Connect Five

Connect Five is pretty much like Connect Four with a few major exceptions. 1) You can place anywhere on the board, rather than just at the bottom. 2) After 12 moves, you may not place any new pieces on the board but instead, you must move them to horizontally or vertically adjacent squares. 3) The board is bigger!

Author: Unknown
Category: Games
Compatibility: CobraMUSH, PennMUSH, TinyBit, TinyMUX.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for Connect Five

@@ So you've solved Chess, and Connect Four. Now you think you know it all.
@@ But wait! Don't be too hasty! There's another game ready to crush you with
@@ new dilemmas. Your friends will say that games are all the same. Boy will
@@ they be surprised. You, you're different. You have a curious mind and are
@@ open-minded enough to know that if you practice enough with cold, hard
@@ cunning you'll be on top in the end. Connect Five is not for amateurs!


@@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ Admittedly, I stole the basic scheme for above text. Here's a new game for
@@ simple-minded people to enjoy. Connect Five is pretty much like Connect
@@ Four with a few major exceptions. 1) You can place anywhere on the board,
@@ rather than just at the bottom. 2) After 12 moves, you may not place any
@@ new pieces on the board but instead, you must move them to horizontally or
@@ vertically adjacent squares. 3) The board is bigger! Feeeeeel the power.

@@ To set up the game you must follow the next few steps, which are very like
@@ setting up Connect Four, BTW. And as some have pointed out... Connect Four
@@ has a `bug'. It does not display high scores for any person until that
@@ person has won at least 5 games. This is because I found great displeasure
@@ at the thought of a person winning 1 game and remaining at the top of the
@@ high scores list for eternity. It's still possible that a person might win
@@ exactly 5 games and remain at the top forever, but it is much less likely.
@@ So I'm not perfect. On the bright side, you got this game for free.

@@ Steps to set up Connect Five:

@@ 1) Create an object called Connect Five Parent.
@@ 2) Download the MUSHcode following the line.
@@ 3) Create an object called Connect Five DB.
@@ 4) Type `@force me=&pdb Connect Five Parent=[num(Connect Five DB)]'.
@@ 5) Type `@notify Connect Five DB'.
@@ 6) Create an object called Connect Five Game.
@@ 7) Type `@parent Connect Five Game=Connect Five Parent'.
@@ 8) Type `@notify Connect Five Game'.

@@ After that... you're set.

@@ You're also open-minded and professional.

