mul(200,div(100,30)))
Tulioz says, "<profanity>."
* Luigi says, "How to send values to the $-Commands (also known as User-Defined
Commands), and work with what is sent."
Tulioz types --> say add(sub(100000,add(100,200,300,400,500)),mul(200,div(100,30)))
Tulioz says, "99100"
* Luigi says, "Using the object we have just created, we are going to make a new
Kronus sighs... so much spam...
Phoenyx types --> :types --> %ch%@dolist lnum%(100,1%)=pose sings, "## bottles of
jolt on the wall, ## bottles of jolt, take one down, pass it around, switch%(##,0,no
more,sub%(##,1%)%) bottles of jolt on the wall!"h#1971dolist lnum(100,1)=pose sings,
"## bottles of jolt on the wall, ## bottles of jolt, take one down, pass it around,
switch(##,0,no more,sub(##,1)) bottles of jolt on the wall!"
Phoenyx says, "Feck."
* Luigi hits Phoenyx in the face with a trash can.
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name *:say Your name is %0.
Link says, "heheh"
* Luigi says, "Everybody type that."
Rhayden says, "Phoenyx, you fool."
Phoenyx snicker.
Link drops Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Then, *furrows brow for a second*."
Rhayden drops FooFooBunny.
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Luigi."
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz Luigi."
* Luigi says, "Drop your object (drop <name of object>) and type 'NAME <any name>'.
Sorry about the spam, but we'll deal with it. Once you've tried your object once,
please pick it up."
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is whee."
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz whee."
name corndogs
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is corndogs."
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz corndogs."
Rhayden takes FooFooBunny.
Faizah drops FizBum.
Kronus drops Zero.
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name out to be Faizah."
Zero says, "Your name is Faizah."
FizBum says, "Your name is Faizah"
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz Faizah."
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name out to be Kronus."
Zero says, "Your name is Kronus."
FizBum says, "Your name is Kronus"
Ralph the Object says, "Yewr name iz Kronus."
Kronus takes Zero.
Link takes Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Very good. Please pick up your objects."
* Luigi says, "The code was:"
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name *:say Your name is %0.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
* Luigi says, "Now, the * is a wildcard. It basically means, any text at all. So
'name bob' and 'name al' and 'name jimbo' all trigger the command now. More talk on
wildcards later."
Rhayden drops FooFooBunny.
* Luigi says, "You can have more than one wildcard. Try this:"
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is whee."
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name * age *:say Your name is %0
and you are %1 years old.
* Luigi says, "Then drop your object, try the command, and pick it up again."
* Luigi says, "The command being:"
* Luigi says, "NAME <a name> AGE <a number>"
Link drops Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Such as: name Hyacinth age 57"
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Rhayden and you are 222 years old."
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
FooFooBunny says, "Er..."
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Rhayden and you are 22 years old."
Tulioz says, "name"
Tulioz says, "Foo."
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name ought to be Zero and you are 1 minute years old, damn
yer old."
Ralph the Object says, "Yor name iz Zero age 1 minute."
Ralph the Object says, "Rhayden smells funny."
* Luigi says, "Beginning with zero, it places the first * into %0, then the second
into %1. All the way up to %9, should you have that many wildcards (*)."
Kronus raises his hand for a question?
* Luigi nods to Kronus.
* Luigi says, "Yes sir?"
Kronus says, "What happens if you need more than 10 wild cards?"
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name ought to be Faizah and you are 19 years old, damn yer
Ralph the Object says, "Your name is Faizah and you are 19 years old."
Rhayden grins. "That was my question."
* Luigi says, "Well, I have two answers."
Ralph the Object says, "Kronus smells funny."
* Luigi says, "The first answer being, you almost never do."
Kronus grins...
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
Ralph the Object says, "Luigi smells funny."
* Luigi says, "The second answer being.."
Phoenyx is in a mood to code some really kickin' shiz-nit but is extremely hyper for
some unknown reason and thus cannot sit still long enough to code it out
* Luigi says, "You could always have it grab one of the wildcard, and then parse it
out using advanced MUSHCoding Techniques."
Rhayden is in a mood to slay stupid people who disrupt the whole class with mindless
* Luigi says, "But you rarely, if ever, will need to do this."
Ralph the Object says, "I think I wet myself."
Kronus nods "Ok thanks..."
Link takes Ralph the Object.
* Luigi says, "Who wants to input over 10 values in a $-Command? Might as well make
10 $-Commands. But if you wish to see how this is done in a future class, let me know."
* Luigi says, "Now, remember the Functions we discussed?"
* Luigi types --> th add(1,2)
* Luigi says, "And the like."
Kronus nods.
* Luigi says, "Watch this:"
* Luigi types --> &getname <name of your object>=$name * age *:say Your name is %0 and
you are %1 years old.;say In ten years you will be [add(%1,10)] years old!
* Luigi says, "Try that (drop it, NAME <a name> AGE <a number>, then pick it up)."
Kronus drops Zero.
