Things and Exits in Columns

An @exitformat that places things and exits in seperate columns.

Author: Raevnos
Category: Building
Compatibility: CobraMUSH, PennMUSH, TinyBit.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for Things and Exits in Columns

@create Things and Exits in Columns
@set Things and Exits in Columns = VISUAL
@set Things and Exits in Columns = NO_COMMAND
@CONFORMAT Things and Exits in Columns=align(30 30,[switch(map(#apply/name,%0,,%r),?*,Objects:%r%$0)],[switch(map(#apply/name,lvexits(%!),,%r),?*,Exits:%r%$0)])
@set Things and Exits in Columns/CONFORMAT=no_command prefixmatch
@EXITFORMAT Things and Exits in Columns=%b
@set Things and Exits in Columns/EXITFORMAT=no_command prefixmatch
&LINE Things and Exits in Columns=[if(%0, ljust(name(%0), %qW), space(%qW))][if(%1, name(%1))]