@@ --------------- CUT HERE, MUSHCODE BELOW ------------------
@create Connect Five Parent
@Desc Connect Five Parent=[repeat(=,78)]%rThe object of Connect Five is to get 5 of your counters in a row, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.%b%bYou and your opponent alternate taking turns.%b%bOn your turn, you place a counter at any position on the 8x8 grid.%b%bYou have 12 counters each to place.%b%bIf the counters become used up and noone has won, you then alternate moving one counter of your color to one of the four adjacent squares next to it.%b%bTo make this move, the position must be open.%b%bThe time when you no longer add counters to the board is called extended mode.%b%bUse this game for a command list.%r[repeat(=,78)]
@Ouse Connect Five Parent=uses the connect five game.
@Use Connect Five Parent=%r[center(!Connect Five!,78)]%r%r%tBEGIN5 <player>%t%tWill begin a game with <player>.%r%tRESET5%t%t%tWill reset the game.%r%tMOVE5 <move>%t%tWill make a move.%b%bSee below.%r%tDISP5%t%t%tWill show the display.%r%tHI5%t%t%tWill show hiscores.%r%tSEE5 <player>%t%tWill show score of <player>.%r%tWATCH5%t%t%tWill watch the 5 game.%r%r%tMoves are in the form 'MOVE5 A1' for normal mode.%r%tMoves are in the form 'MOVE5 A1-A2' for extended mode.%r
&REM0 Connect Five Parent=========== Commands ==========
&BEGIN5 Connect Five Parent=$begin5 *:@wait me={@select [num(%0)]=#-1*,{@pemit %#=No such person present.;@notify me},{@select [v(playing)]=,{@tr me/BEGIN5_0=%#,%0},{@pemit %#=It seems that [name(v(player1))] and [name(v(player2))] are playing.%b%bIf not, type RESET5.;@notify me}}}
&RESET5 Connect Five Parent=$reset5:@wait me={&lastmove me;&moves me=0;&state me;&column1 me=[v(null)];&column2 me=[v(null)];&column3 me=[v(null)];&column4 me=[v(null)];&column5 me=[v(null)];&column6 me=[v(null)];&column7 me=[v(null)];&column8 me=[v(null)];&playing me;&player1 me;&playing me;@emit [name(me)] reset by %n.;@notify me}
&WATCH5 Connect Five Parent=$watch5:&watchers me=[setunion(v(watchers),%#)];@emit %N is now watching [name(me)]
&MOVE5 Connect Five Parent=$move5 *:@wait me={@select %#=[v(player[v(playing)])],{@select [v(state)]=START,{@tr me/movestart=%#,%0},EXTENDED,{@tr me/moveextended=%#,%0}},{@pemit %#=Noone is playing.;@notify me}}
&DISP5 Connect Five Parent=$disp5:@pemit %#=[u(fulldisplay)]
&HI5 Connect Five Parent=$hi5:@pemit %#=[u(hiscores,[u(topscores)],Connect Five High Scores)]
&SEE5 Connect Five Parent=$see5 *:@select [num(*%0)]=#-1*,{@pemit %#=No such player.},{@pemit %#=[u(hiscores,[num(*%0)],Go Score)]}
&REM1 Connect Five Parent=========== Subroutines ==========
&BEGIN5_0 Connect Five Parent=@emit [name(%0)] starts [name(me)] with [name(%1)]. Type WATCH5 to watch.;&lastmove me;&moves me=0;&state me=START;&column1 me=[v(null)];&column2 me=[v(null)];&column3 me=[v(null)];&column4 me=[v(null)];&column5 me=[v(null)];&column6 me=[v(null)];&column7 me=[v(null)];&column8 me=[v(null)];&playing me=1;&player1 me=[num(%1)];&player2 me=%0;&watchers me=[setunion(%0,num(%1))];@tr me/status
&MOVESTART Connect Five Parent=@select [u(validpos,%1)]=0,{@pemit %0='[ucstr(%1)]' is not a valid position.;@notify me},{&xx me=[u(getx,%1)];&yy me=[u(gety,%1)];@select [switch(u(coor,v(xx),v(yy)),X,0,O,0,1)]=1,{&lastmove me=[ucstr(%1)];&column[v(xx)] me=[u(editline,v(column[v(xx)]),u(token,v(playing)),v(yy))];&moves me=[add(v(moves),1)];@select [v(moves)]=>23,{&state me=EXTENDED};@tr me/swapcheck=%0},{@pemit %0=That position is occupied.;@notify me}}
&MOVEEXTENDED Connect Five Parent=@select [u(validmove,%1)]=0,{@pemit %0='[ucstr(%1)]' is not a valid move.%b%bRemember, it's extended mode now.;@notify me},{&x1 me=[u(getx,u(getpos1,%1))];&x2 me=[u(getx,u(getpos2,%1))];&y1 me=[u(gety,u(getpos1,%1))];&y2 me=[u(gety,u(getpos2,%1))];@select [switch(u(coor,v(x2),v(y2)),X,0,O,0,1)]=1,{@select [switch(u(coor,v(x1),v(y1)),u(token,v(playing)),1,0)]=1,{&column[v(x1)] me=[u(editline,v(column[v(x1)]),%%b,v(y1))];&column[v(x2)] me=[u(editline,v(column[v(x2)]),u(token,v(playing)),v(y2))];&xx me=[v(x2)];&yy me=[v(y2)];&lastmove me=[ucstr(%1)];@tr me/swapcheck},{@pemit %0=That isn't a token of yours.;@notify me}},{@pemit %0=The position moving to is occupied.;@notify me}}}
&SWAPCHECK Connect Five Parent=@select [u(win,v(xx),v(yy))]=1,{@tr me/adjscores=[v(player[v(playing)])],[v(player[u(toggle,v(playing))])];@tr me/finish=[v(player[v(playing)])]},{&playing me=[u(toggle,v(playing))];@tr me/status}
&STATUS Connect Five Parent=@dolist [v(watchers)]=@pemit ##=[u(fulldisplay)];@notify me
&FINISH Connect Five Parent=@dolist [v(watchers)]=@pemit ##=--- Final Move ---%r[u(disp)]%r--- Winner: [name(%0)] ---;&state me;&playing me;@notify me
&ADJSCORES Connect Five Parent=@wait me={@wait [v(pdb)]={&wins_%0 [v(pdb)]=[switch(isnum(get([v(pdb)]/wins_%0)),1,add(get([v(pdb)]/wins_%0),1),1)];&losses_%1 [v(pdb)]=[switch(isnum(get([v(pdb)]/losses_%1)),1,add(get([v(pdb)]/losses_%1),1),1)];&hiscores [v(pdb)]=[remove(remove(get([v(pdb)]/hiscores),%0),%1)];&tempfilter me=%0;&hiscores [v(pdb)]=[u(insscore,get([v(pdb)]/hiscores))];&hiscores [v(pdb)]=[remove(get([v(pdb)]/hiscores),%1)];&tempfilter me=%1;&hiscores [v(pdb)]=[u(insscore,get([v(pdb)]/hiscores))];@dolist v(watchers)=@pemit ##=u(hiscores,%0 %1,[name(me)] Scores);@notify [v(pdb)]};@notify me}