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name is Zero and you are 1 years old."
Tul Ownz You says, "In ten years you will be 11 years old, you are still an oldie in
mah book."
Zero says, "Your name is Zero and you are 1 years old."
Zero says, "In ten years you will be 11 years old!"
Tulioz says, "Sup"
Faizah drops FizBum.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Tul Ownz You says, "Your name is Faizah and you are 19 years old."
Tul Ownz You says, "In ten years you will be 29 years old, you are still an oldie in
mah book."
Zero says, "Your name is Faizah and you are 19 years old."
Zero says, "In ten years you will be 29 years old!"
Tulioz says, "Word up."
FooFooBunny says, "Your name is Rhayden and you are 22 years old."
FooFooBunny says, "In ten years, according to conventional math, you should be 32
years old."
Kronus takes Zero.
Rhayden takes Tul Ownz You.
Rhayden drops Tul Ownz You.
* Luigi says, "Notice how we used [] around the function. Functions can be placed
inside of a string, but they need to be surrounded by [] if they do not come at the
beginning of the string."
Phoenyx says, "name Phoenyx age ;home"
* Luigi types --> say add(1,2)
* Luigi says, "3"
* Luigi types --> say HI add(1,2)
* Luigi says, "HI add(1,2)"
* Luigi types --> say HI [add(1,2)]
* Luigi says, "HI 3"
(Some object spam removed.)
* Luigi says, "Some people prefer to always use the []'s, it's your choice."
* Luigi says, "These are known as braces. Now.. I am going to show you one last
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
* Luigi types --> &multiply <name of your object>=$multiply * by *:say %0 multiplied
by %1 is [mul(%0,%1)].
* Luigi says, "Add that code to your object, drop it, try it, pick it up please."
* Luigi says, "MULTIPLY <number> by <number>"
Ralph the Object says, "16 multiplied by 2 is 32."
Faizah drops FizBum.
Kronus drops Zero.
FooFooBunny says, "2 multiplied by 2 is 4."
Zero says, "3 multiplied by 4 is 12."
FizBum says, "3 multiplied by 4 is 12"
Zero says, "8 multiplied by 3 is 24."
FizBum says, "8 multiplied by 3 is 24"
Tulioz drops Tul Ownz You.
Faizah takes FizBum.
Kronus takes Zero.
Link types --> I'm Luigi... BLAH BLAH BLAH
* Luigi says, "Are there any questions about all of this?"
Rhayden nein
Link says, "Quineg"
Kronus thinks he has it all
* Luigi says, "Very well, before I announce homework let me answer Link's question
* Luigi says, "Link asked about +view's."
* Luigi says, "+View's are a MUSHCoded system. They are simply Attributes, like we
talked about today, set on a room. Once set, the game knows they are +view's."
Tulioz takes Tul Ownz You.
Link says, "Simply because I was thinking of putting some in my lot and didn't want
to look at the help files."
* Luigi says, "They are set, if you are standing in the room to set them in, with:
&V_<name_of_view> here=<what the view is>"
* Luigi says, "Somebody coded the +VIEW $-command to accept one wildcard, and search
the room for that attribute."
* Luigi says, "Now, for homework I want you to create for me a Calculator. Doesn't
have to be fancy. But I want the following things on it:"
* Luigi says, "* The ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide 2 numbers. Using 4
$-Commands, and ADD(), MUL, DIV, and SUB."
Tulioz wonders if we get dorm rooms.
* Luigi says, "* The ability to do something else, using one of the functions
described in HELP MATH."
Tulioz has left.
* Luigi says, "If you wish to make a command that multiplies 3 numbers with ADD(),
that will also be counted."
Tulioz has arrived.
* Luigi says, "Thank you for your time. Shall we schedule the next class for next
Tuesday, same time?"
* Luigi says, "I might lower the cost to 1 coin per class."
Rhayden nods.
Kronus nods
Tulioz wishes we could do it on a Thurs.
Kronus stands up on his desk and says "Oh Captain, My Captain!"
* Luigi says, "Oh, one last thing. If you ever need to see the code on your object,
type EXAMINE <name of object>."
* Luigi says, "Please feel free to email me questions,"
Phoenyx says, "Or @dec (@decompile) Name of object"
Kronus says, "Cool... thanks Luigi"
* Luigi says, "Also, if this seemed too easy for some of you, have patience. It's
just the first class. :)"
* Luigi says, "Thank you all for coming."
* Luigi erases something on the blackboard..
* Luigi erases something on the blackboard..
Kronus claps for Luigi
Rhayden says, "Thank-you for teaching today."
Kronus says, "Yeah thanks"
Tulioz falls asleep.
Phoenyx standing ovation
Kronus is so excited he can hardly standit
A cigarette sounds pretty good right about now.
* Luigi is going to make this class free. Refunds being provided now, thanks to those
of you who paid. Next class bring 1 coin.
* Luigi says, "I think all first classes may be free, possibly."
* Luigi says, "And now, I must flee."
* Luigi has disconnected.