&REM2 Connect Five Parent=========== Display Functions ==========
&FULLDISPLAY Connect Five Parent=--- Last Move: [v(lastmove)] ---%r[u(disp)]%r--- Next Player: [switch(v(playing),1,X's\,,2,O's\,,None)] [name(v(player[v(playing)]))] ---
&DISP Connect Five Parent=[u(top)]%r[u(line,8)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,7)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,6)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,5)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,4)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,3)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,2)]%r[u(mid)]%r[u(line,1)]%r[u(bottom)]
&TOP Connect Five Parent=[space(23)]+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
&MID Connect Five Parent=[space(23)]+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
&BOTTOM Connect Five Parent=[space(23)]+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+%r[space(23)]%b%b1%b%b%b2%b%b%b3%b%b%b4%b%b%b5%b%b%b6%b%b%b7%b%b%b8
&LINE Connect Five Parent=[space(21)][extract(v(rows),%0,1)]%b|%b[s(u(coor,1,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,2,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,3,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,4,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,5,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,6,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,7,%0))]%b|%b[s(u(coor,8,%0))]%b|
&REM3 Connect Five Parent=========== High Scores Functions ==========
&HISCORES Connect Five Parent=+[repeat(=,60)]+%r|[center(%1,60)]|%r+================= Name =================%% WINS==WIN===LOSS==+[u(hiscores0,%0)]%r+[repeat(=,60)]+
&HISCORES0 Connect Five Parent=[iter(%0,%r| [center(name(##),38)] [ljust(u(pernum,##),8)][ljust(u(wins,##),6)][ljust(u(losses,##),6)]|)]
&INSSCORE Connect Five Parent=[cat(filter(above,%0),switch(gt(u(wins,v(tempfilter)),4),1,v(tempfilter)),filter(belowe,%0))]
&ABOVE Connect Five Parent=[and(gt(u(pernum,%0),u(pernum,v(tempfilter))),gt(u(wins,%0),4))]
&BELOWE Connect Five Parent=[and(lte(u(pernum,%0),u(pernum,v(tempfilter))),gt(u(wins,%0),4))]
&TOPSCORES Connect Five Parent=[switch(gt(words(get([v(pdb)]/hiscores)),10),1,extract(get([v(pdb)]/hiscores),1,10),get([v(pdb)]/hiscores))]
&PERNUM Connect Five Parent=[switch(add(u(wins,%0),u(losses,%0)),0,0,div(mul(u(wins,%0),100),add(u(wins,%0),u(losses,%0))))]
&WINS Connect Five Parent=[switch(get([v(pdb)]/wins_%0),,0,get([v(pdb)]/wins_%0))]
&LOSSES Connect Five Parent=[switch(get([v(pdb)]/losses_%0),,0,get([v(pdb)]/losses_%0))]
&REM4 Connect Five Parent=========== Data Retrieval Functions ==========
&EDITLINE Connect Five Parent=[cat(extract(%0,1,sub(%2,1)),%1,extract(%0,add(%2,1),sub(words(%0),%2)))]
&COOR Connect Five Parent=[extract(v(column%0),%1,1)]
&TOGGLE Connect Five Parent=[switch(%0,1,2,2,1)]
&GETPOS1 Connect Five Parent=[mid(%0,0,2)]
&GETPOS2 Connect Five Parent=[mid(%0,3,2)]
&GETX Connect Five Parent=[match(v(columns),mid(%0,1,1))]
&GETY Connect Five Parent=[match(v(rows),mid(%0,0,1))]
&TOKEN Connect Five Parent=[switch(%0,1,X,2,O)]
&REM5 Connect Five Parent=========== Checking Functions ==========
&VALIDMOVE Connect Five Parent=[and(eq(add(abs(sub(u(getx,mid(%0,0,2)),u(getx,mid(%0,3,2)))),abs(sub(u(gety,mid(%0,0,2)),u(gety,mid(%0,3,2))))),1),eq(strlen(%0),5),strmatch(mid(%0,2,1),-),u(validpos,mid(%0,0,2)),u(validpos,mid(%0,3,2)))]
&VALIDPOS Connect Five Parent=[and(eq(strlen(%0),2),gt(match(v(rows),mid(%0,0,1)),0),gt(match(v(columns),mid(%0,1,1)),0))]
&WIN Connect Five Parent=[or(u(vert,%0,%1),u(horz,%0,%1),u(diagf,%0,%1),u(diagb,%0,%1))]
&VERT Connect Five Parent=[u(win-pattern,u(win-line,%0,1,0,1))]
&HORZ Connect Five Parent=[u(win-pattern,u(win-line,1,%1,1,0))]
&DIAGF Connect Five Parent=[u(win-pattern,u(win-line,add(sub(%0,%1),1),1,1,1))]
&DIAGB Connect Five Parent=[u(win-pattern,u(win-line,sub(add(%1,%0),1),1,-1,1))]
&WIN-PATTERN Connect Five Parent=[or(strmatch(%0,*X X X X X*),strmatch(%0,*O O O O O*))]
&WIN-LINE Connect Five Parent=[iter(lnum(8),u(coor,add(%0,mul(%2,##)),add(%1,mul(%3,##))))]
&REM6 Connect Five Parent=========== Data ==========
&ROWS Connect Five Parent=A B C D E F G H
&COLUMNS Connect Five Parent=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
&COLUMN1 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN2 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN3 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN4 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN5 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN6 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN7 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&COLUMN8 Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&NULL Connect Five Parent=%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b
&MOVES Connect Five Parent=0
@set Connect Five Parent=OPAQUE
@set Connect Five Parent=HALT
@set Connect Five Parent=SAFE